1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Six of Wands
Many Aries will be starting to settle into the flow of work this month. February begins with Venus making it’s way into your 11th house of friendship and social awareness. Venus’ sociable energy combined with the festive and party nature of the Six of Wands, spells for a very sociably active work life. You get along best with your colleagues this month, and they will help encourage and push you forward to achieve your goals. However, you may run into obstacles facing your superiors. While they may be on your side, at times you may wish to be the ones holding the reigns. Learn to negotiate things in your favor in order to prosper in work this month.
As before, the ever sociable and well-spoken planet Venus is in your 11th house of friendship and social awareness this month. You may look forward to forming many new friendships and expanding your social circles this month. You will get along best with people who are either the same age as you or have a similar social maturity to you. Single Aries may be more occupied with their friendships over their romantic prospects this month. Both attached and single Aries simply want to enjoy life with their people they love and care for, regardless of romance. This is a wonderful time, so sit back and enjoy.
Things will continue on from last month, with Aries needing more time to recuperate and recover their usual energy levels. That is until the 18th of the month where the Sun enters their 12th house of spirituality and healing. It’s brilliant and fiery energy, enhanced by the celebratory nature of the Six of Wands, lends itself to Aries’ health. You may find yourself suddenly more energetic and more ready to push your limits and challenge yourself. Enjoy this period, however, be careful, as the Sun’s energy can burn as much as it helps you. Recklessness and impulse will be your biggest obstacles.
While many Aries are thriving in the social environment at their workplace, finances will not be as prominent this month. You are more focused on building relationships over solidifying your financial stability. That does not mean that you will neglect it, however, you may be less involved in this area. As a result, you may also be less impulsive when it comes to spending money and be more cautious in your financial investments. As you take your time with this area, you may discover neglected areas of your finances previously gone unnoticed. Though you take more time with your finances, you may thus find yourself handling more of them over time.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 8th, 16th, 25th, 27th
Lucky Color: Mature Pink

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May IV The Emperor
The Emperor empowers you with it’s confident energy this month. Combined with your birth planet Venus, making it’s way into your 10th house of career and status, this month will prove to be very fruitful when it comes to you career. No one is more aware of this than Taurians. You know you are set to do great things this month and are preparing yourself to take on that responsibility. The saying goes ‘dress for the job you want, instead of the one you have’. Abide by it this month, however, avoid becoming cocky or bossy. You still have a long way to go and you must start by humbling yourself.
Your love life cools a little bit this month. The Emperor is a card focused more on their goals and ambitions, and can find it card to concentrate on personal relationships. The homelife may be more comfortable this month, if only because people seemed focused on helping your achieve your goal. From the 18th of this month, the Sun will make it’s way into your 11th house of friendships and socialness. This may spur you to make more connections in your workplace and expand your social network, however, you may still focus on relationships that will help you practically in the long run. This isn’t a bad thing, however, make sure not to neglect your current friendships.
Your health is still not where you want it to be in February. Though your mental health is more than ready to tackle whatever obstacle comes your way, you must be careful with your physical health. You are more likely to run out of energy this month due to increased responsibilities. Thus, you must ensure to take adequate breaks and not to push yourself. Do not avoid your rest and ensure you stop work from time to time to take your meals and take a walk outside of your office. Keep up good health habits and you will be able to take this month on.
Taurians will often measure their success through their financial gain. In this ambitious month, you are eager to see how far you have progressed in their area. However, while your finances are overall positive this month, you may be disappointed to see that there is not too much change. You may be even more stressed to know that your finances are a bit tighter this month. This is truthfully nothing to worry about. As you progress, you will naturally have to spend your money in order to further your prospects. In time, it will all come back to you. There is also a higher chance that you will encounter more beneficiaries this month.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 9th, 19th, 20th, 28th
Lucky Color: Emerald Green

