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Astro Tarot Forecast for February 2022

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Seven of Wands


The Seven of Wands signals that this month still has its handful of obstacles and difficulties that you will have to tackle head on. However, you are more than ready to face whatever is coming your way. You feel reinvigorated as you start to get into the swing of things and your mind is likely already swimming with all the ideas, plans and projects that you want to put into action this month. However, be patient; there is still a lot that needs to be prepared. Rest assured that you will be able to adequately gather the resources you need in order to succeed this month as well, all it takes it being proactive and keeping an eye open for opportunity.


A New Moon replaces Mercury in your 11th house of social groups and friendships from the 2nd of this month onwards. Opportunities for romances may be right under your nose, you just have to look hard enough. The New Moon’s feminine energy may also signal that relationships are not only emotionally fulfilling, but also help both parties to grow as people and achieve higher progress in their respective life paths. There is a high chance you will find romance in your line of work or from those in the same industry as you. While attached Aries may consider this a good time to expand and grow their family units.


Your mind is in tip top condition this month; your mental fortitude and ability to process information is astounding. Don’t worry though, your physical and emotional health is equally as strong. The Seven of Wands puts you in top fighting position; ready to tackle whatever obstacles come your way. You can help boost your current fortifications by continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. Keep a clean diet, get plenty of rest and make sure you take proper breaks in between your workload. Otherwise, enjoy this month to the fullest of your abilities.


Your hard work and patience are starting to pay off his month. You are finally to see more returns than expenses on your current financial projects and ventures. This is a prosperous period and you should take note of the wealth advantage you may have. Don’t be afraid to expand your ventures further or make use of this opportune time to cycle some of that wealth back into your business to help it grow. However, also be aware to put some of that good fortune aside for future rainy days. On top of all of that, treating yourself just a little this month won’t hurt your prospects in the long run either.

Lucky Dates: 9th, 17th, 27th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Rosy Red

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Nine of Pentacles


The Nine of Pentacles blesses and assures you that this month will both be plentiful and successful, especially when it comes to your career. You are a role model in the workplace and people look up to you and want to aid you along. Your network is especially important this month; so ensure to keep a friendly and professional attitude to those around you. This is a good time for you to take the lead on negotiations and business dealings. Don’t be afraid to step out into the spotlight and hold the reins on various projects or company decisions. Trust your better judgement and all the research you have done. Make the most of this fortunate time.


The Nine of Pentacles is a nurturing card that signals this month will be about strengthening and growing your current relationships. As well as dealing with any past issues that may still weigh you down. You may find closure with those in your past or even rekindle relationships that may have once fizzled out due to time or distance. Taking a trip to your hometown or in your local area might be good for you this month. Attached Taurians may find it beneficial to take your family on vacation or with you on your travels. Distance may make the heart grow fonder, but exploring somewhere new with your loved ones can do the same.


The sturdy Taurus has very little to worry about this month. You are feeling on top of your game this month. There is very little that can bog you down physically and mentally so embrace this newfound energy that you have been rewarded with. Make use of it by spending your energy doing the things you love with the people you love. As mentioned above, travel is strongly recommended for you so start planning early if possible. If international treasure is not possible, then leisurely travel around your home town or local area can do your body and mind good.


The Nine of Pentacles is a card that knows all the ins and outs of their financial situation and knows how to proceed forward in a steady and stable manner. This is the calm and practical attitude that you will adopt this month. You can easily see the trends in the market and know how to play alongside them in order to ensure you are always in a stable area when it comes to your wealth and fortunes. Your career will provide a good bulk of your income so put majority of your focus there. Starting new financial projects may bring you luck in the long run if you get them up and running by the end of this month.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 7th, 19th, 24th

Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Five of Pentacles

Work may have felt like a bit of a slog last month. The Five of Pentacles signals that you may feel as if you are not making as much progress as you’d like or are stuck in a rut at work. Don’t worry because this is the month where you work to change that. New opportunities will also come your way, giving you a chance to shakeup your current routine or try something new at your workplace. However, know that not everyone will be so receptive to changes, so you may experience some friction with your colleagues. While it may not hinder you in the long run, you may still have to take it into account as you move forward.


