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Astro-Tarot Forecast for 2021

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr Two of Cups


This year is overall a positive one for the ambitious and fiery Aries. You have been setting your sights high and working hard to achieve your goal. The Two of Cups is luckily a card that signals future fortune for you. It’s harmonious energy combined with Saturn in your 11th house of networking and originality for the majority of the year, means that most of your career pursuits may be heavily tied to how well you can bring people onboard for your new and innovative ideas. Luckily, Aries is often known for their originality and magnetic passion. However, you must work hard to ensure you have a proper structure, plan and means to carry out your idea. Learning new skills this year can be highly beneficial to you.


Most of Aries’ efforts to socialize and meet new people will be concentrated at their workplace. This doesn’t mean you won’t get into new friend groups or meet new people outside of work, however, Aries may be more drawn to people who can aid you in your career or bolster your prospects in future. Aside from this, the Two of Cups point to a more domesticated and affectionate lifestyle this month. The normally adventurous and feisty Aries is more likely to kick back and count their blessings this year. You have managed to achieve a lot when it comes to the fortune in your home and social life. Enjoy the fruit of your labour this year. The universe will do it’s best to accommodate you.


The good fortune continues into your area of health for this year, blessed by the Two of Cups. Overall, you are healthy and full of energy for this year, however, there will be some periods where you must take extra precaution. Firstly, you must be cautious of being overly reckless or overestimating your limits. Be extra careful over periods of Mercury’s retrograde this year. This will be a time where recklessness may have more serious consequences. It is a good idea to take utmost caution during this time and research all your decisions before following through on them. Avoid stressing yourself out during this time as well. Otherwise, enjoy this year as it promises to be overall positive for your health.


Financially, this may be one of the strongest years for Aries. Like with your career, there is a newfound passion and ambition when it comes to improving your finances. With Saturn in your 11th house for most of the year, the universe will favor financial ventures that focus on something new, original or innovative. Being able to think outside of the box is a valued and treasured skill this year. It is important to modernize and keep up to date on the latest trends for this year. Put in your hard work into these areas and you will see success in the financial sector of your life. Keep an eye out for opportunities and do not be too hasty to reject advice from those around you.

Lucky Months: January, February, April, December

Cautious Months: March, June, October

2 Taurus - 21 Apr to 20 May Queen of Pentacles

Taurians aren’t going to hold back when it comes to their career this year. You feel a strong desire to climb the career ladder this year and the universe will be doing it’s best to support you. The Queen of Pentacles is strengthening your drive and blessing your fortunes with her bountiful energy. Empowering you with a sense of confidence and increasing your likelihood for success in your decisions regarding business. However, do not expect the entire year to be smooth sailing. You may meet your fair share of challenges, in the form of business rivals or unwanted drama in the workplace. Do your best to act like the queen; stay on the path you have set for yourself and avoid getting caught up in the frivolities of the workplace.


Much of Taurian’s concentration is on their career this year, however, this doesn’t necessarily mean you are a workaholic. The Queen of Pentacles is focused on self-expression. The workplace gives you the ability to make something that is your own and execute decisions without being restrained heavily by others. In your personal life, you wish to put yourself first before all else, which can be tricky when having to compromise in a relationship. Couples and family must learn to discuss when to give each other space and distance to work on their own personal projects. This distance works to make the heart grow fonder of the moments you do choose to spend together as family. Attached and Single Taurians are unlikely to make any major decisions this year.


As Taurians work towards their independence in 2021, your health will become a major focus of yours this year. Not only is your own health important, but you will be concerned about the health of your friends and family. This year there seems to be nothing major in the cards, however, so you can relax a little bit. Even if you or your loved ones fall ill, the Queen of Pentacles signals that the outcome looks to be more favourable than not. However, all of this relies on you taking adequate care of your health in the first place. Your emotional health is heavily tied to your physical health as well, so do not stress yourself out over your health in the first place. Instead, take steps towards forming good health habits and cutting out bad ones in your life this year.


