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Astro Tarot Forecast for October 2021

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr V The Hierophant


The Hierophant has been playing this game for a long time, Aries with seniority will be able to put their experiences to good use this month, while those new to the job market will be able to build their own positive experiences and skillset for themselves. Regardless of how long you’ve been in your line of work, this is a positive and powerful time for Aries across all industries. However, while the Hierophant promises you many learning opportunities or chances, remember he is not a youthful energetic card and will need time to rest here and there. Heed his advice and make sure you take adequate breaks between your major projects to recharge and relax.


The planet of love, Venus, makes her way into your 9th house of travel and philosophy from the 8th of this month onwards. Its magnetic energy and charm draw the naturally curious Aries to explore romantic opportunities or love outside of your usual methods or common areas. Go out of your comfort zone to seek out both partnership and friendship. Attached Aries might benefit from going on overseas trips with their family or trying out new activities with them. Sometimes it is your partner who is eager to try new things, so encourage them and try to join them if they are willing. This is an overall positive time for you, so don’t be afraid to explore it to the fullest of your ability.


The Hierophant is a wise and thoughtful card, however, he is considered an ‘elder’ card and when it comes to health, you need to take his advice. As suggested, your health needs further monitoring for most of this month. Your mental and emotional heath are still experiencing a good peak, but physically you should take things slower and not over exert yourself. There is no substitute for a good rest and proper sleep, so do not forsake either of these. Follow any good practices you have adopted last month and if you haven’t, then take last month as a lesson to start including some in your daily routine.


Financially, this is a prosperous month. Venus is also Aries’ financial planet and right now it is moving into your 9th house of travel and philosophy from the 8th onwards. This is a good time for you to make investments or for you to start reaping rewards from investments that you have already made. However, be careful as Venus is a passionate planet while Aries is full of fire. Your excitement from the combination of the two can amplify your carelessness or recklessness. So take some time to reign yourself in so you don’t accidentally jump into something that only looks good on the surface.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 11th, 19th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Blood Red

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May XI Justice


Taurians may have run into a bit of a blockade late last month with their career efforts. This is partially due to Mercury’s retrograde taking place on the 28th, and throwing a wrench into much of your plans. Luckily, Justice is the card that comes to help you; however, it is not here to do the work for you, but instead to reward you for the efforts and hard work that you put into solving the situation yourself. Justice is card that judges you based on your merit, so make sure you give it you honest all, in order to reap the benefits, you deserve. It is also important you maintain honest and good relationships with those around you. Karma will give back to you accordingly.


Taurus’ main planet, the planet of love; Venus, enters your 8th house of intimacy and contracts from the 8th of this month onwards. Both attached, single and Taurians not looking for relationships prosper this month. Venus grants you a newfound confidence and level of self-love for yourself. You know what you want out of life and the universe is ready to give it to you if you pursue it. Both romantic relationships and friendships blossom this month. You surround yourself with beautiful people; because you know they are your true friends. This is a fun and exciting time so embrace the generous and sensual energy that Venus lends to you this month.


A New Moon enters your 6th house of health and fitness from the 7th of this month onwards. Its reflective energy combined with Justice’s clear-cut objectiveness may put health at the top of your priority list this month. While there is nothing serious in the cards, there is nothing wrong with paying more attention to this area. The biggest issues that you may have to worry about this month is keeping up and maintaining your energy levels. This is a thrilling and exciting month, but it can still drain you with all of its high energy. So, ensure that you keep your diet healthy and clean and get proper sleep.


Justice advises you that there is no quick fix or fast scheme for you to get money this month. Justice is an old-fashioned card that instead, insists on traditional hard work and effort in order to produce the fruits of your labour. Much of your income is thus, likely to come through in your salary or career bonuses. Those around you are likely to prosper this month, so ensure you have solid networks or ties to them. Don’t be afraid to attempt something with a partner or work to support others in their ventures. Be cautious about making new investments this month.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 13th, 22nd, 31st

Lucky Colour: Money Green

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Four of Pentacles


Last month may have been quite stressful for you, luckily this is a good time to ease yourself back into the rat race. The Four of Pentacles promises that you will be able to slip back to your usual working post securely and without much incident. Furthermore, this month blesses you with more opportunities to pursue your own projects or interests at work. You are more excited about expanding your potential career horizons this month, so take up any chance you can get to flex your skills and test the waters around you. Just make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.


