1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Queen of Cups
In May, Mars enters Aries’ 12th house of secrecy and closure. From the 13th onwards, you must be careful about who you choose to confide in. Your colleagues may have hidden agendas that go against yours. Be careful about verbal contracts, as it is easy for people to go back on your work. Instead, strive to get your agreements in legal writing. Double check all information that comes your way and do not take sides until you are confident of the facts. The Queen of Cups advises that as long as you protect yourself, you will be able to accomplish a lot in May. Keep an eye out for opportunities that come your way. Good relationships or teamwork can be formed amicably during this month.
Aries must watch their tongues this month. It is easy for you to get distracted and forget to monitor what you are saying to your loved ones. An offhanded comment or unfiltered remark can easily cut someone you care about deeply. Once the seed is planted, it is easy for it to grow into a full-blown conflict or argument. Words can hurt. Likewise, you may find yourself on the receiving end of some careless remark or rumour. It can be difficult to find the truth this month, so focus on maintaining honest and open communication with your loved ones. Pay attention to conversations and do not pass judgement until you have spoken to someone directly. Queen of Cups is all about growing and nurturing existing relationships or form new ones. Make good use of this month to bond with your love ones and you will be pleasantly surprise by their respond.
Aries’ good health continues well into this month. Enjoy this good streak of health. Do not be afraid to go on an adventure or work on accomplishing your health goals this month. However, avoid being reckless, especially towards the middle of the month. As Mars enters Pisces, hidden health issues may suddenly crop up. Pay close attention to your body and consider scheduling a checkup if you suspect something is not quite right. Also be cautious when you are travelling or if you are weight training. Ensure you always have someone around to spot you or consult a trainer to know what the best way for you is to build muscle without pushing your limits too quickly.
It is easy for Aries to just sit back and relax when it comes to their finances. If you choose to do so, then there is nothing wrong with that. Income promises to be steady and expenses will be regular and predictable. You may receive some bonus income naturally through the course of your work. However, if you wish to truly bolster your finances, you will have to take action. Most importantly, you should look over your current financial plans and investment. There is always something that you can do better. The Queen of Cups advises that you not let yourself become too content and always strive for self and financial improvement.
Lucky Dates: 6th, 7th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Color: Pale Blue

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Seven of Wands
Firstly, happy birthday to those celebrating this month. Mars enters Taurus’ 11th house of humanitarianism and social relationships. This month, business relationships and the workplace atmosphere will play important roles for Taurians. While you should work towards maintaining relationships, you must learn that you cannot win everyone over. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to remain neutral and avoid taking sides. However, that doesn’t mean letting yourself be stepped on. Instead, you must be proactive and not let your intentions become misinterpreted by others. Likewise, in your career, the Seven of Wands, advises that you avoid being passive and actively work to achieve your goals. Remember to put yourself first and be cautious about accepting new deals without proper research.
Venus, Taurus’ planet, will retrograde in the middle of May. For the first half, Taurians may settle into their relationships. New couples will attempt to grow their relationships by trying to live with one another in harmony. Taurians may believe that things will continue as smoothly. However, in the second half of the month, you have to be more cautious. As this is the time where conflicts are more likely to occur. Listen to the Seven of Wands and be on your guard. Single Taurians should be careful if someone seems to be too good to be true. Attached couples should pause whenever they feel an argument is coming up. Instead, take a deep breath and try to work out any issues practically and peacefully.
Taurians are blessed with a burst of energy this month. The Seven of Wands lends it’s fighting spirit and energetic nature to you this month. Your body understands that there is no time to rest and it’s doing your best to help tide you over this month. Enjoy this good bounty of health, however, be cautious about getting caught up in arguments or conflicts. While, physically, you are on top of your game, you may find that you are more prone to temper flare ups. Learn to take a deep breath when you feel yourself strong disagreeing with someone. Use all the energy you have been blessed with for productive measures instead of arguing.
Taurians may have to juggle their finances a bit this month. You are already feeling quite distracted by all the other areas of your life, so may have a difficult time focusing on your financial organization. With Mars in Taurus’ 11th house of relationships, you should be careful about those who approach you asking for loans or offering opportunities that sound too good to be true. It is best to hold off on making any decision until later on. It is alright to take on a much thriftier approach this month. Be careful with your budget and make plans for future investments before you embark on any of them.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 30th, 31st
Lucky Color: Sky Blue