Your finances are heavily tied to your career this year. Naturally, when you career is successful, you are more likely to gain in your financial department. Fortunately, the Queen of Pentacles is working hard to bolster your career, so finances should not be too much of a worry this year. However, while the financial outlook is overall positive, the stars signal that this positive gain will be slow. The ever patient Taurus may not see their fortunes change suddenly, but trust that you are achieving a positive result. While this year you may mostly be hands off with your finances, keep an eye out for several change in the market that will require your attention in rearranging your resources.

Lucky Months: January, March, May, September

Cautious Months: April, August, October

3 Gemini - 21 May to 21 Jun Nine of Pentacles

Like many other signs this year, your career takes a center stage for 2021. There is a significant period that you have to look out for this year that may bring you additional success and bolster your efforts to make progress and climb the social ladder. The planet Jupiter, symbolizing success, fortune and growth, will make it’s way into your 10th house of career and status from May to July. Combined with the fortunate energy of the Nine of Pentacles, this period will prove to be a highlight of your career in 2021. It is important that you work to build up your network during this time as Jupiter is also tied to networking and authority figures. Put yourself out there in the working world and the


Geminis have always been a more intellectual sign. This year, this focus is enhanced as you look for relationships that provide you with intellectual stimulation. You may be able to form significant relationships in places where intelligence is valued, such as work, in workshops, during educational courses or in hobbyist groups. With the Nine of Pentacles, Geminis will also place more stock in those who can also provide them more security in a relationship this year. Attached Geminis may encounter a mixed bag of challenges and harmonious periods rewarded to their relationships throughout this year. Couples who can withstand these tests to their relationships will come out much stronger and closer at the end of 2021.


Overall, your health seems to be generally good this year. The Nine of Pentacles bolster those who exercise regularly and schedule regular checkups. There will be several periods this year where you may feel lethargic or under the weather, but if you keep up good health habits, these periods will be brief and not too serious. Geminis may be tempted to take the quick and easy route to good health or for their appearance, but remember that these methods come with risks and may not always be the right solution. Slow and steady wins the race, so consider the alternative standard methods such as a healthy diet, self-care and exercise before all else.


Like a few other signs, finance takes a backseat to all other areas of your life this year. For the most part, this isn’t an issue as your finances are tied heavily to your career anyway. However, you must be careful not to neglect it too much. As your well-worn financial ship could still spring a leak, bleeding money in areas you aren’t paying attention to. It is important that you still keep your eye on this area. It does not have to be your main focus, but you must at least ensure you know where all your income or money is going. Be prepared to make sudden major decisions this year.

Lucky Months: February, May, August, December

Cautious Months: January, April, June

4 Cancer - 212 Jun to 22 Jul XVII The Star

Your career takes a bit of a backseat this year. There is likely nothing major in the cards for your career, as there is likely little that would significantly change this year. This isn’t a bad thing, as your career is likely to continue on as it did last year without any sudden dips. Cancerians may take this opportunity to bring their attention to other areas of focus regarding their life. The Star advices you to do so as well, to relax and recuperate. That doesn’t mean you can completely withdraw from you career, instead continue at your work with the same amount of passion and drive that you normally do. However, just don’t expect for there to be too many changes that occur this year.


Cancerian’s focus will be much more concentrated on your love and social life this year. Saturn, the planet of time, patience and structure make it’s way into Cancerian’s 8th house of intimacy and shared finances this year. This combination creates a strong energy that influences Cancerians to seek out relationships through methods that you are not normally accustomed to. The Star is also guiding you out into new territory. This is because you are imbued with a new sense of practicality that gives you more confidence when embarking on something outside of your usual comfort zone. This is new territory for you to explore and you should be proud of the relationships and connections you form through it.


Overall, Cancerians do not have much to worry about in regards to their health this year. The Star’s healing energy is shining down on you. Off course, this may not stop the ever vigilant Cancerians from worrying about their health when they do feel under the weather. Your biggest obstacle will be stress. As while your health can take some dips this year, it will only worsen when you start stressing yourself out over it. Most likely, the symptoms you experience will not be serious. It is good to get a second opinion from a doctor, but if the results are clean, you shouldn’t continue making yourself paranoid, lest you do worsen your condition.