Two powerful planets will influence you this month. First, the self-reflective New Moon makes its way into your 7th house of relationships and marriage, and the passionate Venus enters your 5th house of romance and creativity from the 8th onwards. Geminis are boosted with a new sense of self-confidence and clearer perspective of what they want out of love. Opportunities to meet new people will be plentiful, while attached Gemini will find ways to strengthen the deep bond between you and your loved ones. This is a wonderful time so try to take advantage of it the most that you can. The New Moon may also influence you to seek higher spirituality this month, so don’t be afraid to do your own research into this area.


Geminis are likely to be in high spirits this month. Your health is in a new peak this month and you are feeling a new high as you enter it. Your energy levels are excellent and there is not much for you to worry about this month. This doesn’t mean you should be too relaxed on your healthcare though, as this month’s energy will greatly boost any new health routines or healthy habits that you are trying to implement. So be active about your wellbeing, exercise, try to eat cleaner and implement in proper work schedules. You will not regret it.


The Four of Pentacles is a bit of a conservative card. Gemini may look to start budgeting their expenses or implementing tighter financial control over their household budget. These are good habits to take on this month, as the financial situation and outlook may be a bit dry this month. While there is unlikely to be anything severe, there are also not many opportunities for you to invest or push your current financial ventures forward. There may be some stagnation in the surrounding environment, but this will eventually pass. So just keep your head down and ensure you remains table through this time.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 16th, 26th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Bright Orange

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul XIV Temperance


Like last month, Cancerians are more concerned with affairs outside of their career focus this month. There are more activities going on in your personal and social life and it can be hard to concentrate fully on climbing the career ladder. Temperance is a card that urges you to find a balance between your work and your personal life. While it may feel a bit tedious, try your best to put in as much effort in your career as you do out of it. You will be able to reap some benefit out of it in the long run. Stick to your usual menial tasks and take on projects are not so difficult this month. Even if you may not have too much interest in work, you can still make some progress this way.


A New Moon makes its way into your 4th house of home and family from the 7th of this month onwards. The lunar energies will naturally draw Cancerian’s focus towards this area. Attached Cancerians are more likely to take time off to spend with their families or relatives, in order to grow their bonds and strengthen their relationships with each other. Single Cancerians, likewise, may be more concerned about matters of the household. There is much activity buzzing around your family and you’re more than happy to participate in it. Just ensure that you are spending some time outside of your family as well. Do not neglect your career or other projects.


Venus moves into your 6th house of health and fitness from the 8th of this month onwards. Its passionate nature can clash with Cancerian’s cool calm to an extent. However, it is still a house that seeks to strengthen your mental and emotional capabilities. However, your physical health may require more monitoring this month as it is somewhat weakened. Luckily, there is nothing major in the cards that could seriously hamper your health in the long run, so do not be worried. Just ensure you take some extra care with your health this month by resting or taking supplements.


Most of your expenses will be focused towards your household this month. Temperance suggests that Cancerians are trying to turn their home into a perfect balanced layout where they can attend to their family but also feel comfortable doing their work in. The emphasis on family is heightened especially when it comes to your finances this month. You can find powerful connections or advice from your loved ones or those that have some relation to you. Do not hesitate to approach them when you need help or with the opportunities that you think will also interest them as well. Build a good rapport with those around you.

Lucky Dates: 9th, 18th, 27th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Grass Green

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug III The Empress


The Empress comes in more gently than The Devil card did last month. While many Leos had to be on their toes in September, October tells you that you can relax a little. When it comes to career though, there is a high chance that you will choose to take a step back from the rat race in order to focus on your family and friends. The Empress is a very people-orientated card. Even in work, it encourages you to find ventures or projects that have to do with nurturing or helping people make some form of growth. This is a good way to keep yourself invested if you cannot fully pull yourself back from your career. Take things easy.


Venus enters the 5th house of friendships and socialness from the 8th of this month onwards. Its compassionate energy combined with the nurturing nature of the Empress encourages you to focus on yourself and self-improvement this month. This also applies to your relationships with other people. Both Venus and the Empress rewards those who make effort to bridge gaps and help grow your bonds with others. However, be cautious as Venus can also be a very dramatic problem, so conflicts can be amplified by your emotions this month. Ensure you take a breath and remember the importance of your relationships before you start an argument.


Health takes a bit of a backseat this month. The Empress blesses you with continued good and stable health. It is easy, therefore, not to put too much stake into it this month as you pursue your goals in other areas of your life. Your mental and emotional health also look to be greatly improved this month, though you should still be careful as you may also be more short-tempered with others thanks to the influence of other planets in your houses. Try to keep up any good habits that you picked up from last month, but most of all relax and let go of all the stress that you may have been holding onto.


