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Astro Tarot Forecast for January 2024

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr         XII The Hanged Man



The Hanged Man advises Aries not to be hasty this month, but instead rely on strategy to help guide your decisions in the long run. Mercury also directs from the 1st of this month onwards, lifting a weight from many Aries’ shoulders. This is your time to shine, but you must first build a strong and stable foundation for you to stand on. Take calculated risks instead of recklessly pushing ahead and back up your passion projects with hard evidence and compelling facts to help others get on board with your ideas. Avoid getting into conflicts and focus on diplomacy to help propel your career forward.





The Hanged Man challenges you to move further out of your shell and tackle romance and relationships with a new perspective. The road ahead is not completely smooth, as you may find yourself clashing with your partner over misunderstandings or differences in views, but these will prove good lessons to help you put yourself in the shoes of other people. This will be both an exciting, but challenging time, where you need to be flexible in your limits, but steadfast in your values. This is also a good time to discover more about yourself and your own needs and wants.  



The Hanged Man feels like it tosses everything upside down for you as you enter this new year. This is a reflective month, where Aries should take a step back to evaluate their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Remember that all three are important and you should find ways to enhance your health overall, rather than just focusing on one area. Prioritize yourself and your happiness this month, treat your body well and your mind even better. A good routine can help those struggling with getting everything under control and a clean diet and proper sleep schedule can help wash away any worries you may have. Listen to your body and all will be well.  




Aries may struggle with their finances for the first part of this month. The Hanged Man advises you to be patient and weather through the storm by relying on your mind and careful planning. Look out for opportunities to grow your wealth, but do not be too hasty to jump into anything that seems too good to be true. Avoid being reckless or impulsive, always do your research whether it comes to business, financial decisions or even personal spending. Employ a thrifty attitude this month and be a smart saver. As long as you can keep this in mind, you’ll be able to make it through this month without much issue.


Lucky Dates: 3rd, 14th, 19th, 20th,    

Lucky Colour: Pure White

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May          Four of Swords



The Four of Swords encourages you to be more cautious this month, especially when it comes to your career and work life. While this time is a positive one full of opportunities and potential growth, you must safeguard against being too reckless or moving ahead without a plan already in mind. Learn to be disciplined and always double check your work to ensure it is up to standard and clear in what its meant to communicate. Apply this thinking to all your endeavors and you will find yourself making decent leaps, bounds and progress for all of this month.




The Four of Swords encourages you to reflect on yourself and your relationships, and find the areas where your perspectives may not be harmonizing as nicely. Now is a good time to get to the root of any issues and fix them with open communication and maturity. Take the time to trim away your baggage, as well as help others address theirs. This is meant to be a healing and transformative time. As you go through these changes, you may also form new and unexpected connections with the people you meet and get to know. However, remember to always set boundaries for yourself and take things slow to avoid those who may try to take advantage of your loving nature.




Now is a good time to slow down and focus on caring for yourself and prioritizing your overall wellbeing. The Four of Swords signals that now is a good time to be more meditative and work on unpacking any emotional baggage you may have. Those recovering from physical illness or injuries should treat themselves well this month and give themselves the time needed to relax and regain their strength. Take things one day at a time and work on improving yourself slowly. There is no need to rush. Most importantly, ensure you have an optimized routine, good diet and get plenty of sleep.




This month provides a lot of temptations for you to spend your hard-earned cash on, however, the Four of Swords advises you not to jump too hastily into any reckless spending. It is not only a matter of whether you can afford a luxury, but whether you truly need it as well. If you have a budget, then try your best to follow it this month. Aside from this caution, Taurians can look forward to new opportunities to grow your wealth or some small windfalls dotted throughout this month. Just remember to maintain a careful balance of how much you earn and spend. Set realistic goals for yourself and you won’t fail to succeed this month.


Lucky Dates: 5th, 7th, 11th, 25th

Lucky Colour: Bronze Brown

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun         King of Pentacles




The King of Pentacles along side Mercury’s direct at the beginning of this month, brings forth new blessings and opportunities for Gemini in January. However, fortune is not so freely given out. The King of Pentacles expects you to work hard and put in a lot of effort to achieve career growth and stability. At the same time, he encourages you to build up a solid network that you can rely on and make use of. Overall, the king expects you to be both proactive, but also smart about how you assert yourself this month. Don’t make any thoughtless or impulsive decisions and prioritize building up everyone together, rather than having to tear someone down to make yourself shine.




The King of Pentacles promises some potential romances for the single Gemini this month. Its strong and confident energy helps to nurture the most attractive aspects of yourself, making you magnetically charming to the new people that you draw into your social circle. Learn to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself in the spotlight from time to time, however, be cautious as sometimes the King of Pentacles that seek to control a situation too strictly. This can result in conflicts, which you will need to resolve by learning to let go and listen to those around you. Remember a relationship involves two people and you should ensure that you are both being given the same amount of respect that you give to each other.



Geminis have to be careful about tipping the scales between their personal and working life this month. You may be more prone to burn out or exhaustion this month, so it is important you recognize your limits and stick to them. The King of Pentacles reminds you to listen to your body and focus on strengthening yourself. Don’t neglect your emotional wellbeing as well, as it can also affect your physical health. As always, keep all things in balance. As long as you can keep this in mind, then you can make it through this month without too much drama.