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun VII The Chariot
Things continue to be a bit slow in the beginning of this month. You are still dragging your feet a little from last month. However, you are preparing to take the reigns of the The Chariot to steer your career in the right direction. From the 18th of February onwards, the Sun will make it’s way into your 10th house of career and ambition. It’s fiery energy combined with the forward momentum of The Chariot, help to propel Gemini forward in achieving their career goals. Prepare yourself for the opportunities to come and do not let yourself lose too much steam in the downtime before this prosperous period. Be patient.
Venus is still making the rounds, now in your 9th house of philosophy and cross-cultural relations. As such, Geminis may be more concerned with reflecting and examining the relationships that you already have instead of forming completely new ones. You will be more focused on nurturing and strengthening the foundation you have with others. The Chariot encourages you on this path of learning, however, also advises that you also prioritize your own wellbeing and do not let yourself be pushed around. Otherwise, this is a good time to learn more about yourself and your surrounding friends and family.
Geminis may find themselves stretched thin this month when it comes to their health. Your body hasn’t quiet caught up to your mind and you need time to recuperate and get back to full strength. Give it your all when you are in the zone, but remember to pull back from time to time in order to take breaks and breathe. Your emotional health will be especially important this year as it can be strained by stress from work or your social life as you work to reflect on yourself and the past. Take this into consideration before you move ahead. Prioritize your wellbeing this month.
Financially, things continue from last month, where there is not too much to worry about regarding your finances. Things continue to sail smoothly without much fanfare from your income or investments. You may look forward to enjoying the stability that this month brings to your wealth. However, avoid worrying yourself over issues that don’t exist. Geminis may look forward to possible windfalls or work bonuses after the 18th when the Sun enters your 10th house of career and status. These windfalls may occur late this month or towards the beginning of next month, so don’t hold out too much for them in February. Regardless, you have little to worry about this month financially.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 20th, 21st
Lucky Color: Earthy Green

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul X Wheel of Fortune
Cancerians may feel tugged along by the fickle energy of the Wheel of Fortune this month in their career. You may encounter many issues or conflicts in your workplace this month, but with the ever changing energy of fate, these issues will not last nor have a very long term effect on your long term career. Thus, they can become quite annoying as you still need to tackle them. However, don’t be too sad, because there are many productive highs as there are irritating lows. You just need to get through the hurdles that crop up your way. February is also a good month to work on self-improvement in order to further your position in the workplace.
Venus makes it’s way into your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources from the 1st of this month onwards. The sensual energy of Venus brings fortune not to just your personal life, but also your social life. This is a time of reinvention and reflection for Cancerians. You are starting to shed away the older relations or habits that have not been serving you well. Like with the energy of the Wheel of Fortune, you focus more on moving forward and ensuring that you are changing with the times. Look at your life reflectively and you will find this to be a very productive month for your personal growth and emotional wellbeing.
Your health is heavily tied to your emotional wellbeing. As you focus on bettering and improving yourself, so does your health improve. Ensure that you take advantage of this good period of health to further your goals and reach your ambitions. Alongside your mental and emotional self-improvement, aim to ensure that your physical health also improves this month. If you have been trying to shed any bad habits, this is a good time to do so, while also cultivating good ones at the same time. This is a prosperous and opportune month for your health, so enjoy this period to it’s fullest.
With Venus moved into your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources, you may find that you are blessed with a lot of financial support from that of your partner or family. The best way for you to make the most of this month is to focus your financial planning around your household or in areas that would benefit your family. This is overall a prosperous month, though, you may find that your windfalls result from areas outside of your usual work and career. This is a good time to cut out unnecessary expenses in your household as well. Ensure you still keep away some of your fortune for a rainy day, for you and your family.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 14th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Color: Bright Blue

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Eight of Cups
Leos will be far more concentrated on their work and career this month. The Eight of Cups indicates that you may see work as a form of escapism from less exciting areas of your life. Boredom is Leo’s greatest fear and luckily, there will be a lot for you to do at work. The stars shine brightly on your career this month; promising you a lot of progress and productivity. Once you get into a groove, you will be able to keep up a positive momentum for yourself. This is good because your environment will likely be as fast paced as you are. Do not let yourself get side-tracked too much, you will have to be quick to grab at the opportunities that come your way.
Venus makes it’s way into your 7th house of relationships and sharing from the 1st of this month. It’s sensual and nurturing energy help to enhance your natural charisma and magnetic personality. At the same time, it brings out your natural instinct of a provider. Many attached Leos will work to ensure their family is secure and well-provided for. This is generally positive, though ensure that you do not get too lost in your work that you forget to pay attention to your loved ones. Single Leos may be more sociable and generous to others. You are more willing to pay attention to their needs and wants over your own this month.
While emotionally, this is a very positive month for you. The many events in your life that call for your attention can leave you feeling a bit stretched thin. The Eight of Cups advises that you learn to step back every so often, when you feel your body starting to run low on it’s energy reserves. Everything will still be waiting for you when you come back, and resting every so often will do you more good in the long run. While the days are still cold, strive to aid your health by keeping warm and not being tempted by energy drinks or sugary foods to boost your energy.
Mercury’s energy lingers on from last month before Venus fully transitions into your 7th house of relationships and sharing. Your finances will be heavily tied to your family or social life. Shared financial burdens may be increased out of necessity this month. You work hard to provide for your family and enjoy spending more on them financially. This is not a bad thing, but you should still work to minimize expenditure this month. Venus’ natural sociability also favors you working with others, either in the form of partnerships or shared investments.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 16th, 26th, 27th
Lucky Color: Pale Yellow

