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Astro Tarot Forecast for April 2023

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Three of Swords


Those who have taken a step back from work in the previous month are ready to dive back into the deep end. The Three of Swords advise you to start becoming more independent this month and being proactive when it comes to your goals or aims. At the same time, you can look forward to strong support from those around you. Don’t forsake your connections or the power of your network. Now is the time to make the most of them. The tide is slowly turning in your favor, so don’t waste any time and start putting your plans or ideas into motions. Think outside of your usual scope and don’t be afraid to push the limits and expand your current body of work.


Aries are anxious to move forward and reach new milestones this month when it comes to their relationships or home lives. While you are making efforts to improve your household or strengthen family bonds, the Three of Swords suggests that some Aries may still be holding onto some past baggage or issues. This is a good time for you to start addressing these issues with your loved ones though with a careful discussion and open conversation. Value honesty and not being afraid to discuss your feelings. Your love ones will be more understanding this month. Just remember to match their level of empathy.


The Three of Swords signals that there may be some new stressors in your life this month, however, it is balanced out by all the progress and milestones you are reaching. All the same, it is natural to feel stress or even overwhelmed this month. You are actually doing well in terms of health, despite all things, so don’t be afraid to step away and take a break if you do feel yourself getting tired. Otherwise, enjoy all you have accomplished this month, be proud of yourself and set your sights higher once you know what you are capable of.


Mercury is in your 2nd house of income and money from the 4th of this month onwards. Its intelligence and wit help you in making smart investments and Aries may see a bump in their overall income or payouts. Fortune is in the cards this month, and you should enjoy yourself, but also remember to set aside any extra savings for rainy days. Otherwise, don’t waste this valuable time. Do your research beforehand and see where you can invest your finances in. Casting a wide net could pay off for you this month.

Lucky Dates: 18th, 22nd, 24th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Silvery White

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Three of Wands


Mercury enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 4th of this month onwards. Its wit and intelligence combined with the rising potential of the Three of Wands, suggests that this is an abundant time for Taurians when it comes to their work. Things are turning in your favor and you should take advantage of this time to tackle any tough issues or conflicts that have been acting as obstacles to your progression. Don’t be afraid to pursue your ideas or take on more responsibilities. Remember to rely on your support network to elevate your work and help you achieve your ambitions. Enjoy this prosperous and productive time in your career.


The Three of Wands sparks great potential when it comes to your personal and social life. Single Taurians have a chance to have a once in a lifetime meeting, or at the very least, grow their network of friends and connections. Strive to make a good first impression on whoever you meet, you never know who will end up sticking with you. Attached Taurians can still enjoy an active social life this month, while strengthening bonds with their loved ones. Just be careful about judging someone too quickly. You will need time to know someone’s true intentions and should always be just a little careful when welcoming new people into your life.


The Three of Wands gives you short spontaneous burst of energy to help carry you through this month. However, it is a card that has not yet fully realized its potential, so you may be subject to burnout or exhaustion after your energy runs out. It’s important not to push your limits or try to force yourself to continue working. Rest when you need to and don’t be afraid to step back to give your body the time it needs to recover itself. As long as you never go to the extremes, you should be able to enjoy this month with balanced and stable health in the long run.


Your finances take a step back this month. While the Three of Wands predicts that you may receive some small bonuses or income boosts from all your efforts at work, most of your finances will continue as they are. This is a relatively stable month with little affecting your overall wealth or flow of income. You can set aside your financial planning in order to focus more on other, more stimulating, areas of your life that are calling for your attention. Stick to your usual budgeting plan and try to foster good habits all the same. Future months will be even more fruitful.

Lucky Dates: 10th, 13th, 24th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Emerald Green

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Two of Wands


The Two of Wands begins their journey overlooking the many different paths they can take and the potential that they have to grow. Likewise, many Geminis are at the beginning of something great when it comes to their work. Now is the time to put your plans into action or start pursuing your ideas and ambitions. While you may still have to deal with the usual obstacles and conflicts this month, you will find that it is much easier to make progress. Listen to your inner voice and don’t be afraid to accept help from those who offer it. This is a wonderful month and you should take advantage of it to the fullest.


Venus, the planet of love enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 12th of this month onwards. Before then, you might find yourself more focused on your career and work, but the pull of this magnetic planet tempts you into expanding your social circles, sometimes even while at work. Either way, be friendly to those you meet and friendships will naturally follow if there is a mutual connection between you both. Those you meet may help you grow and improve as a person. While attached Geminis may find it hard to spend time with family, your efforts to improve their lives and take care of them have not gone unnoticed.


