1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr Ten of Cups
2022 threw many curveballs your way when it came to your career, however, Aries may have a much more predictable time as they progress into 2023. However, it is by no means smooth sailing all the way as you will have to put in real effort and hard work in order to achieve all that you are capable off. Mars, your home plants, moves along a mostly straight path this month, blessing those who continue to progress alongside it. You will run into your fair share of obstacles and conflicts as always, this month, and the stars encourage that you spend time building a strong foundation or record of your career in order to give you that extra leverage when you do encounter a problem.
2023 throws Aries a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to their personal and romantic lives. The planet of love Venus enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the early beginnings of this year. While it is there, it lends a strong passion and a great desire and attitude towards harmony and solidarity in the first half of the year after 2022. However, in the latter half, there can also be great passions that lead to conflict or disagreements. It is important that you strive to balance these two energies such that they don’t overwhelm you later on. Your goal this year, should be to resolves all arguments as amicably as possible and not hesitate on making important decisions that can shape both your future and that of your loved ones.
The strong and hearty planet Jupiter lends you its energy throughout the year, blessing you with a strong constitution and stable energy levels. However, take note that its energy will not always be consistent throughout the year and during the latter winter months, you may find yourself taking a dip in energy levels. It is important that you pay attention to your body and understand your limitations for when you’re both at your peak or during recovery times. Even with your luck in health, it will only help you further to be more aware of your body and take precautions in order to safeguard your health in the long run.
Your finances follow your career in 2023. As your overall work ethic and productivity increase and grow, so does your overall finances and wealth. You may also find that this year is ripe for potential promotions or bonuses that can further bolster your overall financial wellbeing. You will have more financially positive months this year, though the months where you may find yourself spending more will often be due to necessities or expenses related to your family. It is important that you always keep a small nest egg for yourself if you ever run into any periods of financial trouble, though those will be few and far between.
Lucky Months: February, April, August,
Cautious Months: March, September, November, December

2 Taurus - 21 Apr to 20 May Knight of Pentacles
Taurians are both wiser and much more pragmatic after the chaotic year that was 2022. You strive to enter 2023 with a new practical mindset and logical outlook. While you career may blossom and benefit from this new attitude, you may still receive some pushback from unexpected delays or outside influence that slows you down. The universe still encourages you to persevere and see all your efforts through to the end. The tide is slowly turning in your favor, but you will need to be patient and trust all the research and energy you have put into building yourself or your projects up. While this may not be the most productive year, you can still make great progress in your career and overall business.
As Mercury and Jupiter transition across the skies this year, their energies will intensify most events that occur in a Taurian’s love life or romantic life. Those in stable and strong relationships, can enjoy all the harmonies and affection that their loved ones can give them, while those in conflict or disharmony may face a wake-up call that will jolt them towards improving their relationships or leaving behind emotional baggage. The important thing is to strive towards harmony and make sure you have proper outlets to turn to if you ever feel yourself buckling under the pressure. Things can get tough this month, but even difficult times will help to shape and mold you into a better person if you always strive towards improving your situation and relationships.
Last year took a sizeable chunk out of Taurian’s energy, especially coming off the holiday season. Both your physical and mental health have taken a bit of a hit and it is completely normal that you feel more lethargic in the beginning of the year. So, keep an eye on your health as you recover your energy and be especially careful when you are feeling tired or exhausted. It is important that you rest when you need to instead of pushing your limits to a point where you can become careless due to ill judgement. You will slowly get back your usual energy as long as you prioritize your overall health throughout the year.
As mentioned above, Taurians are coming off a hard year and the fresh holiday season. You may find that your expenses have taken a bit of a dip in the beginning quarter of this year and you will have to be thriftier in order to work off any old debts or loans. Often times, you will find that you have to spend money to make money and it can be frustrating when you don’t see the immediate results. This can easily be quite frustrating for Taurians, making it tempting to snap at those who seek to give you financial advice or wealth tips. Instead, be open minded to the suggestions of others as they strive to help ease your burdens. Remember that you are often strong within a unit.
Lucky Months: February, May, October, November
Cautious Months: January, July, September