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Ace of Pentacles
It is hard for you to stay still this month. The Ace of Pentacles signals that you are more than ready to start sowing your wild oats in your career. This can be done through taking on or creating new projects or tasks. Luckily, the stars bless you with a spoiling of career opportunities this month. You are more than ready to throw yourself into work with a new found passion and fondness for your working environment. The only advice thi month is that you do not try to take on all main roles by yourself. Learning to delegate and lead your team will lead to greater success for both you and your colleagues.
The Sun will slip into your 7th house of relationships and sharing come the 18th of this month onwards. It’s energy affects you positively and powerfully this month. You are empowered to head into social situations with newfound confidence and wit. Your charisma spills over into your working life, where you can make solid connections through working with or leading others on projects. Romance wise you are in a blessed period where both single and attached Virgos have a chance to either meet people or strengthen their current relationship ties. Family also prospers this month as there is a chance for you to have a reunion or meet up more often this month.
Venus makes it’s way into your 6th house of health and fitness after Mercury from the 1st of this month onwards. It’s nurturing energy helps empower your health positively this month. Venus isn’t a miracle maker though, it’s nurturing energy combined with the energy of the Ace of Pentacles, signals that you must also take steps to nurture and take care of your health. What Venus does is ensure that your efforts bring greater blessings and better results to your health in the long run. This means ensuring you get enough rest and take balanced meals. Your emotional health is also very positive this month.
For the first time in a while, money is not your main goal when it comes to your career. As said before, you enjoy working in general, but earning money thanks to the dedication and hard work that comes as a result of your enjoyment is a useful bonus. You may suffer for short periods with a tighter budget as you reinvest your earnings back into your work, but overall you will come out wealthier this month. Your efforts and hard work will be justly rewarded financially this month.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 8th, 19th. 28th
Lucky Color: Light Red

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups signals that the success of your career this month is heavily tied to the social circles and people you form connections with in work. A solid team of colleagues is key to succeeding in both individual and group projects. You may be able to find people with strengths in areas that you have yet to refine or develop yourself in. Not only will they be valuable in helping you cover your shortcomings, but you may also be able to learn from them. However, be wary of colleagues that wish to piggy back off your abilities without giving anything in return. Their presence can have a negative effect on your performance, so be careful and employ good judgement in surrounding yourself with the right people.
Venus moves from your 4th into your 5th house of romance and love from the 1st of this month. Renowned as the planet of passion and love itself, it’s intense energies promise you a very exciting month. Libras are ready to seize their love with the utmost zeal and energy. You work to make the fantasies of both yourself and your partners realized. Libras with family will be nurturing and motherly figures, while single and attached Libras approach love with a new creativity and passion. However, be careful, as Venus tends to hide a darker more possessive and jealous side. Do not fall prey to these darker tendencies this month and you will have a very beautiful period of love and affection.
The Sun will eventually make it’s way into your 6th house of health and fitness come the 18th of this month. Combined with the cheerful and joyous energy of the Nine of Cups, your health looks to be overall positive for this month. Your physical health is heavily tied to your emotional health. Try to keep an optimistic and cheerful outlook this month. Stress will be your biggest enemy. Also be wary of overindulgence, as while you are enjoying yourself at the buffet table or with friends, remember not to give in too much to temptations. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy yourself.
The same attitude carries forth from last month, wherein there is generally very little to worry about when it comes to your finances. There is also unlikely to be anything major in the cards when it comes to your finances. You may eventually see some small windfalls or bonuses from work towards the end of the month, but otherwise, things look fairly stable and manageable. There may be some small expenditure increases on your family or to treat yourself, but as long as you are practical, this will not dent your finances in the long run.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 21st, 22nd
Lucky Color: Baby Pink