This month begins quite harmoniously where many Geminis are just going with the flow of things and enjoying the peace within your household space. You find support from those around you, especially as you work on making new changes to your home space or achieving new relationship milestones. From the 17th of this month onwards, the New Moon enters your 3rd house of communication and socialness. Its sudden intrusion can throw in some obstacles which can put some strain on relationships; especially between you and your relatives. Stand firm on decisions you feel strongly about, but try to keep the peace where possible and keep things light.


February is generally a good month for most zodiacs when it comes to their health and Gemini is no different. You feel energized by a new sense of purposes and motivation to achieve your goals. Take this time in stride and move forward boldly. However, be careful about your mental health. While things are progressing and you see a lot of success this month; the strain on your mental health can still be something you should be cautious about. Take mental health breaks here and there and find hobbies that can stimulate your brain without exhausting it too heavily. Otherwise, enjoy this month with your new found energy.


You can start to breathe a bit easier this month when it comes to finances. Your fortunes have taken a turn for the better and you can relax knowing you are earning a steady income and making a stable living. Not only that, but you will also find new support for your ambitions and financial projects. This is overall a prosperous month where you should keep pushing forward and expanding your reach and businesses. Working with people this month can be especially lucky for you this month. As always, remember to save some of your wealth for a rainy day and enjoy yourself where you can.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 12th, 19th

Lucky Colour: Ice Blue

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul VI The Lovers

The Lovers is a card that signals you will have many decisions and choices to make this month, especially when it comes to your career and work. Trust your better judgement and do your research, if possible, your choices will have a significant impact on how things play out in future. Do not feel too pressured though, as the universe is still on your side and trying its best to nudge you in the right direction. Trust and believe in yourself at the end of the day, you do what you believe is best for yourself and your business. At the same time, don’t be afraid to rely on those around you for support and encouragement. Just ensure that they are people you can trust.


A New Moon enters your 8th house of intimacy and merges from the 2nd of this month onwards. Its energy opens up new opportunities and possibilities in your love and social life. Relationships are not meant to be rushed this month and instead you should take your time with them in order to fully understand what both of you want out of each other. This is a good time for seeking closure from past relationships or learning to let go of any baggage that has been weighing you down. All you need to do is be bold and take a step forward in order to reinvigorate yourself and discover your hidden potential.


Your health takes a slight dip this month. There is nothing overall serious that will affect you negatively in the long run, but your energy levels are a bit lower and your physical health a bit more delicate. It is important to know your limits and not to push too far past them, especially with your schedule. Take things slow and easy. Go at your own pace and make sure you get plenty of rest and do not keep yourself up with excessive caffeine or sugary foods. Meditation is always a good way to help you sort out your mind and get you into a more relaxed and comfortable mood.


Finances will continue to be a bit tight this month. You are making great progress, but may be slightly held up by your wealth and fortune. While this only slows you down instead of stopping you fully, it can still be annoying. Take a breath and look at any debts or loans from a new perspective. This is a great time to do some spring cleaning; clear out whatever you may owe to someone else and start the next month completely fresh and anew. Your finances will improve in future, so be patient and do the difficult work now so you’ll have an easier time later.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 10th, 15th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Heart Red

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug XXI The World

The World card opens up many possibilities to Leo this month, however, with these opportunities come their fair share of obstacles that you will need to overcome. However, the powerful Leo didn’t earn its crown just by virtue of its name alone. You have fought hard to earn your place and you know your own value in the workplace. It is important that you convince others of your own convictions and capabilities. Your actions will speak louder than your words in the end and you should be able to lay down the groundwork for your projects, even if you do encounter resistance from those who should be supporting you. This is your moment to prove them wrong and show them why you are a force to be reckoned with in your career path.


Romance is a bit of a mixed bag this month. Both the positive and negative moments of a relationship may be amplified this month so you will have to thread carefully moving forward. Leos may have to take careful consideration of your future and current situation when making any major decisions. The World advises you to embrace the changes, obstacles, memories and moments that occur this month. They are all a part of living, loving and learning. Go with the flow and learn from your mistakes and successes. Compromise, but also learn where to stand your ground and be diplomatic. Things will be more light-hearted next month.