The Two of Wands is a fiery card, brimming with potential and all the tools in the world to grow it. Naturally, many Geminis are fired up this month. Fueled by your own motivation and goals, you tackle any issues head on this month without fear of burning out or succumbing to illness. While you should still take the appropriate amount of care, Gemini should embrace the fiery passion and good health that awakens in them this month. Almost nothing can stop you and you should use up your high energy levels wisely. At the same time, this healthy glow of yours is also likely to attract people towards your passion and optimism.


The boost that the Two off Wands is giving your work life will shine through in your finances and overall wealth. Geminis can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they can rely on a steady and stable flow of income. There may also be some small bonuses or commissions that you can look forward to in the coming days. The market is also fairly predictable, affording you little to no surprise. Enjoy this wonderful time and know that it is a result of all your hard work and dedication. Keep working hard and you’ll continue to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 16th, 18th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Auburn Red

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul XVI The Tower


The Tower card signals that despite the obstacles and issues that you may face this month, Cancerians are still striving to make progress and move forward. This period may also bring new opportunities for you to pursue your ideas or make a major change involving the overall scope of your career. The universe is encouraging you to follow your heart and trust your judgement and feelings. New opportunities are opening up to you and you will be able to reach new milestones this month. However, remember that you cannot move forward completely without eventually addressing any burdens or conflicts holding you back from reaching your full potential.


Mercury enters your 11th house of socialness and friendship from the 4th of this month onwards. This witty and intelligent planet combined with the revelations and personal transformation that The Tower card brings, suggests that Cancerians may be taking actions to leave behind unfavorable environments or situations. Sometimes there is no fixing an issue and you need to prioritize your own emotional wellbeing. Travelling or leaving your usual comfort zones are highly encouraged this month. Not only can you start to learn more about yourself, but there is also a chance to spark new relationships with new people. Attached Cancerians should consider travelling with their loved ones to renew that same spark.


The Tower signals that you are starting to learn from the bad habits or reckless decisions you may have made in the past. Now is the time to start taking care of your physical and mental health. Luckily, the universe is working to at least give you the energy to tackle all the obstacles that lay ahead of you. The rest of the work is up to you to do by knowing your own limits and sticking by them. This is an overall healthy and happy month, so take advantage of it by making the changes that will benefit you in the long run. Don’t take your good health for granted.


The road towards prosperity and wealth is a slow and sometimes tedious one. Cancerians are seeing progress each and everyday towards their financial goals, but may have to be patient to see the fruits of their labor. Take heart in knowing that you are moving forward, even if improvements are small or slow to be noticeable. The Tower card also encourages you not to remain complacent about your position, and take steps to continuously improve your skills or knowledge to better help you in future. All your hard work will eventually pay off.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 18th, 22nd, 26th

Lucky Colour: Light Black

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Ace of Cups


The intelligent and witty Mercury enters your 10th house of work and career from the 4th of this month onwards. Paired with the brimming potential of the Ace of Cups, Leos will have to learn to make the most of their network of connections this month. People will be your strongest resource so make sure you are confident in your skills of negotiation and persuasion. However, with every asset comes a new set of conflicts. As you are dealing with more people this month, you are also more likely to run into disagreements or issues with one another. Try not to let anything escalate and keep working towards a compromise. Things will smooth out in the latter part of the month.


Leos have finally settled into a steady rhythm when it comes to their personal and social lives this month. Your family life is mostly progressing at a predictable and steady rate. The Ace of Cups also signals that Leos will be focused on providing and just being there for their friends and family. This is a comfortable month, where even difficult conflicts can be discussed calmly. While you may not reach a compromise straight away, you will be able to open up the doors to open and honest communication. Enjoy this month and cherish the time you have with your loved ones. There may be some small pleasant surprises for attached Leos this month.


Despite the milestones you reach this month, the Ace of Cups suggests that your emotions are bit more volatile and unpredictable. This is understandable as this is still a stressful month full of different stimulation. It can be helpful for both your mental and physical health, to take some time away from your busy work schedule to relax with your loved ones or go on a short trip. Learn to recognize your limits and take a break when you feel yourself reaching them. As long as you are mindful of your mental and emotional health this month, you will be able to handle any sudden moods much easier.