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles sees you taking a more practical and contemplative approach to your issues or tasks at work. You may not be focused on revaluating the solutions to issues, rather you will be reflecting on the overall approach you take to your career in general. You want to be more efficient in your work and proceed with a clearer mindset. The clarity you are looking for may take some time to reach this month. You may not be sure exactly how to proceed until later on next month. In the end, you will find it refreshing to have rethought your approach and this will show in your work as you tackle issues in ways you hadn’t before.
Venus makes it’s way into your 4th house of home and family from the 1st of this month. It’s nurturing and caring energies promise a harmonious and peaceful home life. Your personal home life will also likely be your main focus of this month. There is a chance you will invest a lot more effort into ensuring those you love are secure and well cared for. In turn, your family looks to support you when you need their comfort or advice. Single Scorpios have a chance to rekindle old flames this month or form connections with old acquaintances. This is a time where you will mostly make peace with the past to move forward.
This is a emotionally focused month where healing is done through reflecting and getting back in touch with your deeper subconscious emotions. Your physical health is tied to your emotional welfare and this month, you will be more meditative and reflective on that. This is a slow moving time, but one filled with positive healing. You must be careful on this journey as there will be times where you are emotionally vulnerable, and this can leave you open to illness or stress related pains. It is important you learn to step back every so often and comfort yourself. You are making a great journey and it is okay to take moments just to take care of your wellbeing.
The Seven of Pentacles reassures you that your finances will not worry you this month. They are relatively stable in this period and there will be ample opportunities for you to make financial investments or start new projects. While they will not be your main focus this month, you can still rest assured that there will be no major hiccups even when you aren’t there to watch over your finances. Take note, there may be some increase in expense when it comes to your family this month, but it will overall be nothing major that you have to worry about.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 14th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Emerald Green

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec XIII Death
Things take a swift turn for Sagittarius this month. The Death card indicates that this sudden change will be quite abrupt. Truthfully, the change take place in your attitude towards work and career. Sagittarians are now much more inclined towards their family and social ideals rather than the cooperate ladder and rat race. You may take a step back from your work, but take up more responsibilities behind the scenes. This is also a good time to start gathering resources for future productive streaks in your career. Preparation is key this month so focus on readying yourself for success.
Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and socialness from the 1st of this month onwards. It’s easy to see why most of your focus will be paid to this area this month with Venus’ powerful and sensual energy. However, last month’s energy still lingers on in the beginning half of this month. So be weary of communication break downs or possible misunderstandings between you and your loved ones. After this period, you will have more opportunities to strengthen the bonds between you, your friends and family. However, you must learn to temper back your fiery nature to avoid reigniting any conflicts that would’ve passed by this point.
Last month’s positive energy continues to influence you when it comes to your health and wellbeing. You may feel yourself slowing down a little bit this month, but this is likely due to the new responsibilities that you are taking for yourself. The most important thing you need to look out for is your emotional and mental health. As you take up more behind the scenes jobs or hobbies, it may be hard for you to feel the same fulfilment as they are more gradually satisfying. Don’t worry, just keep persevering and taking adequate rest when you are feeling tired or stressed.
Finances may take a bit of a backseat this month. There is not much going on for the financial realm. Though you may feel the need to dip into this area in order to secure potential future resources or make personal investments, there is little that is likely to change this month. This can be good as you will be more focused on other areas concerning your work as well. Do your best to ensure you keep to your usual budgeting. In future, your saved up resources will be put to use in garnering you further success and financial wealth.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 16th 26th 27th
Lucky Color: Light Brown

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan XII The World
The World blesses you with it’s radiant energy. This is a prosperous month, especially for new projects or negotiations. Capricorn is in their zone when it comes to reading the market and knowing what consumers or your company want. You must make sure to seize the opportunities that are presented to you this month. This is a smooth sailing and almost easy going period. Take note though, that with your accomplishments you will need to take on more responsibilities. While they likely won’t impact you majorly, ensure you do not let yourself get overwhelmed at work all the same.
The Sun will make it’s way into your 3rd house of communication and social interaction from the 18th of this month onwards. It is important that you do not be a passive viewer when it comes to your personal happiness and desires. Nothing will come to you if you sit back and just wait for relationships to fall into your lap. The World signals that you must be active in putting yourself out there and forming connections with people. Your efforts, both in and outside of your household will be greatly encouraged and fruitful this month. Make sure you value and prioritize yourself and your vision for your personal life this month.
This is a good month for you health wise. You are at a peak this month and should take advantage of it. This is a good time to push or increase the limits of your physical health. Workout regimes or new health routines will have a higher chance of sticking this month, as well as having a greater effect for your health. Even though your health is good, avoid succumbing to laziness or unhealthy eating habits. Luck will do you no good if you many unnecessary risks or act reckless.
Financially, this is another prosperous month for you. There is little to worry about when it comes to your finances, so sit back and relax a little this month. This is a good time to make new investments or pursue new projects or routes for financial growth. You may experience some bonuses from your work. Income will be a strong source of your wealth. Take some time out to study the market this month, you are more in tune with the trends that are starting to appear. You can take advantage of this intuition only if you properly analyze what is going on around you.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 9th, 19th 28th
Lucky Color: Money Green