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords signals that this will not be an easy month when it comes to work or career. Many Gemini will have to prepare themselves for the heavy workload coming their way and hunker down for most of the month. Mercury enters Gemini’s 1st house of identity and attitude, throwing a wrench in Gemini’s carefully thought out plans and ideas. There may be more delays or unexpected projects that require your attention in May, forcing you to put many of your own ideas on the backburner. This can be a stressful month, however, bite your tongue and always think diplomatically when trying to push things forward. You will find that you have accomplished a lot by the end of the month.
Geminis may take on a more practical approach to love this month. Last month gave you a good kick when it came to starting new relationships, rekindling old ones or simply relighting the passion in your current relationships. Coming off that high, many Gemini may now look to start taking the next step forward. Thus, many Geminis may be busy, setting up the homelife or altering household routines to accommodate their loved ones. While you are blessed in their period of peace, be careful, as conflicts may still rear their ugly heads. These conflicts are likely to be more impactful and frustrating this month. Stand your ground, but learn to compromise in order to fully resolve any issues that are brought up.
The Eight of Swords cautions that you be careful this month. You may find yourself stretched too thin in many different areas of your life. This can leave you exhausted both mentally and physically. Emotionally, Geminis may bounce between optimism and pessimism due to how volatile your surroundings are. It is important that you learn to distance yourself from situations at times, in order to take a deep breath and allow yourself to look at things objectively. Do not be afraid to treat yourself this month in order to help yourself wind down. Gemini needs to learn to take proper breaks and not always stress themselves out.
Geminis will be glad to hear that they can relax when it comes to their finances. Things are relatively stable. Most investments or financial decisions you make will bear some fruit, enough to keep you on your feet. You may start building up your financial foundation this month. Consider researching into potential investments. Both short term and long-term investments will have a good chance to pay out quickly this month, however, consider reinvesting your earnings to achieving success in future financial projects. Avoid venturing into too high risks as the stock market will likely be still volatile or unpredictable.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 6th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Color: Reddish White

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul Six of Cups
The Six of Pentacles advises that you pay attention to your colleagues and workplace relationships this month. The full moon enters Cancer’s fifth house of self-expression and creativity, blessing Cancer with an added layer of charisma and wit. This is the best time to schedule meetings, attempt negotiations or hash out the final terms of a contract. You will have an easier time swaying people in your favour. However, you must be cautious in the second half of the month. It is better not to take any action in the latter half of the month. Instead, be patient and observe the surroundings around you. Delays and complications may occur in the second half of the month.
The full moon in Cancer’s fifth house empowers Cancerians especially when it comes to romance. The Six of Cups also strives to encourage you this month. Learn to embrace the fun-loving and carefree side of yourself. This is a good time for couples to show how much they love each other. Single Cancerians have a high chance of meeting someone who helps lower their walls in the first half of the month. However, take caution in the second half as other signs will start to get more restless. Some may even start rumors that make it difficult for you to fully enjoy yourself. Learn not to buy into them. Instead, talk honestly to your loved ones in order to avoid creating misunderstandings.
Jupiter’s retrograde halfway through the month can cause some undue stress for Cancerians in various areas of their life. This can physically affect your health, so you must take some precautions. Firstly, do not let yourself become pent up with emotions. Ensure you have an outlet to vent and a safe way to let your energy out. Pay close attention to your body as well. Trust your instinct if you feel something warrants a doctor’s check-up. Try to avoid overly cooling or heaty foods. Maintain a balance diet and do not overwork yourself this month. Cancerians with allergies, chronic aches or illnesses, should take extra care this month. Carry any medication you need with you.
Heed the advice of the Six of Cups, and do not let your sentimental side tempt you into purchasing things recklessly. You may be tempted to spend money before looking at your wallet or shower someone you love in gifts without thinking of yourself. Stop. Take a breath and check your budget. Attached Cancerians should think about creating a family budget for the household. There may be unexpected expenses cropping up this month, and you will want to be ready for them when they do. Avoid making any hasty decisions when it comes to investing or starting up new financial projects. It may be better to postpone your choice until next month.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th
Lucky Color: Light Purple