The Empress also encourages you to focus on the trades and relations between people when it comes to your finances this month. They may not necessarily be close associates, but those you can negotiate or make business with. If you are catering to consumers, it is even more important to take a deeper stake in customer feedback or marketing. People are your assets and you should strive to ensure that remain your assets. Otherwise, finances look to be mostly stable this month. You may encounter some obstacles, but they will likely be resolved by the middle of the month. Be patient and carry on, making changes where necessary in order to prosper.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 19th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Pastel Green

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Page of Pentacles


The Page of Pentacles is young, eager and ready to prove himself to the world. Last month, Virgos strived to reinvent themselves to be better and have a clearer perspective on their goals going forward. This month, you are continuing to strengthen your new image and build your reputation by showcasing your skills and talents. Virgos are also fiercely independent and this is amplified this month, meaning you may find it difficult to offload work to others. Instead of trying to force yourself, consider taking on more solo projects or projects with a small enough workload that you can handle it by yourself. This will save you a lot of stress from delegating and monitoring teammates.


Venus makes its way into your 4th house of home and family from the 8th of this month onwards. The planet of love will give you a much-needed boost in your household life this month. The Page of Pentacles, combined with Venus’ energy, encourages you to take things slowly and go at your own pace when it comes to relationships. There is no need to rush into anything, just enjoy the time you have been given that you can spend with your loved ones. This is a good time to attend workshops or classes to try and socialize with other people. It is a good way to meet others.


Health continues to take not be the top of your priority list t this month. The page of Pentacles is young and healthy, so there is not likely to be anything for you to worry about this month. The most that Virgos may have to be weary of is any extra stress that may arise from biting off more than you can chew at work or in your personal projects. Relax and focus on other areas of your life and don’t worry too much. As long as you have the proper outlets to vent and spend any stress that you may have accumulated.


Your good fortune with finances continues from last month. A New Moon is entering your 2nd house of money and income from the 7th of the month. The New Moon is one that encourages fresh starts, new perspectives or taking on a new clarity when it comes to your finances. This is a good time to spring clean your financial organization and get rid of any unnecessary expenditure. Try to pay off debts to ensure that you have a clean slate moving forward with your investments or future financial projects. The best thing you can do now is start making sure you have a good foundation to work off of.

Lucky Dates: 11th,18th, 24th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Pastel Orange

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Queen of Swords


The New Moon takes over from the fiery passion of Mars in your 1st house of self and attitude from the 7th of this month onwards. The introspective nature of the Moon combined with the Queen of Sword’s cool and calm demeanor, suggests that this is a good month to turn to study or matters of research. Libras in research-based industries will likely prosper this month, while those in other industries should consider taking out time to conduct their own studies in important fields of their work. This is also a good time to introduce more modern or efficient systems of organization or data tracking into your workplace.


Venus, the planet of love, makes its way into your 3rd house of society and communication. The charming and alluring energy of this planet promises Libras a positive and happy month ahead when it comes to your friends and relationships. The old age advice of ‘marry your best friend’ is especially true this month. Look for those with common interests as your own and work towards finding common ground with those already in your life. The Queen of Swords advises that taking up classes or joining research groups could lead to possible blossoming relationships. Even if love is not on the docket, you have a chance to make a lot of new friends.


Health continues to be in good spirits into this month. The Queen of Swords assures you that you have done what you can to boost it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do more. Adopting healthy habits or changing your schedule to allow you more breaks to rest and relax, can have very positive results for you in the long run. When health is good, it can be hard to notice it though, so stop every now and then to feel grateful for the good health that you are blessed with this month. Take advantage of it by taking care of yourself further, even while you focus on other areas of your life.


This is truly a fortunate and blessed month for Libras. The Queen of Swords continues to aid you in your finances throughout this month. Her energy is calm, clean and objective, all things that will benefit you as you look over your finances and decide what is the next best move to make. The Queen of Swords also encourages you to consider modernizing your current set ups to be more cost efficient and time saving. Be smart about how you go about it though and don’t do things for sake of doing things. Research carefully and then make your next move.