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Page of Wands
Venus replaces Mercury in your 1st house of self and status this month. It’s passionate and beautiful energy combined with the fiery and self-assertive Page of Wands signals that you will be heavily focused on your reputation and status in the workplace. You’ll look for projects that allow you to shine with your talents. Those working in aesthetic or art based industries such as interior design will have a very fruitful month. Venus’ sociable energy also encourages you to form connections with those around you this month. These bonds will eventually help you out in the long run. Enjoy this month and it’s blessings.
Venus in your first house is already empowering you in your pursuits of love and romance. The Page of Wands signals that you may encounter a new passionate and exciting relationship this month. People will naturally be attracted to you. Most of this month may be focused on personal and self-growth. This self-improvement not only fulfils you emotionally this month, but can also lead you onto exciting new paths where you can meet new people outside of your usual friend groups. Attached Aquarius or those living with family may make some new household decisions this month, but ensure you discuss them beforehand with your family.
As before, this is a time for self-improvement and personal growth. This applies to your health as well. The stars signal that you will be in general good health this month, but there is much you can still do to ensure it remains at it’s peak for even longer. Take on new workout regimes, go on a diet, cut out bad habits and avoid giving into temptations like sugary drinks or junk food. Don’t forget to take some time out for self-care this month. This a time where you should enjoy yourself after all even between all your self-improvement.
Financially, this is another prosperous time. The Sun makes it’s way into your 2nd house of income and money from the 18th of this month forward. Even before then, the stability of last month will still be in effect. After the 18th, you may find yourself in a new peak when it comes to your finances. Alongside Venus’ influential energy, you can look forward to fruitful financial partnerships or joint ventures. Look out for people with like minded approaches to financial investment as you and this will be one of the best months of your life this year.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 21st, 22nd
Lucky Color: Aquamarine

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Ten of Swords
This is an overall powerful time for Pisces. The Ten of Swords indicates that you are entering a true transitionary period which can be difficult to go through at first. With Venus entering your 12th house of spirituality and the subconscious on the 1st and the sun entering your 1st house of self and status on the 18th, this is a very spiritually charged month. Most of your career success will come from focusing on spiritual ventures or what appeals to your sense of charity and self. Progress is secondary to helping people through your work, but you will still be recognized for your efforts after the 18th. Until then, keep doing what you believe is right.
Love takes center stage in your life this month. With Venus in your 1st house of spirituality and the subconscious from the 1st of this month, Pisces will turn to spiritual roots when looking for love. You seek out people who can form that same deeper connection with you. Likewise, this is also a month to start cultivating your own spiritual growth. Pursing the latter will naturally lead you to meet people who have the same ideals and philosophies. Follow your heart and soul this month, your intuition will lead you to better places overall where love is plentiful, and you can grow alongside those you choose to surround yourself with.
As before, this is a very spiritually charged month. The Ten of Swords indicates you may face some stress making this transition over from last month, but the change is necessary in reaching your best state of health. Reevaluate your current routines and mindset to your health and then make the changes you feel is necessary to obtain a higher state of mind. As you take care of your spirit, also look to take care of your body by providing it the proper self-care and pampering that it deserves after all the hard work you have put into caring for others. It’s time to care about your own comfort.
With your endeavors in work, you will be financially stable this month. With Venus in your 1st house of self and status, it is important you put time into your image and reputation in the marketplace. Building a soldi foundation and portfolio for yourself will be instrumental in ensuring you obtain good partnership deals or the first chance for financial investments. Trust your intuition this month when it comes to investments, your gut instinct can help you in turning fortunes in your favor. Overall, this month promises to be helpful in obtaining your financial goals.
Lucky Dates:5th, 14th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Light Purple