3 Gemini - 21 May to 21 Jun Seven of Swords
Work is like a game this month, filled with various obstacles, phases and different balancing acts to fulfil. Geminis may find themselves being put in several tough spots this month, but most importantly, the decision will ultimately be up to you, on how to proceed forward. When you run into any tough spots this year, remember that the best way is to divide and conquer your issues. Take things one at a time and try to set a list of priorities so you know what to tackle first and foremost. Though this can be a complex and trying year, all your hard work and perseverance will pay off, so keep your nose to the grind and avoid getting distracted by petty drama or conflicts.
The near year brings in many new chances for love to bloom and grow. Geminis, both single and attached, have a good chance of finding new passions or strengthening old ones in the beginning half of the year. However, the next step of those relationships will be up to Geminis to pursue themselves. Remember, that not all relationships need focus on romance, you will have plenty of opportunities to expand and grow your social network of friendships in the beginning months of this year as well. In the latter months, Geminis will be more focused on improving their current household situations and nurturing those who are already in their life.
This year begins on the tail end of Mar’s retrograde through your sign. This gives you a quick burst of energy to start the new year off, but you must be careful as you can also be subject to more careless and reckless behavior. Though things will cool off quickly, you should still think through all your actions before you come to any final decisions. For the most part, your health is strong and stable this year, though your immunity system may wane a little in the winter months, and you will have to take more care of your overall wellbeing. You may still be subject to some minor illnesses that come as a result of overworking yourself, so make sure to take note of your limits.
Money comes and goes this year, though you may see it flow out more often than you’d like. However, you need to focus on the big picture and watch where your expenses are actually going. Often, you will find that there are necessary expenditures related to your work and fueling your financial ambitions. In most cases, you will find you have to spend money to solve an issue. This is all building towards decent payouts in the long run. In the meanwhile, though, remember to rely on those around you and repay their kindness in due time. Though this is a financially tight year, you should be able to emerge out of the other end unscathed if you continue being smart with your decisions.
Lucky Months: January, April, June, August
Cautious Months: February, May, December,

4 Cancer - 212 Jun to 22 Jul Four of Wands
Cancerians are ready to dive back into their careers this year, however, while it is easy to move forward, it is harder to look backwards. While this year provides you many new opportunities to grow your business and build upon your reputation, you may find that older issues or conflicts may once again resurface and demand for you to finally address them. This is all part of moving onto better things, and the stars advise you try to get the majority of these issues sorted before the beginnings of mercury’s retrograde in April.
A lot of your focus is centered around your work and career life this year, which can lead to some issues festering in your love and personal life. This can be especially true in the case of Cancerians who live with family or relatives, and is often caused by older issues coming back or new misunderstandings as you grow and learn. This is all part of the growing pains of relationships and Cancerians need to learn to be patient and committed to helping resolve such issues in the long run. It may be difficult, but the end result is a stronger family unit and overall healthier relationships. However, make sure that you also take breaks for yourself.
Your streak of good health continues into this year. Despite the tough situations and different obstacles that life tests you with, it is also blessing you with the strength and energy to tackle these problems head on. However, remember that you are still human, not a machine that can go on forever, and burnout is something very real that you have to look out for. Make sure that you slow down when you can to look after yourself. Pay attention to both your physical and mental health and make sure you have outlets to express yourself when you need to. Most importantly, find someone you can trust, and whom you can always talk to if you feel yourself getting overstimulated by life.
This is a year of progress and Cancerians will feel that especially strongly in their wallets. Money and income are tied to your hard work and perseverance. As long as you put in your all and work smart, you will be able to handily reap your rewards throughout the year. This year is also especially important when it comes to clearing any old debts, financial hang ups or owed loans. It is a good time to wipe the slate clean by tying up all loose ends such that you can continue earning your wealth with peace of mind that there is nothing from your past that may catch you off guard.
Lucky Months: February, April, July
Cautious Months: January, May, June, August

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Three of Wands
The magnanimous and business minded Jupiter joins you for your journey throughout this month, often settling in the professional sector of your chart. Its strong energy and intuition help Leos to navigate even the biggest of obstacles this month. You feel yourself brimming with potential this year and you have the ability to make great waves in your working life. However, the world will not just let you pass by without testing you to see if you are truly worthy of your successes. All periods of difficulty will be followed by those where you see the fruits of your labor though, so use that to motivate you whenever you feel yourself on the verge of giving up. Success is just around the corner!
There are some tough decisions that Leos will have to make throughout this year. As you reach new milestones in your personal lives, you will often find yourself at a crossroads about how to proceed forward with your relationships. Both single and attached Leos may find themselves embarking on a new path this month, but it will be tricky overall to maintain any thing without significant effort and perseverance. Change is inevitable, so embrace it and make the best of it. Overall, try to maintain harmonious relationships with your loved ones.
Leos start off this year feeling reenergized and full of vigor to tackle all issues ahead. You have very little to fear for majority of this year, though you may meet a bit of a stone wall in the latter winter months. This period is where you will have to be a little more cautious and take note of your health and limitations a bit more seriously. While there is likely nothing serious, it can still be irritating to fall ill towards the end of the year. Otherwise, for the majority of the time, you can enjoy this year and your bountiful health with your loved ones.
Its no surprise that Leo’s finances are reaching new peaks this year, considering the progress and successes that you’re achieving when it comes to your career. Leos can rely on a steady and dependable income to help bolster their overall wealth throughout this month. Try to time your investments with your peak periods of financial growth this month, but also remember to set aside any extra savings for future rainy days. Although it is unlikely you’ll fall on too many hard times this year, you should still have a nest egg in case of emergencies or for the unlikely situations that this following year might bring.
Lucky Months: January, May, June
Cautious Months: February, March, July, December