Leos’ wallets may feel a bit light after last month’s heavy spending to clear off any debts or loans. Don’t be disheartened as you have a clean slate to move forward this month. Though your finances will take a backseat to other areas of your life, you can count on the support from those around you to help keep your afloat. This is a good time to take out any new loans, though be careful and use what you have learnt in the past month to pick the best plan for yourself. Your wealth will slowly begin to build and accumulate again in the coming months.

Lucky Dates: 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th

Lucky Colour: Azure Blue

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Knight of Cups


The Knight of Cups is pushing forward with his many great ideas this month, but he knows that he cannot go at it alone. This month, people and connections will be your greatest asset, but they will not be so easily won over. The Knight encourages you to put forward your skills of negotiation and persuasion in order to convince people to follow your lead and support your ideas. You never know where you can make a connection in work, so make sure you welcome people from all walks of life and not judge them too quickly. At the same time, don’t sell them on hot air alone. Make sure you have enough research and evidence to back yourself up and make you look even more professional and convincing.


The spirited and high energy of the Knight of Cups signals that there is a lot going on in your romantic and personal life this month. Both attached and single Virgos can count on entering a harmonious period with their family and loved ones. This is a prosperous period where arguments and conflicts can be resolved peacefully. Single Virgos have the chance to meet someone new, while attached Virgos are encouraged to expand their social circle or take on activities to strengthen the bonds with their partners or family. This is a positive month, so enjoy it to the fullest with those around you.


The Knight of Cups takes great care of your emotional and mental health this month, however, all this stimulation, though positive, can still exhaust you physically. Your energy levels are not as high as they could be and you should take a break every now and then. It is important you safeguard your physical health in order to enjoy all the good fortune that this month is showering upon you. It is important to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night and avoid the temptation of energy drinks or junk food to keep you awake. Remember, there is no substitute for proper rest. Keep this in mind as you navigate this month.


Sometimes you will have to spend money to make money, and this saying is especially true this month. The Knight of Cups is more focused on the end results of networking and socializing, so be prepared to spend accordingly on either of these two areas. As long as you keep a proper budget and watch your expenses, you will be able to get through this month. Rest assured that your efforts will eventually pay off and you can see the fruits of your labor in future months. For now, be patient and thrifty with your finances.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Baby Blue

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Knight of Swords


The Knight of Swords signals that Libras may be busy with cleaning house at their workplace or handling many administrative and major decisions. This month requires a great deal of thinking for you and you may often have to resort to weighing pros and cons to come up with any one solution. While this is a mentally taxing month, your decisions will have future impact on your career and work. You may have to cut away projects or those who are not contributing to the work environment as much as they should be. It can be difficult, but ultimately necessary in order to progress forward. Just be sure to be diplomatic and word your sentences carefully.


Mercury enters your 8th house of mergers and intimacy from the 4th of this month onwards. This intelligent and witty planet may sometimes appear a bit cold to others. The Knight of Swords also often is too busy studying flowers to appreciate their beauty. It is important you avoid accidentally neglecting your loved ones this month. This is an important period to strive to be more empathetic and understanding of others. Single Libras may have a chance to meet someone new this month, while attached Libras have many opportunities to strengthen their bonds and reach new milestones in their blossoming relationships.


The Knight of Swords signals how much of a mentally stressful this month can be, and this can take a toll on your physical health. It is important to take breaks, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally from the stressors in your life. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself or simply give yourself time to relax and breathe. Try to avoid falling into bad habits this month as they will only make you feel more stressed in the long run. Instead try to cultivate a healthy lifestyle and change your routines for the better.


Despite how busy you are this month; you will still be able to see the result of your efforts. Libras can look forward to a stable income and predictable expenses. There are even some small bonuses and windfalls that can help bolster your wealth this month. This is a good time to take out loans or apply for credit. Put your negotiation skills to work to earn yourself the best deal. Lastly, don’t be afraid to seek help from others if you are ever need of advice or even some financial support. Just remember to pay back any generosity you receive.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Royal Purple

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov VIII Strength


The Strength card signals that you are starting to feel a bit restless in your current environment at work. However, you will have to grit your teeth and hunker down as this is a crucial time for your career. Do not let your frustrations show through, especially during social events, business meetings or negotiations. It is important that you learn to utilize your charm and persuasive skills to your advantage this month, by winning over people to your cause. There is a lot of progress to be made this month and you can reach new heights and milestones during their period.