Like with your career, Cancerians are not too concerned with their finances. Luckily there is not too much happening in this area for 2021. There will be some significant periods during the year that require your attention, but they are unlikely to cause much distress. These periods occur during the two solar eclipses that will take place in 2021. Aside from these, Cancerians will have the chance to make some positive investments this year. Trust your instinct and the research you have done. These investments will likely not pay out big immediately, but will bolster your finances in the long run.

Lucky Months: January, February, April, August

Cautious Months: May, November

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Six of Wands


Leos are not content to spend 2021 in the same way as 2020. You want to forge a whole new path for yourself like the energy of the Six of Wands and this is bolstered by Uranus, the planet of innovation, technology, and change, in your 10th house of career and status for 2021. There is a high chance that Leo will make many changes to their usual work routines or around the workplace to bring in some fresh new air. While majority of these changes will be positive, be careful about being too aggressive in your bid to overhaul everything. Learn to preserve what works in the workplace and avoid getting on the nerves of your colleagues by forsaking that.


Romance is another area that Leos look forward to changing up this year. The Six of Wands is a card the relies on allies. Single Leos may not be satisfied with staying single in the long run and may make more moves in order to put themselves out there more. While this may not always end up successful with a romantic relationship, you are ensured to have more than your fair share of friendships this year. Attached Leos may face some ups and downs in their relationships this year, as you feel restless in wanting your own independence and freedom, while wanting to strengthen the bonds you have with your family at the same time. Do your best to compromise between the two.


Mentally, Leos are raring to go and tackle the year ahead. However, all this enthusiasm, while encouraged, can lead to you burning out at various points in the year. You may overestimate your abilities in 2021. Often, Leos are brimming with energy, but even the brightest flames will eventually burn out if not cared for. Do not get caught up in the rat race, as it will be detrimental in the long run. Learn to stop and smell the roses every now and then. Having enough self-care scheduled into this year will be important to your health.


2021 is a bit of mixed bag in terms of finances for Leo. The ups and downs of your finances will likely be tied to the decisions you make in your career. Falling and rising accordingly to the effects of your choices at work. However, these changes to your income will be unlikely to be major or significant. Due to this instability though, you should keep a careful eye on your finances and make changes accordingly in order to offset any negative changes. Keeping vigilant will help ensure that you continue to stay afloat this year.

Lucky Months: January, May, June, November

Cautious Months: February, August, September

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept XIV Temperance

Virgos are another sigh that may not place too much stock in their career this year, however, unlike most other signs, your career is likely to excel this year. There is a chance to make several big decisions that can greatly bolster your working life and help you climb the career ladder. However, these opportunity windows are short and go by quickly, so you must be ready to seize them at a moment’s notice. The transition period caused by this decision can disrupt the balance of the workplace for a while, but, with Temperance’s energy, ultimately things will tend towards a normal routine, albeit, with the changes set already set in place.


Neptune, the planet of spirituality, fantasy and unpredictability, finds it’s way into your 7th house of relationships and marriages this year. Combined with the calming and spiritual energy of Temperance, it’s strong energy may push Virgos to step out of their usual routines to meet new people. Both single and attached Virgo will have opportunities to expand their social network. You will look for people who have a similar thinking pattern to yours. This doesn’t necessarily mean intelligence, but rather a spiritual kinship. You seek out people who understand you. Be careful about keeping your head too high in the clouds this year, as you can miss red flags easily.


Overall, with the blessing of Temperance, Virgos face a positive trend of health for most of the year. There will be periods where you may feel under the weather or lethargic, but these will be brief periods that happen in small parts throughout the year. You should be careful to note this, however, as Virgos can worsen their health this year by worrying yourself even sicker. You mental and emotional health are highly tied to your physical health. You can bring down your physical health by becoming paranoid or not taking care of yourself mentally. Take things slow and work to understand your periods of low energy instead of worrying yourself sick over them.