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Ace of Swords
Last year was quite productive for Virgos when it came to their work, however, towards the latter months, Virgos may have been feeling an increasing restlessness. This year, you are determined not to let yourself fall in a rut. The universe encourages you to take a big step and make a change in your usual routines. This could come in the form of new opportunities or taking on more responsibilities in your workplace. What is most important though, is that you are sure of your choices and stick to it. You may face new difficulties and obstacles as a result, but this is natural as you walk along this new path, so keep your chin up and face them head on. Often, your choices will lead to better outcomes.
Virgos may face their fair share of trials this month when it comes to their relationships and personal lives. Like their career Virgos may be feeling a bit restless, and may attempt to change their current routines around again. This will be most useful when it comes to tackling the past issues or conflicts that may be arising again this year. Sometimes, if you are not making any headway on a particular topic, it is time to change your approach and find a new way to deal with it. Often times, this will mean taking responsibility for the past and using what you have learnt to help better your future.
Saturn is making its transition into your 6th house of health and fitness throughout this year.
Its energy draws Virgo’s attention towards their work and productivity this month, but can also put quite a lot of pressure on your overall physical and mental health. Thus, you need to be more cautious and mindful of your health this year. It is important to know your limitations and know when to step back if you think you are reaching them. Those who suffer from chronic aches or persistent illnesses should ensure they avoid places that can aggravate their symptoms and keep their medicine on them at all times. Take a bit more precaution this year and you will be able to sail through it smoothly.
Things will be a bit tight when it comes to your finances in the beginning months. This is tied to the transitionary period that you are going through at work as you start to decide and carve out your future path. During that time, you may have to be thriftier with your finances and overall budgeting to avoid falling into any tough spots. Once you get past this initial period, things will start to improve more readily as money comes in more steadily. You will be better assured of your financial future as well, giving you more control and insight when it comes to your future decisions.
Lucky Months: January, February, July
Cautious Months: March, April, May, October,

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Queen of Cups
Those who are not in a position of authority may find themselves assigned new responsibilities or titles that put them in charge of other people or in a higher working ranking. While this newfound power grants you new opportunities, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed by the amount of management that you will have to take on this year. Don’t try to tackle everything on your own, remember that you have built up a strong network that you can rely on. Make sure to learn from their expertise and employ your own bit of knowledge to ensure that you decisions are the best that they can be. This will be a tough adjusting period, but you will be able to reap the rewards of your hard labor soon enough.
Libras may have been quite content last year without too many events happening in their social or personal life, however, this year promises you new opportunities to expand your social circles and meet new potential romances. The following year is filled with passion and possibilities of long burning romances for single Libras, while attached Libras can renew a new spark in their relationships. However, not everything will be completely smooth, as you may still come across some conflicts or arguments with how high your passions do run. Always keep a cool head and try not to escalate any situations and you will find that your conflicts will be more easily resolved. Otherwise, enjoy this year.
Your health takes a slight dip this year, though it is nothing serious. You may still find yourself skating a bit of a thin life when it comes to your physical health and energy levels. It is important that you get adequate rest and avoid exhausting yourself to the point of burnout. This year is full of stimulating activities, but it can also be very stressful with all the exciting things going on in your life. So, remember to take adequate breaks and also avoid turning to temptations to vent your stress, such as junk food, energy drinks or even work. Find healthy outlets to vent your stress and make sure you communicate openly about any worries.
This year is a mixed bag for you, filled with different ups and downs that you will have to take into account. Your finances can be a bit wildly unpredictable and you will have to prepare yourself for anything. This is the one area where you will have to take a bit more charge, instead of completely relying on your loved ones or family members. Study the market and ensure that you have something to fall back on during difficult times. Last year would have been generous to you and there will be periods of grace given to you in different months as well, so take full advantage of that to shore up your finances.
Lucky Months: January, March, May
Cautious Months: February, April, June, August