You may still be recovering from the stress of last month. Your energy levels are a bit depleted and you need plenty of rest before you can reignite your usual fire. This is nothing to be alarmed about. Every sign goes through periods where they need to decompress or take it easier. The faster you can accept that fact, the faster you can start listening to your bodies needs and taking care of it. Avoid the temptation of sugary foods or energy drinks to keep yourself awake longer; the withdrawal symptoms will not be worth whatever good they can do for you. Keep a clean diet and keep up any meditative activities you may have picked up.


You can breathe a bit easier when it comes to your finances this month. You are staying afloat on a predictable budget and income. Those around you are also willing to help support you if you fall on any hard times. In return, don’t be too stingy if your loved ones need some financial help to get back on their feet. Use your judgement wisely and you will not only be able to strengthen your business relationships, but also know you can reliably rely on someone to return a favor to you when you need it.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 8th, 21st, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Ocean Blue

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug XXI The World

The World card opens up many possibilities to Leo this month, however, with these opportunities come their fair share of obstacles that you will need to overcome. However, the powerful Leo didn’t earn its crown just by virtue of its name alone. You have fought hard to earn your place and you know your own value in the workplace. It is important that you convince others of your own convictions and capabilities. Your actions will speak louder than your words in the end and you should be able to lay down the groundwork for your projects, even if you do encounter resistance from those who should be supporting you. This is your moment to prove them wrong and show them why you are a force to be reckoned with in your career path.


Romance is a bit of a mixed bag this month. Both the positive and negative moments of a relationship may be amplified this month so you will have to thread carefully moving forward. Leos may have to take careful consideration of your future and current situation when making any major decisions. The World advises you to embrace the changes, obstacles, memories and moments that occur this month. They are all a part of living, loving and learning. Go with the flow and learn from your mistakes and successes. Compromise, but also learn where to stand your ground and be diplomatic. Things will be more light-hearted next month.


You may still be recovering from the stress of last month. Your energy levels are a bit depleted and you need plenty of rest before you can reignite your usual fire. This is nothing to be alarmed about. Every sign goes through periods where they need to decompress or take it easier. The faster you can accept that fact, the faster you can start listening to your bodies needs and taking care of it. Avoid the temptation of sugary foods or energy drinks to keep yourself awake longer; the withdrawal symptoms will not be worth whatever good they can do for you. Keep a clean diet and keep up any meditative activities you may have picked up.


You can breathe a bit easier when it comes to your finances this month. You are staying afloat on a predictable budget and income. Those around you are also willing to help support you if you fall on any hard times. In return, don’t be too stingy if your loved ones need some financial help to get back on their feet. Use your judgement wisely and you will not only be able to strengthen your business relationships, but also know you can reliably rely on someone to return a favor to you when you need it.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 8th, 21st, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Ocean Blue

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is an eager card that wants to prove itself. You embody this spirit this month as you dive into your work full of fire and motivation. However, while you are giving it your all, you must remember that the Knight of Wands is still a young card that is always learning along the way. You need some time to refine your skills and continuously improve yourself. Remember that you always have more to learn and you should pursue avenues that allow you to build your foundations and shape your potential. People will soon take notice of your skill and passion so keep at it.


One would think that with all the effort you’re putting into your work life, that you’d be neglecting your home and household this month. This is far from the truth and even the opposite of what is going on. In fact, the Knight of Wands is also going strong here and you are also giving your all in improving your living situation, household environment or starting a new family project. It is a good idea to rope your family alongside you into your activities as this can be a great way for you to bond and work on your home together. Just remember to compromise where you can when it comes to arguments or disagreements. These are your family members that you’re working with after all.


Health is still relatively stable this month, however, you may be more concerned about the long-term state of your health. You are very much future-minded this month and want to ensure that you will be able to be in good health even 10 years from now. As such, this month you might start taking steps to ensure you keep up healthy habits. This can be done by solidifying your current sleep schedule or by putting yourself on a stricter diet. Remember restricting yourself isn’t the answer, but rather you should find a good way to balance out work with rest.