Your finances are a bit of a mixed bag this year, though luckily, they are unlikely to be very significant or drastic. You may face some difficulty when the market is going down, however, you have enough time to predict the trend and adjust accordingly. Be careful about neglecting your finances completely even if they seem predictable. There is a high chance you will receive some financial boons from your friends or family this year. Attached Virgos with working spouses do not need to worry about being the sole financial supporter for the household this year. Though, remember to do your fair share of work as well.

Lucky Months: January, February, May, August

Cautious Months: April, June, September

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Seven of Swords


Libras come back into the workplace with the desire to make serious changes or work harder. However, the universe may be working against you this year, though not in the way you think. The Seven of Swords indicates that there will be not much you can do overtly to change your work. Rather than anything serious at work, it seems that other areas of your life will call for your attention more. For the most part, you will be more content to focus on these other areas as well. That doesn’t mean that your work lacks any excitement this year. On the contrary, you’ll have to keep an eye out for quick opportunities. Short term projects are favored and encouraged this month.


There are not too many changes in your love and social life this year. Though for the ever sociable and popular Libra, this doesn’t impact them too much. It is unlikely you will make any new friendships or expand your social network this year, but you are content to strengthen he bonds you have already formed. Likewise, even single and attached Libras may feel no rush to make any major relationship decisions this year. And that is okay. You are happy with where you are at for the time being. So, kick back, relax and bask in the company of your loved ones around you.


With the Seven of Swords, you may be a bit slow to recover your energy levels this year, but your health is marginally improved from previous years. Jupiter, the planet of healing and growth will make it’s way into your 6th house of health and fitness some time this year. It’s energy will give you a major boost that you should take advantage of in the middle of the year. Outside of this period, your health is more or less positive, though it is advisable you still schedule a check up at the beginning and end of the year to double check that everything is alright.


This can be a good year for wealth, however, it will take some time for you to accumulate this wealth. Libras must be more patient and hands on this year when it comes to their finances and financial resources. Long term investments and careful management and overseeing your finances will pay off in the long run of this year. Despite taking greater charge of your finances, Libras may not be directly involved with your financial projects. It is a good idea to delegate the necessary roles to people you trust or make it so that you can remotely handle your projects.

Lucky Months: January, February, April, September

Cautious Months: June, November, December

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov XXI The World


The World card praises you, Scorpio has done their part to progress and climb the career at their work. This year, however, you may choose to focus your efforts elsewhere for the most part. The World is wider than just your work after all. Your mind is less on work and more on the social aspects of your life. Scorpios in businesses associated with customer service or social work may thrive more. For all others, you may find less interest in work, but your career prospects are still mostly positive for this year. Short term or small projects will suit you the best in 2021 and allow you the most success. It can be difficult to maintain your focus for projects that run longer than a few months.


This year, The World card celebrates Scorpio’s independence. This may not necessarily be a good thing. While the social and platonic relationships will likely thrive, attached Scorpios may find themselves weighed down by their romantic relationships. This year is one of compromise, trust and communication. Scorpios will want to pursue their independence more strongly this year. You must strive to find a balance between your relationships and your exploration of yourself as a person. Luckily, you will find a lot of support from your family and relatives. This can be a bit of a tricky year, but move carefully and always keep honest communication.


It pays to be a bit more cautious this year with your health. The World card, while bountiful can be overwhelming. You are more sensitive to the environment as well as stressors this year. Your physical health is heavily tied to your mental and emotional health, so you must keep an eye on all three areas. The most important thing to remember this year is not to burn yourself out. Your energy levels are likely lower than they usually are and you should not overestimate your limitations. Remember to schedule in regular breaks throughout the months and visit a doctor if you feel unwell. There’s nothing wrong with getting a second opinion, but ensure you do not go overboard if the diagnosis is nothing serious.


Financially, a lot more of your expenses will likely come from your household. Scorpios with families will likely work harder to support them financially. Likewise, your family will work to support you financially in your ventures and projects. Do not disregard their financial advice this year. As before, projects concerning customer services or social interaction will be the most successful this year. Combine this idea with the trends in the market and you will be able to have a successful financial year.