Venus, the planet of love and passion, enters your 8th house of intimacy and mergers from the 12th of this month. Combined with the Strength card, this is the time for Scorpios to shine. It is encouraged that you attend more social gatherings and try to meet more people. Don’t be afraid to show off a little, but remember not to become too prideful. Single Scorpios have a chance to spark a new relationship with someone you’ve recently met or even someone you’ve known for a long time. While attached Scorpios can expand their social circles, as well as meet new milestones with their family and loved ones. Enjoy this harmonious period.


The Strength card lives up to its name this month by blessing you with good health and high energy levels. You are ready to tackle all that this stimulating and busy month has to throw at you. While it is unlikely you will fall ill or face burnout, it still pays to keep up good habits and avoid falling into any bad routines or giving into temptations. Remember to take breaks and get plenty of rest and relaxation when needed. As long as you don’t disregard your health too much, this month should be a breeze for you.


Scorpios can look forward to this month in terms of their finances and overall wealth. Your hard work and effort are paying off in your workplace and you can count on a steady income. There is a high chance of some small windfalls or bonuses for you throughout the month. It may be good to test your luck, as fortune is in your favor. Just make sure not to go too overboard because everything has limits. Otherwise enjoy this financially fortunate time and remember to set asdie any extra savings for future rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 16th, 18th, 24th

Lucky Colour: Rose Red

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Knight of Wands


The Knight of Wands signals that many Sagittarians are pushing forward steadily with determination in their workplace. The universe is working to support you this month, so learn to rely on it and on those around you. Use this time to tackle any conflicts or obstacles that may have been blocking your path in the previous months. They may be much easier to solve or smooth over, or you may just have a new perspective and drive this month. People will be more agreeable and you have a chance to meet new talent and bring them onboard. So keep an eye out and keep a warm exterior to those who cross your path.


The Knight of Wands continues to bless your home and personal life. The knight is an ambitious and driven card, so many Sagittarians may be tackling home projects or working to improve their current household. As always, don’t try to tackle everything by yourself. Involving your loved ones in your project is a great way to strengthen your relationships and promote genuine growth this month. Just like in work, conflicts are likely to be more easily resolved this month, so you should take advantage of this time to speak to your loved ones about any issues. While it may take some time to get to the root of the problem, you can at least restore some harmony to your life by beginning an open conversation.


Sagittarians feel reinvigorated with a new passion and high energy levels this month. The intelligent and witty Mercury enters your 6th house of health and fitness from the 4th of this month. Combined with the fiery and motivated Knight of Wands, Sagittarians find themselves at the peak of their performance, both physically and mentally. Use this energy to achieve your goals, and don’t be afraid to pamper yourself this month. All this fiery energy encourages you to try something new and don’t be afraid to show it off or step out into the spotlight to be admired by everyone.


Sagittarians will be particularly busy this month. The Knight of Wands is running around, managing different projects or working on progressing their career. Luckily, it also reaps its rewards just as quickly as it works to earn them. Sagittarians can look forward to their financial projects or investments paying out, as well as some small windfalls throughout this month. While you may have some increased expenditure this month, they are unlikely to affect you too heavily and will be worth it in the end. Just make sure you still budget accordingly to make sure that you are getting a good deal.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 16th, 21st, 24th

Lucky Colour: Sunny Orange

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Ten of Swords


The Ten of Swords signals that Capricorns are starting to leave behind their older projects and goals in order to pursue new ambition. This is very much a time where you need to rebuild your foundation and work on starting new relations in your workplace. Luckily, most of you won’t be starting completely from scratch as you already have your current position and resources to build off of. Capricorns may also consider jumping onto new opportunities or moving away from their current lines of work or career paths to pursue something new. This is also a good time to pick up new skills or knowledge to bolster your work ethics.


Venus enters your 5th house of romance and love from the 12th of this month onwards. This passionate planets nurturing energy mixed with the Ten of Swords, signals that many Capricorns may be starting off from new relationship milestones. This is a time to leave behind any old conflicts or arguments, and embrace the new way forward of peace and harmony. Both single and attached Capricorns will have a chance to expand their social circles. Relationships with family or distant relatives are also more stable and smooth this month. Try to start this month off on the right foot by looking to compromise and spread love.