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Six of Swords
The Six of Swords blesses Leo with a helpful boost of energy in May. Make the most of this energy in the first half of the month. You will be able to accomplish a lot if you put your mind to it. Enjoy the spotlight, however, take some precaution in the second half of the month. Jupiter’s retrograde on the 14th of May, can cast a shadow over you. You may feel impatient when faced with delays or sudden obstacles. This can lead to workplace conflicts over the small details of a project. These small issues can easily worsen if you aren’t careful, so work at resolving them quickly and peacefully with those involved.
Like the Six of Wands, as Leo travels forward, they may enter a foggy patch in their travels. Things aren’t immediately clear to you and this can leave you frustrated, especially in your love and social life. If issues crop up at home, you aren’t sure what the cause of them. Disagreements leave you feeling more puzzled than angry, and conflicts make you more confused than irritated. All the same, Leos will always try to stand their ground and fight even if they aren’t sure what it is exactly, they’re fighting for. Instead of hunkering down when you feel a storm coming, stop and speak honestly and openly to your loved one. Don’t be afraid to admit you aren’t so sure how to smooth things over.
As before, Leos are fired up in May. This can be both good and bad, depending on how you use this energy. Normally, you’re more than happy to take advantage of this period of good health to help advance your career and personal goals. However, Leos have a tendency to get carried away. You may end up becoming reckless with your health or overestimate your ability. There is also the risk that you may burn yourself out. Strive to understand your limits. You can push past them a little bit, but ultimately try to stay within them. Be extra careful in regards to your temper, as it is prone to flaring up this month.
Leos were blessed with luck during the end of April, however, now they must consolidate their luck and learn to be thrifty with what they currently have. Now is not a good time to be frivolous with your expenses. Both your household and business will benefit from having budgets. Avoid having these two areas cross over into one another. Do not make any major decisions regarding your financial projects or investments this month. Try to avoid seeking out or giving away loans this month, it will cause you more stress than it is worth.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th
Lucky Color: Light Green

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Queen of Swords
Like the Queen of Swords, Virgos feel very comfortable where they are seated this month. You know you are the brains of any operation that occurs, and you are quite proud of it. Your creativity, intellect and innovative mind are your best assets this month and you should use them well. Be forward with your ideas. However, be careful towards the second half of the month, as you may face serious competition from those you least expect. It may be harder to predict when happens as things progress, so try to build up your foundations as early as possible. Ensure you are always present when it comes to meetings or signing contracts on your behalf.
Virgos walk a bit of a thin line between extrovert and introvert this month. There are times where you are excited to be with people and help them in their goals, but there are also times where you are just completely comfortable being by yourself. That being said, May promises to be a bit of a mixed bag, so it is good if you can adapt yourself accordingly. While couples will be able to enjoy an extended period of harmony and even rekindle romance in their relationships, misunderstandings and internal conflicts can still cause tension. Virgos must learn to keep their cool and use their head in these situations. This way you can continue the peace in the household.
Virgos are acutely aware of their own health and mentality. You fully understand your body and the limits that it has. Your mind is your most powerful tool for keeping yourself healthy this month. Doing extra research or visiting a dietician or health expert to learn more about what suits you best is encouraged this month. Also ensure that you keep yourself mentally stimulated in order to avoid letting your mind grow dull. Otherwise, there is little that you have to worry about this month. Your health is relatively positive, and you should focus on expanding your career and personal goals.
Virgos have a chance to really expand their financial outreaches. This is a relatively stable and predictable time for you. It is unlikely you will have much to worry about when it comes to expenses or unforeseen debts, as you should have everything already planned out and laid neatly for you to follow. There are no major changes foreseen this month, but this allows you to start cultivating your financial projects or making long term investments. Just ensure you do your research beforehand.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Color: Smart White