Lucky Months: January, May, August, October

Cautious Months: March, June, September

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec II The High Priestess

In terms of career, this year may not see many significant changes for Sagittarius. While there may be some changes to your workplace, they are unlikely to have any significant effect or disrupt your work in the long run. Opportunity windows will be fast and brief, while short term projects will be favored over long term ones. The mystical and intelligent High Priestess encourages you to trust your instinct in making business decisions, however, do not just blindly dive into any projects. Always ensure you do proper research beforehand. Do not be worried if you do not see any immediate progress in your workplace this year. Work on building your business portfolio and shoring up your foundation in the workplace.


The path of romance and socialness isn’t set in stone this year. The High Priestess is a card that places more stake in quality than quantity of friends. Despite that, there is a high chance that you will form many friendships this year, however, they will likely be short term relationships. While you may not expand your social circle permanently this year, the older relationships you have formed are likely to remain strong if not grow stronger in 2021. Single and attached Sagittarians have a chance to make major decisions concerning new or old relationships. There is a high likelihood you will move to the next milestone of your relationship this year.


Sagittarians may spend this year overall healthy and at the top of their game. You are blessed with good health and fortune in 2021. Not only are you at your peak, but you are also learning more about your own body and limitations. As you push yourself further to new territories of health, you are also discovering more about what are your strengths and shortcomings. You may learn to work around these shortcomings and strengths over the year. This is an exciting time and you should take full advantage of it the best you can.


Sagittarians need to take on a more hands on approach and greater initiative in their finances this year. You have a great opportunity to overhaul your current organization and create something even more efficient for yourself. Good fortune doesn’t come with hard work though. You will need to delve deeper into researching your investments and planning out where you wish to set your resources for the future. Study well and good fortune will find you easily this year. Do not be afraid to take risks, but ensure you have proper reasoning for taking such risks.

Lucky Months: January, April, June, August

Cautious Months: February, May, September

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Page of Swords

Capricorns always take their work seriously and this year is no different. The Page of Swords signals you are approaching your work with a new perspective and energy. No doubt, you will put all you have into progressing at your career and climbing the social ladder. However, it can be easy to feel frustrated when it seems like you’re not making as much headway as you wanted. Progress will be slow this year, the Page of Swords is a young card and needs time to grow. While there may be moments that you get to step out into the spotlight, it’s best if you accept that the spotlight is fickle and can change it’s position at any moment. Do not feel too demotivated. Success in the long run takes a lot of effort and perseverance. Even if you don’t get immediate recognition for your work, make sure to still give yourself credit for a job well done.


There is not too much excitement in your love and social life this year. For the steadfast and usually traditional Capricorn, this doesn’t really present an issue. The Page of Swords isn’t too concerned about expanding their social circle needlessly. You are more than happy to just relax in the company of those already around you. The stars promise to being a year of stability and prosperity to you in this area of your life. However, be careful, as your position may become enviable to others. Giving out advice and help to your loved ones is good, but don’t involve yourself too much in drama that doesn’t concern you. While there aren’t any major decisions concerning your relationship this year, work on strengthening your foundations with others.


Health is good for 2021, however, it is at the low end of ‘good’ so you must still take some caution this year. While you are likely to find improvement regarding any illnesses or chronic pains lingering on from last year, your energy levels are still low and you will need plenty of rest to get through this year. This is a good period to reflect on what health habits have been beneficial to you and what has not been working out. Learn what works best for you and stick to it. Avoid taking risks when it comes to your health this month as they are unlikely to pan out well.


While your career may not always be in the spotlight this year, your finances surely are. The Page of Swords blesses your management ability. Your income is a much better indicator to the progress you are making. It is likely you will have benefactors or friends supporting your financial endeavors this year as well. You should focus most of your efforts into this area of your life, as not only can you make a lot of improvement and positive changes to your financial structure or ventures, but you may also gain the most enjoyment in managing them. Capricorn has always been known as an intellectual and secure sign and your financial life appeals to both these traits in 2021.