This month continues to bless you with good tidings when it comes to your overall health and wellbeing. The Ten of Swords signals that now is the time for a new ‘you’, whether that be shaking up your appearance, reputation or attitude. Your energy levels are high and you shouldn’t be afraid to pamper yourself a little bit this month. Embrace who you want to be and embody the values that matter to you the most. This is an empowering time for self-growth and development so do not waste it.


Your finances continue to be stable and smooth this month. However, that does not mean you are completely out of the woods yet, as you may be recovering from some major expenses from last month. It is important that you pay attention to your finances and budget accordingly. You are not yet at the position to start making major investments or devoting too much time and attention to financial projects. Work on getting yourself back to a stable foundation, and you will be in a much better position to spend your wealth in future months when the market is more fertile for you.

Lucky Dates: 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th

Lucky Colour: Light Grey

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb XI Justice


Justice is a card that is very much abut reaping what you sow. The amount of hard work and dedication you put in this month will be what ultimately determine your rewards. Aquarians may have to wear many hats at work, as they strive to manage those under them while also working on their relationships with other colleagues or those in the industry. What is certain, is that there are no shortcuts or easy ways out this month. While most things are smooth sailing, you will need to busy yourself in helping out in any way you can to ensure that your each your goals and meet your deadlines.


Venus, the powerful plant of love and nurture, enters your 5th house of relationships and romance from the 12th of this month onwards. Combined with the Justice card, Aquarians can trust that most conflicts or misunderstandings this month will result in just and fair outcomes. This is a good time to tackle any issues or arguments that have been weighing on your mind. Single Aquarians can look forward to rekindling a spark with an old flame and are encouraged to get out of their usual comfort zones. While attached Aquarians should focus on their family and strive to reach new milestones together with their loved ones.


Your energy levels are refreshed this month, however, Justice warns that bad habits could still squander your overall health and wellbeing. So, it is important to avoid temptations such as junk food or sugary desserts. Also try to avoid being lazy, or overindulging. Remember, everything in moderation. Those who suffer from chronic illness or ailments should try to top up on their medicine this month as well, just to be on the cautious side. As long as you can employ good judgement this month and not make decisions that harm your health in the long run, you will be able to enjoy this month without much worry.


Aquarians can relax when it comes to their finances. Justice rewards you for the effort you have put into your work in the past months and in the current period. You can rely on some small windfalls and bonuses this month to bolster your usual income. Senior Aquarians might be able to look forward to some promotions or even a raise, depending on how their business is going. You may also receive some bonuses from your current financial projects and investments. Money comes in from many different avenues this month. Remember to put aside any extra as savings for rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 16th, 18th, 22nd, 24th

Lucky Colour: Pale Gold

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Queen of Cups


The Queen of Cups looks calmly upon any issues that may crop up and works towards reaching a compromise while maintaining a cool and understanding attitude. Pisces should strive to be this way this month as they tackle the issues that have been plaguing them in the past. It is not an easy journey nor issue to solve, but you will find that this month opens up new doors for you to make progress and reach an end goal. The Queen of Cups didn’t’ get her throne by being complacent, so keep pushing forward. Things will turn in your favor as long as you don’t let yourself falter and keep your emotions in check.


Venus, a nurturing and loving planet, enters your 4th house of home and family from the 12th of this month onwards. The compassionate energies of this planet combined with the regal emotions of the Queen of Cups signals that Pisces are about to enter a new golden period in their household and personal life. Conflicts are slowly starting to resolve themselves, single Pisces have a chance to meet someone new and attached Pisceans will strengthen the bonds with their family. This is a good time for travel, either on your own or with family. Just remember that nothing will happen if you don’t put yourself out there.


The Queen of Cups blesses you with good health, both physically and emotionally. You are on top of your game this month, and should take advantage of this prosperous period to accomplish all that you set out to do. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there or step into the spotlight. Embrace the confidence you have been blessed with this month. This is your time to shine. At the same time, try to develop some good habits this month, that will help carry your health long into the future.


Pisceans don’t need to worry too much when it comes to their finances this month. The Queen of Cups assures you that you won’t be left out on open water without a boat. Your expenses are fairly predictable, while your income is dependable and mostly stable. You can expect some small windfalls and bonuses this month. There is also a positive trend to your finances that may continue on into next month. Pisceans should continue focusing on their work to best bolster your finances, though you may also find some small luck in the real estate market.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 21st, 24th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Aquamarine Blue

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