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct XIII Death
Libras may have found themselves completely engrossed in work last month. Be it literally or mentally. However, in May, the Death card signals that you may decide to step away from the bubble of work for a while to focus on other areas of your life. Many Libras are realizing the importance of family and may choose to reorganize their busy schedules in order to accommodate more family time. This has the added benefit of many Libras maximizing their time at work to be more efficient overall. However, while Libras are finding more joy in personal relationships, they may have to watch out for their career relations. Choose your business partners carefully, as people may look to take advantage of you.
May is a bit of a mixed month when it comes to relationships. With Venus’ retrograde, Libras may feel that you often have to put yourself behind other people. You are a sign of balance and harmony and may strive tirelessly to achieve it. However, sometimes you need to take a step back and understand that you don’t always have to be the one to fix things. Instead focus on yourself and the positive relationships around you. Do what you can, but do not push yourself to fix issues that do not concern you or may stress you out needlessly. Remember, to do the best you can, and when that is done, love yourself unconditionally. The world will return that love to you in due time.
Libras should take it a little easier when it comes to their health. The Death card advises you that now is the time to start making changes to your diet or routine to ensure you are not putting yourself at any risk. Do not push yourself too much this month, especially emotionally. You may find yourself in high stress situations, which can not only affect your physical health, but also make you more prone to carelessness or forgetfulness. Aside from this, your health situation is relatively positive. Enjoy this period and learn to take breaks when needed. Libras may feel the urge to rush, but this is the time to take it slow and easy.
Take a breath Libra, your period of stability isn’t over yet. This month gives a bit more grace to Libras when it comes to their finances. You may be worried that since you’re investing less time or energy into your career, that your income may be affected. However, changes, if any, will only be very minor. Libras will be able to predict their financial situations easily this month. People close to you may look to offer you financial advice or monetary encouragement. Do not let yourself be frivolous with your spending though. Even the most solid foundations can be worn away without a proper budget or plan.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Light Grey

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Queen of Pentacles
Scorpios are like the Queen of Pentacles in May, you are solid and sure in your foundation and goals, but you are also aware of the people and relationships around you. This is a good time for you to shine and show just how much you deserve the success that comes your way. Don’t be afraid to be more assertive and seek out people. Your silver tongue can turn many a negotiation or meeting in your favor, especially if they are held overseas. However, take caution as in the second half of the month, many signs are hit with a period of instability. Scorpios are a bit luckier than most but should still work on shoring up their positions in the earlier half of May.
The haze of last month is starting to fade away. As Scorpios emerge from their own heads, ready to start socializing and building their relationships again. Luckily, the stars are shining on you in the first half of the month. Blessing you with favorable relationships and many warm moments with your friends and family. Attached Scorpios may find that their bonds with their spouses or children are growing. However, be cautious as when Venus retrogrades on the 13th, things may take a turn. Arguments, especially regarding household finances or money, may threaten to cause disharmony. Take a breath and work to make a plan that is both practical, but also accommodating.
There is much to be happy about in May, however, Scorpios have to ensure that they are healthy enough to enjoy all the blessings that come their way. That is why they will have to take extra precaution when it comes to their health. You may start off feeling ready for anything, but nearer towards the end of the month, you may be feeling burnt out. It is not for a negative reason, rather all the socializing and running around is simply a bit overwhelming for you. Learn to take a step back from situations and do not stress yourself out unnecessarily. Taking some alone time for yourself every now and then can be useful. For workaholic Scorpios, avoid working late nights.
Financially, this may be a bit of a tight month. Money may be brought up often either by loved ones or in your career. Scorpios may feel they have yet to find their footing when it comes to playing the economy or creating your financial plan. The Queen of Pentacles advices that you be methodical. Work through any financial issues with those around you, and do not stress too much if you have to take care of any necessary expenses. Take things slow and do not be hasty. Avoid reckless investment and consider all alternatives before making a decision.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 8th, 16th, 17th
Lucky Color: Woody Brown