Finances are relatively stable this month. You can look forward to some small bonuses that can help boost your income. These can come from your work or even in the form of financial support from your loved ones. Otherwise, there is not too much in the cards for you this month when it comes to your wealth. Enjoy this period of stability and focus on the other areas of your life that may be calling for more of your attention. You will be able to be more involved in your finances in future months.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 4th, 22nd, 25th

Lucky Colour: Fiery Red

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Ten of Wands


Scorpios may have felt like they were only just starting to get a handle in the workplace last month, but this month you have your thumb in every pie. You are practically zooming around the workplace this month, handling negotiations, making new connections or developing new projects and plans. You may not see immediate results, but rest assured that your efforts are not going unnoticed and will eventually pay off. Keep working on expanding your horizons and innovating on your skill sets, but remember not to work yourself too ragged this month either. The Ten of Wands warns you of the possibility of burn out if you are not careful.


A New Moon makes its way into your 4th house of home and family from the 2nd of this month onwards. It introduces many new opportunities for single Scorpios to meet new flames this month. Its feminine and intuitive energies also signal that these aren’t just passionate flings, but emotional connections that are being formed before you. Attached Scorpios should, on the other hand, try to avoid temptations from outside. This is also a good time to strengthen relationships with your distant relatives and bring the family unit closer together.


You are feeling reenergized this month. The universe knows that you have a busy schedule to attend to and is doing its best to boost your energy levels and keep you in tip top condition to tackle any potential obstacles. However, your physical health can still be negatively affected if you get too stressed or push yourself too hard. So, remember to take regular breaks and schedule time out to relax with friends or family. Avoid turning to caffeine or junk food to replace sleep.


Finances take a backseat this month, other areas of your life are just more exciting and stimulating right now. Luckily, you don’t need to be so heavily involved in them this month. They are relatively stable and there is little in the market trends that may surprise you. Both expenditure and income look to remain predictable so you can make your budgets and organize your spending accordingly. There may be some increased household expenditure, but it likely does not affect you in the long run.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 8th, 20th, 25th

Lucky Colour: Pacific Blue

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec V The Hierophant

Last month you picked right back where you left off before the holidays, this month The Hierophant signals that you have gotten comfortable and have a good and steady handle on what is happening in the workplace. You know the ins and outs of your work environment and how your colleagues operate and are taking advantage of that knowledge to create a productive environment. It is a good idea to focus on expanding your business or growing your current market of clientele. You are a key piece in the success to any business, so recognize your worth when new opportunities come calling.


The New Moon makes its way into your 3rd house of communication and social activity from the 2nd of this month onwards. The success from your working life will allow you to make such much desirable improvements to your current working life. However, this comes with the trade off that you may spend less time with your loved ones. While immediate family continues to remain close, you may encounter some conflict or strain with your relatives or distant family members. The best thing you can do is take a step back and not aggravate the situation. Keeping your mind off it will be beneficial for you in the long run.


The Hierophant signals that you are quite stable this month when it comes to your health. You know your body best and are making the steps to ensure that you are doing your all-in order to take care of your physical and mental health. Continue along this line this month and avoid temptations such as junk food or caffeine. Sagittarius can be very motived through friendly competition or constant improvement; so look to those two areas as sources of motivation to keep you on the right path.


Your good luck continues this month, mostly in thanks to the great progress that you are making at work. Sagittarians can look forward to small bonuses or decent windfalls this month. Work isn’t your only source of income as any side projects or financial ventures you have pursued will also allow you to reap the rewards of your labor this month. This is a very successful period and as usual, you should strive to budget accordingly and put aside any excess for future rainy days or investments that may come about as the market continuously changes.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 8th, 19th, 24th

Lucky Colour: Pale Blue

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Eight of Cups


The Eight of Cups represents stepping outside of your comfort zone or leaving behind projects or ventures that may not be currently working out for you. Likewise, this month, Capricorns may find new success by expanding their current scope of business or literally leaving the country in order to conduct their business overseas. Look out for opportunities that can take you outside of your usual work zone; be it physically or mentally based on your skills. Don’t be afraid to try new ventures or volunteer yourself for new work. You can make waves this month if you just take the right steps.


Capricorns will have to take the reins this month when it comes to their relationships. You are very much wearing the pants in the family, regardless of who you are and have to make the difficult decisions for the good of yourself and your close loved ones. This is a big and important responsibility laid on you this month and there may be some tradeoffs such as time or personal expense in order to keep the family unit tight knit and provided for. Never underestimate how much of an important part you play in the harmony of your family, but also remember to take time out for yourself this month.