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Three of Pentacles
The tail end of a Mars retrograde may catch Scorpios a bit off guard in the early months. It can be a stressful few months in the beginning that can cause you to stumble, however, you still have time to turn your luck around afterwards. This year encourages you to expand your social network and also your structure of allies. Towards the middle of the year, it is also a good idea to consider accepting new responsibilities or expanding your current business structure. However, you may come across several obstacles, in the form of roadblocks from other people that you must carefully sway over to your cause. Keep this in mind as you proceed forward.
Your love and romantic life mirror the opposite of your working life. The beginning of the year is quite blessed and harmonious for both single and attached Scorpios. You have a chance to strengthen your relationship or spark up a new match if you put yourself out there. However, in the latter half of the year, you may come across more potential conflicts and misunderstandings that can momentarily cloud your happy environment. Learn to keep communication channels open and honest so that you can clear up any issues quickly and continue your streak of good relationships and peace in the household.
Scorpios need to continue being cautious when it comes to their health. With all the excitement going on in other areas of your life, you might find your energy levels and immune system are a bit lower than usual. That being said, this is a great time to start developing new healthy habits or revamping your routine to fit a healthier lifestyle. Kick bad habits to the curb and start concentrating on improving yourself and your daily life. This is a good year to finally gather your motivation and start working towards your health goals. At the same time, pay attention to your limitations and strive to better understand the innerworkings of your body through proper research and consultations.
Scorpios can breathe a sigh of relief this year as their finances are much easier to deal with as compared to last year, however, that doesn’t mean you can just neglect them. You will still need to be a bit more hands on, especially as much of your financial gain is likely to come from your income and career bonuses or commissions. With this good luck, Scorpios must learn to be more financially responsible and be more aware of their budgeting and financial organization. Work on learning these skills this year and you will have an easy time till the end of the year overall.
Lucky Months: July, September, October, November
Cautious Months: January, March, June

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Ten of Pentacles
The foundation you have laid down in the previous year will enable you to flourish in this year when it comes to you career and working life. Your projects and ideas now have greater potential and possibilities for you to carry them out throughout the year. However, not all is smooth sailing as this year will test your projects to make sure that they really are up to standard. You will need to navigate through various obstacles and conflicts that may come your way, be it in the form of competition, internal conflicts or simply critique and dissection of your ideas. Make sure that all the research you have put into your plans is up to date when you find yourself running into a wall.
The beginning half of the year is very positive for both single and attached Sagittarians. There is a chance for a new spark of romance in your personal and social lives, while current relationships are strengthened by the good fortune that blesses you and your loved ones. However, towards the middle of the year, you may trade in those giddy romantic feelings to focus more on other areas of your life that are far more stimulating. There is nothing wrong with settling into a less exciting routine as other areas of your life become activated and call for more of your attention. Be cautious of relationships with relatives in the latter months.
You were at a peak when it came to your health and overall wellbeing in the majority of last year. It is natural that peaks are followed by natural dips where your body needs time to recover all the energy that it spent. So don’t be alarmed if you find yourselves having to take more breaks or if you feel more under the weather when you push yourself past your limits. Try not to exert yourself too far this year, pay attention to the signs that your body throws out at you and try to cut out any bad habits that aren’t doing you any favors in the long run. Strengthen yourself mentally to safeguard your body physically.
You can take a breath of relief when it comes to your finances and overall financial stability. Your career is blossoming and you can rely on your income for a steady stream of revenue that you can play around with. Research the market and choose the right time to strike when it comes to financial investments or starting up new monetary projects. You have many golden opportunities in order to grow your wealth and set up your future stability. Just make sure that you set aside any extra funds as a future nest egg.
Lucky Months: February, September, November
Cautious Months: January, March, May, August

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan XV The Devil
There are a lot of loose ends or unfinished projects from last year that you will need to continuously be involved in this year. At the same time, many Capricorns are drawn by the idea of growing their business and building upon their outreach. While this can be a very busy time, it still is very productive. As long as you pace yourself accordingly and continue to strengthen the relationships between you, your colleagues, business allies and partners, you will find that this may be one of your best years yet. However, also be prepared for the different conflicts that are bound to naturally come your way as you open up all sorts of new doors for yourself and your career life.
Capricorns begin this year as a solid unit with their loved ones. There is even the possibility that attached Capricorns will expand their families and continue to focus their efforts and abilities on nurturing their loved ones who look up to them. However, Mercury’s retrograde in August can lead to some compounding stress due to some misunderstandings or conflicts that arise from you needing to split your time between your personal and work life. Underlying issues in your relationship are also likely to come to light during that period, so steel yourself for some tough decisions. Ultimately, remember to do what is best for both you and everyone as a whole.
You streak of good health continues from last year. Despite how stimulating this entire year can be, you are blessed by the universe with the energy and mental fortitude to tackle all the issues that arise in your way. Your biggest enemy this year will be the stress that arises from running all over the place, taking care of everyone and everything. While productivity is a good thing, you should still remember to listen to your body and limit yourself so you don’t face burnout. Otherwise, you can enjoy this handsome bounty of energy that the stars have blessed you with this year, use it wisely to achieve all that you set out to achieve.
You are making waves in your career and work; however, you may find that you will still have to be thriftier throughout this year, especially during the month of August when Mercury’s retrograde kicks around. Though your expenditures are likely to increase, they will be due to the different necessities that are tied to yourself, your family or even from your relatives. You understand why you need to take care of them, so just take extra care to budget and organize your finances accordingly. There will still be small grace periods dotted throughout this year, and things will improve a lot by next year.
Lucky Months: January, February, March, May
Cautious Months: April, July, August, September