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Knight of Swords
Sagittarius’ starts off May like the Knight of Swords, busily rushing around to conquer any issues and start making successful conquests. Sagittarians will love being able to run around and exercise their business skills. And there is no shortage of opportunities for you. For a while, it feels like there is little that can go wrong for you. However, you may experience a bit of a slowdown in the second half of the month. With Jupiter’s retrograde, many signs are choosing to slow down and be more reflective. This can be frustrating for the feisty Sagittarius. You will need to learn to slow your roll and be more detail orientated. There may be many small details of your work that will need ironing out.
Venus’ retrograde affects all signs, but Sagittarians should be a bit more careful this month. While you are rushing around victoriously as a shining knight in your workplace, you may accidentally forget that your homelife needs that same amount of attention. Lack of quality time with your loved ones can lead to open arguments. Often, the issue you believe you are arguing over is not the true heart of the matter. Remember, in a fight, people will always mirror each other’s energies. So while, it can be tempting to raise your voice and stand your ground, sometimes you need to pause, take a breath and invite your loved ones to state their points. Employing a diplomatic nature is especially important.
The Knight of Swords stokes the fire within Sagittarians in the month of May. You feel fired up, no pun intended. Work hard and play hard is your motto this month. So ensure that you get equal measures of both. For ever two hours you work, ensure that you have a few minutes to just rest and focus on yourself. Pampering yourself this month will have great effects on your mental and emotional health, and you definitely deserve a treat every now and then. You are more in tune with your body than you have ever been. Do not waste this blessed time.
May is a relatively stable month for Sagittarians. With Mars in Sagittarians’ 4th house of foundations and home, most of our finances or income may be focused on household expenses. Luckily, the fire that help you excel in your career, will also ensure that you have a regular and stable flow of income to keep you afloat this month. Things are relatively comfortable at the moment and Sagittarians do not need to make any major moves. Be cautious when it comes to investing in real estate though as it may not be the best market this month.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 18th, 19th
Lucky Color: Pale Orange

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan I The Magician
Mars enters Capricorn’s 3rd house of communication and social activity roughly halfway through May. There will be an important emphasis on workplace partnerships and Capricorns’ ability to innovate and be creative. The Magician encourages you to be open to receiving suggestions and be willing to take risks on projects that may mean more to you personally than it does in a business sense. However, avoid taking risks in the second half of the month, as Venus’ retrograde can cause strain on relationships both in and out of the workplace. This may put some stress on you as you are not sure who you can confide in. Rely on your business instincts then, be practical and do what you know will be best for your career.
Capricorns should act quickly in the first half of this month. It is a harmonious and blessed time for spending with your loved ones and strengthening relations with your friends and family. Single Capricorns have a chance of meeting someone overseas, while attached couples can benefit from taking a short trip to focus on themselves. However, in the second half of the month, Venus’ retrograde can sour things a little. As things become busier in your career, things may be strained as you have less time to spend with your family. This can lead to misunderstandings or even arguments if you are not careful. Ensure you always inform your loved ones when you are busy.
The Magician is a hardy and energetic card, Capricorns are blessed with a high boost of energy this month. This rush of energy can give them a confidence boost as well, however, they should be cautious of letting it get to their head. While you are blessed with brilliant skills of reasoning and practicality, remember that you are still prone to the odd careless mistake here and there. Thus, do not take too many risks when it comes to your health. Especially when you are travelling overseas. Do not forsake necessary precautions.
This is a stable and predictable period for Capricorn. If you choose to leave your financial situation alone, you will still likely be able to make it through this month comfortably. It is up to you to make the most of it if you choose to. The Magician works with the tools he is provided, and Capricorns should also learn to work within their boundaries if they want to truly excel and succeed. It will be entirely based on your own skill and research when it comes to success. Things are black and white this month, luckily, Capricorns are usually skilled at making the most of their own resources and abilities.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th
Lucky Color: Deep Purple