Lucky Dates: 7th, 16th, 25th, 26th

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Knight of Cups


Last month, Scorpios may have been taking a more hands off approach to their work, but the Knight calls for you to involve yourself more actively again this month. There are many new opportunities that will come to you this month, but only if you are participating in your work enough to catch them. The Knight of Cups is also a young card, best associated with leaning and studying. As you’re getting more involved, take any obstacles as opportunities to learn. Even the most senior of Scorpios can learn from their colleagues or those above them. Don’t be afraid to seek out advise or help if needed.


The Knight of Cup is a romantic and curious card. It encourages you to consider new avenues to form possible connections or friendships with others. Get out of your comfort zone by pursuing something you feel an interest in, but have not had the heart to try before. Attached Scorpios are likely to embrace the full romantic nature of the Knights this month. Your partner is more than lucky this month to have you by their side. Scorpios more than enjoy spoiling their loved ones, but should be more direct in communicating your own need for romance and affection in order to have it properly reciprocated.


Health is slowly getting better this month. There is unlikely to be any major setbacks when it comes to your health, however, there are still many ways you can boost your physique and mental health. The Knight of Cups is a card that tells you not to be afraid to self-indulge yourself a little bit. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself or have the odd cheat day. Though, be careful not to go too overboard. Scorpios can be very sensual and easily tempted by indulgence. Enjoy yourself every so often, but remember you’re rewarding good health, not trying to harm it by taking in too much as excess.


Venus makes its way into your 2nd house of income and money from the 8th of this month onwards. Scorpio has always been attracted to power and this month, power comes in the form of wealth. Be careful, however, about racking up too many expenses when you indulge yourself this month. Luckily, there will be opportunities to balance out your expenditure to an extent this month. Scorpios may focus more on creating new financial opportunities for themselves. It is a good time to start planning ahead and implementing new ventures into your current financial plans.

Lucky Dates: 10th, 17th, 18th, 27th

Lucky Colour: Maroon Red

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Five of Swords


Venus enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 8th of this month onwards. Its strong headed energy combined with the Five of Sword’s chaotic energy can mean that Sagittarians are feeling a bit restless at work. Don’t worry, things are slowly starting to progress forward again. Try not to let your impatience get the better of you while you work through this small slump. Be cautious against being overly competitive with your colleagues. Sometimes, you just need to take a break and get out of the workplace to stretch your legs every so often before you can dive back into it. Taking on personal projects during this time is also encouraged.


A New Moon moves into your 11th house of friendships and technology. The already extroverted Sagittarius gets a bit of a further boost this month. The New Moon like to bring a fresh perspective to things, for Sagittarius it may be urging you to get out of the age-old traditional way of searching for love if it isn’t working out for you. Technology is more prominent than ever, don’t be afraid to use it to help you find new friendships or relationships. Off course, remember to practice good cyber safety and still schedule activities outside of your phone or laptop with friends. Being smart about things will be your greatest asset.


Physical health takes a step back for that of mental and emotional health. With Venus in your 1st house of self and attitude, Sagittarians may be looking to reinvent themselves in a new way. One of these ways is to consider taking up new spiritual teachings or practices. Meditation can do wonders for your emotional health, while having a calming mantra to chant when stress can ensure your mental health stays stable. This is a good time to explore your options and find out what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment during this time of stable physical health.


Finances start to come to the forefront this month. They have been patiently sitting in the backseat while you focused on other areas of your life, but now is the time to take advantage of the prosperous period about to bless you. Remember to take advantage of newer technology in this time, but do not buy into anything without proper researching it first. This is a good time to look over your finances and start reinvesting interest over your previous decisions. Do you still feel the same way you did about a project now as when you first started it? If not, it may be time to clean house a little.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 21st, 29th

Lucky Colour: Silver White

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Nine of Swords


The energy from last month continues to linger into this month. Many Capricorns are still riding a career high. This can be boosted by the energy of the New Moon entering your 10th house of career and structure from the 7th of this month onwards. Its’ calming energy helps balance out the fiery fuel that is still driving you. Capricorns won’t just be concerned about making leaps and bounds in their workplace, but also ensuring that work is something that you can do comfortably in the long term. Capricorns working from home may like to consider creating a proper home office for future use. While those in offices may consider bringing in home comforts.


The Nine of Swords is a card that signals Capricorns may be dealing with some unresolved feelings or baggage this month. You are doing your best to work through them. This can be partially triggered by the fact that on first glance, your social life seems to be a bit dry. However, it just could be that you’re seeking out connections in the wrong places. Consider being open to social connection from all areas of your life. Especially your work place environment. Networking is sure to take a much bigger role this month. Genuine friendships can still come of it. It is also a good opportunity to practice your socialization skills.