Lucky Months: January, May, August, December

Cautious Months: April, June, July

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Ace of Swords

Jupiter, the planet of growth, prosperity and good business swings it’s way into your 1st house of self and status for the majority of this year. Combined with the striking and new energy of the Ace of Swords; this is good news for your career which you tackle with a whole new sense of confidence and business minded ambition. Aquarius will strive to do what they love and love what they do. You career will take on a whole new positive meaning your life. Self employed Aquarians or those in a position of power may feel the most comfortable this year. Enjoy this year and do not be stingy with your good fortunes. The good you put out through your work will eventually come back to you in a cycle of good karma.


Outside of your career, your social and romantic personal life may not look as bright. There is unlikely to be any major changes this year, however, your relationships may undergo a form of strain. There is a chance Aquarians could accidentally neglect their loved ones since they are so involved in their own career and personal projects. The Ace of Swords can at times be caught up in other matters and neglect their family. The solution is simple here. As your career and work-related matters are flourishing; it can help to start a similar project with the help of your loved ones. Ensure that it is something applicable to both partners and that you work in areas where you can both shine the most. This does not necessarily mean working side by side, but being able to own a project together overall. It will help strengthen relationships.


Aquarians need to take more care when it comes to their health this year. While you are not necessarily sensitive or weak to illnesses in 2021, your work and various projects will be very demanding of you. While you may be happy to throw yourself into your work nonstop, remember that your body has limits. You must listen to it when you start to feel tired or overworked. Take a step back. Taking a break will help you better in the long run than trying to power through the fatigue. You will be much happier if you schedule in regular moments for self-care and to pamper yourself as well.


Your finances are tied into your work. As it prospers, so does our income and financial status. This newfound gain may lead to Aquarians being overly generous. There is nothing wrong with looking out for your friends and loved ones financially, however, ensure that you have enough stowed away for yourself. Keeping some budget for a rainy day can be very useful to you in future. Aside from work, Aquarians may also find success in making investments in modernized and high-tech businesses this year. You have always been a sign that thinks outside of the box and innovating new solutions and designs. This is a good instinct to follow for 2021.

Lucky Months: January, April, October, December

Cautious Months: June, September, November

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar King of Pentacles

Pisces can sometimes be shy in bringing up their ideas or leading the pack when it comes to their career. This year, this isn’t a problem for the creative Pisces as you receive plentiful support from those around you. The King of Pentacles imbues you with a newfound sense of confidence in bringing new changes or ideas into the workplace. Your perspective is a refreshing change of pace in the workplace and you may find success in enacting these changes. Most of all, it fulfils you emotionally to see yourself making a positive impact in your workplace. Enjoy this year and trust your gut instinct in making decisions. You are the King after all.


2021 is a bit of an unstable year for Pisces when it comes to romance and social aspects of their life. Relationships can come and go easily this year, and it might be better for you to accept that fact than try to hold on fruitlessly. Pisces, themselves, may change around their desires for a relationship several times in the year. The King of Pentacles needs time to truly figure out what he wants. This is simply you trying to find what works for you in the long run, so don’t feel too stressed by it. What matters most is that you spend time on yourself. This is a good period for self-reflection and figuring what you really want out of your friendships and relationships before you proceed further. This can be a complex, but enlightening time.


Pisces may suffer the opposite problem that other zodiacs have this year. Instead of having a lack of energy or drive, you are blessed with too much energy. This can be a problem if you have nowhere to properly vent that energy, leading to restlessness and a lack of mental and emotional stimulation. Do not spend this year lazing about, instead follow the advice of the King of Pentacles and get out there and get moving to spend this extra energy. Exercise or simply add a new jogging route to your usual routine to help benefit your health. If you can follow these steps, then 2021 should pass smoothly in terms of health and fitness.


2021 is a financially well-off year, but only if you can take advantage of the opportunities that will pass by you quickly. The King of Pentacles did not gain his wealth by doing nothing after all. Most of your expense will come from your personal expenditure. There is nothing wrong with this, however, remember to at least set some of your finances aside for a rainy day. It helps to err on some side of practicality, but otherwise, you should enjoy yourself during this period. You may gain some financial boons from friends and family, and will most certainly have their support in your financial endeavors.

Lucky Months: January, March, August, November

Cautious Months: April, July, September

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