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Six of Wands
Like many other signs, Aquarians may experience two different periods of success and obstacles in the month of May. Unlike other signs, however, instead of feeling hyper-focused on your work in the first half of the month, Aquarians may experience a more relaxed and subdued period. Like the Six of Wands, you are riding on a victory you’ve already accomplished and do not feel the need to dive back into the deep end just yet. In the second half of the month, however, while you still do not feel ready to immerse yourself in work, there are more urgent things that need your attention. You will have to prepare yourself mentally for dealing with delays or issues.
Family is where the heart is at. With Mars entering Aquarius’ 5th house of romance and love, you are putting a lot more stake and energy into your home affairs. This may be a time where you physically choose to renovate, refurbish or change the layout of your home. Or, you are working on strengthening your family bonds and settling any conflicts. However, Venus’ retrograde in the middle of the month can throw a wrench in your plans. People will be more prone to conflicts and relationships are strained. You can work to overcome this by continuing to be both supportive, but also open and honest in talking to your loved ones.
The Six of Wands blesses Aquarius with renewed energy and good health. You are starting to settle into a more comfortable period of your life, where you are beginning to define your limits and understand your body. Trust your instinct when it comes to your health, ultimately, you are the one who knows what is best for you. Any issue will lie within external factors that may call for you to come out of your comfort zone and push past your limits a bit. A lot of stress or strain will usually be within your own mind. Ensure you mentally prepare yourself for challenges or hard work.
Once again, Aquarians will experience a tend of comfort, followed by one where they will have to start working harder in order to achieve the same level of success. This holds true when it comes to their finances. Things may seem relatively stable and easygoing in the beginning of the month, but do not be fooled. Your may find that you have to tighten up your budget in the second half of May, especially when it concerns your household and family. Take advantage of the first half to shore up your foundation and ensure that you have enough for a rainy day.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 6th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Color: Light Brown

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar XV The Devil
Mars enters Pisces 1st house of self and identity in the middle of May. This may give the usually demure and shy Pisces an added and needed assertive boost in the workplace. While this energy will spill over into the first half of the month, giving you an edge in the workplace, especially when it comes to negotiations or debates, it may cause some issues in the latter half. The energy of the Devil may cause Pisces to become more paranoid and controlling in their work. Managers may feel the desire to micro-manage their subordinates or be more aggressive than assertive. Learn to take a step back. Your pro-active stance is useful, but tone it down to avoid becoming overbearing or bossy.
The advice for a Pisces’ love life is relatively the same as the advice for their career and workplace. Likewise, you may experience a much needed confidence boost in the first half of the month. This can help single Pisces be more active in meeting and socializing with others. Helping you to gain more friends or expand your social circles. Attached couples can rebalance their relationship dynamics. However, in the second half of the month, you have to be careful about becoming overbearing. Conflicts may arise and the harmonious environment may suddenly feel like a battleground. Learn to be patient and compromise. Allow others to speak their mind before you do yours.
Pisces are part of a few select signs whom are feeling fired up and ready to go in May. There is little to worry about your physical health, and many Pisces won’t be concerned as they have other things to focus on. The area that you may have to focus on the most will be concerning your mental and emotional health. It is not that you are feeling particularly sensitive, rather, you can let your emotions control your actions. It may sound unusual, but the normally sweet Pisces can be prone to temper flareups this month. There’s nothing wrong with standing your ground, but do not forget that peace is better than war.
May is a relatively calm and stable month for Pisces. Other areas of your life are far more exciting and there is not much in the cards for your finances. There may be some small changes, but they are unlikely to be very noteworthy. Likewise, Pisces has little time to really focus on their finances. They are best left untouched for the moment. However, if Pisces do want to better their foundations, this is the best time to make long term investments. Favor plans that may take longer, but are guaranteed to payout well for you in the future.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 8th, 30th, 31st
Lucky Color: Light Green