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb XIX The Sun
Aquarians continue to tackle their career with a sense of confidence and ambition. The stars help carry this positive energy by opening up new opportunities and exciting new ventures for you in the first half of the year. Things will start to calm down in the second half, though you might still find yourself relatively busy. Be cautious in the latter months though, as your success might attract the jealous attention of others. While they may not actively try to harm your chances at progress, they can slow you down. It is important that you build up a strong network of trustworthy allies to safeguard you against any competition or unreliable agents.
Aquarians are usually social butterflies and 2023 is no better time to get out there and make friends and acquaintances. Attached Aquarians will find that the year provides you many opportunities to strengthen the relationship between you and your loved ones. However, distant relatives or family members outside of your usual familiar circle, might cause some misunderstandings in the later months. Single Aquarians may face the same issues, but there is also high potential for them to start a new relationship with someone who they feel they can truly connect with. While you should heed the call of your heart, remember to also take the advice of your head this year.
Last year, your energy levels weren’t as high as they could be and you had to be more cautious. This year, the energy you were trying to recover has finally returned to you and you can hold your head up high without worry of falling prey to most common illnesses or aches. This is a peak for you when it comes to your health and overall wellbeing, so you shouldn’t’ take this time for granted. Also be cautious about forming any bad habits, just because you are in higher spirits throughout this year. Remember that forming good habits will only bolster your health, so try your best to stick to a routine and avoid temptations.
This year starts up slowly when it comes to your finances. Money trickles in and you may have to be thrifty in the beginning of the year in order to clear up any lingering debts or pay off any loans. Things will start to improve into the middle of the month. Aquarians can quite comfortably enjoy themselves for a while, but should start saving and putting in plans for when the Autumnal season rolls around, as you may face another small dip when it comes to your wealth. Be aware of your surroundings and the current market environment, it is important to gauge when is the right time to invest your funds and when to hold and save.
Lucky Months: February, May, September
Cautious Months: March, April, June, July

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Two of Swords
Pisceans have a bit of a mixed year when it comes to their careers. You start out the year tackling older issues that have been bothering you for the past period, before slowly transitioning into laying the foundation for your future projects and goals. Pisceans can look forward to long term success and progress when Jupiter makes its transition in May. However, you should be more cautious in the winter months as unexpected obstacles or delay could slow you down. As long as you have nothing to hide and make sure all your inspections are up to date, you will have nothing to worry about. Things will pick up again near the end of the year so look forward to that.
Last year was a bit of a balancing act, but the first half of this year is at least favorable to Pisceans when it comes to their romantic and personal lives. Single Pisceans looking for long term relationships have the chance to meet someone who sparks their interest, while attached Pisceans will find a renewed sense of love in their current relations. However, the latter half of the year may test your patients by introducing some misunderstandings or tense situations involving you and your relatives or other loved ones. Stand by your beliefs, but also be kind and understanding to navigate through any situation.
Last year’s high energy starts to calm down and stabilize this year. As you start falling back into a proper pacing, its about time you start reexamining your health and routines. This year encourages you to kick any bad habits and start working on healthier ones that will benefit you in the long run. Resist the temptation to fall back on bad behaviors. Remind yourself that your health comes first and that while change is hard, it is ultimately good. As long as you can keep this in mind, you will be able to make it through this year without much incident.
Money flows freely into Piscean’s bank account this year, mostly thanks to their income and steady progress at work. The universe encourages you to treat yourself every so often and not worry about the price too much, though you should still keep a record of your expenditure so you can plan your budgeting accordingly. Otherwise, learn to enjoy money for what its worth, even as you put effort into earning and saving it for yourself.
Lucky Months: January, February, July
Cautious Months: March, May, June, A