February is a decent month for many signs when it comes to their health and Capricorns are no different. This month, you are feeling strong and healthy for the majority of it. You have been blessed with the energy you need to accomplish your goals without too much strife. Your strength is actually something to be admired this month so don’t be surprised if your glow naturally attracts those around you. Put yourself out there to accomplish what you want to this month; there is no better time for you to do so.


Finances are a mixed bag this month. The New Moon enters your 2nd house of money and income from the 2nd of this month onwards, and the advice it has for you is to just go with the rise and fall of the tides that the moon pulls and pushes. Money will come and money will also naturally flow out. You will have to make do with this cycle this month; as there will be moments where you have to spend in order to cover things like household expenditure or family expenditure. This is normal and just something you must learn to accept sooner. Once you realize this cycle, you will be able to breathe easier this month.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 8th, 19th, 27th

Lucky Colour: Sunset Yellow

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands knows that she’s in charge and knows the responsibility of having such a role. She rules over her subjects with a firm, but steady hand; pushing for the kingdom to continuously succeed and expand on itself. This is how you control your business this month; by making the difficult decisions and holding tightly onto the reins. You may be faced with several major choices this month, but rest assured you can trust your judgement and research in order to help lead yourself forward to success. Hold your ground when you come across any obstacles, but learn not to be stubborn to a fault. Compromise on the smaller things in order to achieve your goals.


The New Moon is in your 1st house of self and attitude from the 2nd of this month onwards. Influenced by the Moon’s introspective energies, Aquarians are busy bees when it comes to their household chores and affairs. Your creative spirit has been unleashed this month and you are spending all that energy on your household. Attached Aquarians will be able to cement their familial relationships better this month, while single Aquarians may choose to spend more time with their family and relatives. This is overall a prosperous and peaceful time where you can relax and focus on what you enjoy the most.


Aquarians are energetic and full of life this month. You are ready to set out and accomplish your goals as well as tackle what obstacles may come your way. However, you should be careful as it can be easy to fall to the temptation of junk food or being lazy. Before you know it, you may fall into a rut and lose your motivation and momentum. Therefore, it is important that you don’t rely too much on temptations and use healthier alternatives to keep you on your feet. As long as you can avoid this pitfall, you should remain in tip top condition this month.


Your finances look to be on a positive upward trend this month. You are doing financially well and can look forward to a stable economic period. Aquarians can also look forward to small windfalls or bonuses from their work. You may unexpectedly make more than you initially planned or find extra income to tack onto your current venture. If you need a loan this month; it is a good idea to take it as you are in a good position to do so. Loans need not always come from the bank; trusted family members or benefactors can also financially support you this month. Remember to pay them back.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Golden Red

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords signals that you are coming into this month having just overcome some new big hurdle or obstacle. Unfortunately, you can not yet rest as there is still a lot for you to do. Don’t worry, things start to become more positive from this month onwards. Pisces can find a lot of support from their colleagues and should strive to build their network and maintain workplace harmony. Having a strong backing from your coworkers will be instrumental in getting your ideas across and also helping you further your projects and climb the career ladder. Keep a steady pace; there is no need for you to rush this month as you lay the foundations for your future success.


Pisces are taking on a more mature attitude this month. You know what you want out of a relationship and make start by having a serious talk with your partner. The universe favors you this month; ensuring that most relationships may take the next step and start blossoming further. Single Pisces have a chance to meet someone new or spark a romance with someone already around you. While attached Pisces can freely enjoy the comforts of your home and family. This is a blissful and joyous month so make sure you have time to spend with your loved ones so you can fully appreciate it.


Mentally and emotionally, you are stable and quite healthy, however, the Ten of Swords signals that your body may be suffering from the effects of long-term stress or simple exhaustion. Burnout is easy this month; so, make sure you get plenty of rest. Do not push yourself too far over your limits and ensure that you get a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. There is no substitute for good rest. If you can keep a good eye on your health and remain cautious about straining yourself, this is should be an overall good month for you, health wise.


Finances start to stabilize for you this month. Things are calming down and you are slowly getting a proper rhythm when it comes to organizing your wealth. You will have enough to achieve what you set out to do. There is nothing major in the cards for this month, but this is a good thing as you will not need to worry too much about unexpected expense or losses. Right now, focus on investing in your foundations and setting yourself up for success in future.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 4th, 8th, 27th

Lucky Colour: Dark Silver

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