The Nine of Swords advises you to take more care of your health this month. It can be more fragile due to added stress or pressures that you are feeling. Be a bit more careful this month about what you do. Ensure that you take more precautions against illness or stress. If you do feel stressed or burdened, remember to seek healthy outlets to vent that excess energy. Do not be too worried, each zodiac has their highs and lows when it comes to health. As long as you are careful, there is nothing to worry about and next month will promises you better health and stability.


Financially this is quite a prosperous time. Venus makes its way into your 12th house of spirituality and the subconscious. Its’ generous energies may influence Capricorns to consider more charitable or philanthropic ventures this month. There is nothing wrong with this, you will earn some good karma from helping others and your expenses can afford it. However, things may take on a bit of a slower pace this month due to other areas of your life. So don’t be alarmed if you find some things slowing down. Its your time for rest and relaxation, even when it comes to your finances.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 14th, 22nd, 31st

Lucky Colour: Pale Yellow

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb XXI The World


The World is a powerful and prosperous card that encourages you in your career this month. Things are slowly starting to turn around and pick up faster and faster momentum. This might be overwhelming to some, but to Aquarians, you have been getting ready to start making some tremendous progress for yourself. The World can be a very literal card sometimes, most of your success may come from exploring foreign potential business or from travelling for your work. Push for these sorts of opportunities or seek them out for yourself if you are your own boss. Either way, do not let this period slip you by.


Venus makes its way into your 11th house of friendships and technology. Venus’ charming and sensual nature meshes with Aquarian’s natural wit and creativity well this month. You are taking a more matured stance when it comes to love. You want to find someone who you don’t just have fun with, but that can understand your deeper mind and values on another level. Aquarians are not looking for fickle love this month, instead for deep intimate connections. As such, look to places where this similar maturity can be found in order to have the best chance to make potential matches with others. This is an overall positive and generous month when it comes to love.


The only area that Aquarians need to be more weary about is their health. While many other areas of your life are excelling this month, not taking care of your health may be the only thing that holds you back. There is nothing too major in the long run here, but this month does urge you to pay more attention to it. Aquarians can be prone to neglecting their health when they are distracted by other issues. Ensure you do the bare minimum for your health, taking care to get enough sleep, watching your diet and making sure that you get in regular exercise every now and then.


Finances may slow down a little this month or be met with more obstacles than previous. However, they still look to be quite strong. Many projects are coming to fruition this month, or you may be embarking on a new venture that you are really optimistic for. As always, do not be too reckless or careless with your decisions. Make sure you do the propre research and you trust your better judgement. The universe will try to pick up the rest for you. So go and enjoy this time and take advantage of it the best that you can.

Lucky Dates: 7th, 16th, 24th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Sunny Yellow

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Seven of Pentacles.


Venus makes its way into your 10th house of career and structure. Alongside the slower energy of the Seven of Pentacles, Pisces may find them move involved in their thought processes this month. You may be more careful with the decisions you make or slower to implement certain things, but you still make some progress this month. You are slowly starting to get back into the rhythm of working so don’t worry if you have not yet reached your peak. You are making your way there at your own pace at your own time. Things will naturally pick up speed around you the further that you go as well. Be patient and go with the flow.


The Seven Pentacles is a card that may be faced with an obstacle that they are trying to untangle or a problem that they are taking time to contemplate. In love, Pisces may experience complex emotions or situations that can stump them for a while. The key is to be patient like the Seven of Pentacles and take your time to figure it out. Love can be very prosperous this month despite any setbacks. Once you have resolved any issues, this is a good time to bond with your loved ones or meet new acquaintances and friends. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.


There is not much to say about your health. There is nothing major in the cards and things look to be generally stable and positive for this month. Pisces will not need to focus on it for majority of this month. All the same, keep up your good habits and any spiritual practices that you may have picked up from last month. Don’t be afraid to keep pushing your limit or taking this time to go on more adventurous ventures. Just remember not to be reckless or to overestimate your strength and endurance.


The Seven of Pentacles encourages you to continue tweaking and adjusting your financial organizations and plans. Last month was about taking out unnecessary expenditures or redundant projects. Continue to do so this month while also taking the necessary steps to build up your foundations. Having a strong base and clean slate to work of off is best for the long term. So try to make sure you don’t have things like old debts or overdue loans that may hold you back in the long term. Thing swill gradually begin to improve even further towards the end of the month. So be patient.

Lucky Dates: 10th, 17th, 18th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Rose Pink

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