This month, the market doesn’t look good for many signs and the King of Pentacles encourages you to rise above the rest by being more strategic and practical. You will need to take tighter reign on your finances and spending habits this month, by making use of a proper budget and good financial habits. There may be some unexpected increase in expenses this month, which may be mostly related to your business or personal financial projects. It pays to be extra cautious and always have plans if a deal doesn’t turn out the way that you want it to. Ensure that you either have a legal contract backing you up or someone who can help support you.


Lucky Dates: 3rd, 4th, 11th, 30th          

Lucky Colour:  Golden Yellow

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul         Four of Cups




Mercury directs at the beginning of this month, giving Cancerians some much needed breathing room. However, the Four of Cups encourages you not to become too content with how things currently are. Instead, try to step out of the box and actively pursue your career goals and ambitions. New opportunities and milestones are just around the corner and you should actively go to meet them instead of waiting for them to come to you. Your perseverance and effort will bear you some fruit this month, however, be careful not to overwork yourself at the same time. Fight for your goals, but remember to take a rest every now and then as well.




The Four of Cups signals that you may have hit a bit of a stagnant patch in your relationships. This may be due to miscommunication or a growing sense of distance between you and your loved ones. While it can be tempting to avoid addressing larger issues and letting things fester, it is important to openly communicate any worries or fears with someone that you trust. Remember to repay this in kind if someone comes to you for a listening ear as well. For those not looking into a relationship now, this is also an excellent time for self-discovery and learning more about your own needs and wants. Either way, take this time as a chance to grow and love yourself more.



Your health is the most important this month. The Four of Cups encourages you to prioritize your wellbeing and pay extra attention to your physical health. It can be easy to avoid thinking about potential health issues because they can cause more worries, but sometimes addressing an issue before it gets worse is better than letting it linger or fester. However, avoid being too reckless in jumping onto any new health trends or fads. Often times, they may not pan out if you did not do your proper research. Take your time to learn about something before you go ahead with it.




Cancerians will need to continue to be careful with their finances in the new year. The Four  of Cups encourages you to think ahead and plan out your budget for this month carefully. There may be a lot of temptation this month, and it can be easy to turn to retail therapy in order to help balance out your stress during tense periods. However, you must be aware of how much you are actually spending and learn to manage your finances so that you will not need to worry about further financial issues in future. Try to err on the side of caution and choose safer options when it comes to growing your wealth. Always have a backup plan just in case.


Lucky Dates: 5th, 7th, 11th,  27th 

Lucky Colour: Blueish Grey

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug         Three of Pentacles




The Three of Pentacles encourages you to be more creative and step outside of the box more when it comes to your work and career. Be sure to communicate your ideas and innovations to those around you though, as it can be easy for things to get lost in translation and cause misunderstandings or friction in the work place. When it comes to your passion projects, it is important to ensure that they are up to standard as well, and not skimp out on any important details. Always check your work and ensure that nothing has been missed out. Employ a little more caution and this month will prove to be quite successful.




The Three of Pentacles encourages you to find diplomatic solutions to any conflicts this month and focus on diplomacy and maintaining peace over pursuing arguments. Things move slowly this month for the normally energetic Leo. This is not a bad thing, as the universe is giving you more time to learn about yourself and spend time reflecting on the current relationships that you have in your life. Those seeking out new relationships may have some luck in finding someone that they really click with, and this is a good time to expand your social network or find more friendships.




The Three of Pentacles encourages you to rely on the help of others if you are having a hard time when it comes to unpacking emotional baggage or sorting through any issues. Even matters of physical wellbeing may require that you turn to others for support or advice. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help as they can help guide you down the best route for your own health. At the same time, remember that advice is nothing without action or discipline. You will need to follow through on the goals that you have set for yourself and work towards improving yourself to be the best ‘you’ that you can be.




Leos can look forward to a relatively stable and reliable financial position this new year. The Three of Pentacles signals that some small luck is coming your way and there is a good chance of some small windfalls dotted throughout this month. However, it also cautions you to use your judgement wisely. Avoid making risky financial decisions and keep to your budget if possible. Setting up some financial goals for yourself in the long run can help you control your spending in the short term. Be wary of people promising investments that sound too good to be true and ensure that your finances are secure and protected from scammers or hackers.


Lucky Dates: 3rd, 8th, 13th, 19th          

Lucky Colour: Sunny Yellow   

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept         Ten of Wands




The Ten of Wands throws in a few more obstacles in your way as you start this new year. This might come in the form of delays or slow downs to certain parts of your projects, which can feel quite frustrating. However, you should strive to maintain a calm attitude and be patient as your sort through or unpack different issues. The Ten of Wands is communicating that it is the last obstacle you will need to face before you can start sampling the fruits of success. However, do not expect things to flip on a dime in a single day. Things will still be slow moving, but they will at least be progressing forwards in the second half of the month.




Virgo’s 5th house of romance and love experiences many different visitors this month, bringing them a mixed bag of ups and downs when it comes to their personal and social life. The most notable will be Mercury entering on the 14th, who’s energies will help you navigate through the messier more difficult periods of your relationship. The Ten of Wands also signals this a time of both conflict and joy, as you close out different chapters of your life to start new ones or turn over a new leaf. However, remember to keep all your expectations grounded; things do not magical change overnight. All things will require patience, understanding and clear trust and communication to improve.



Virgos are advised to take it easy this month and focus on their physical and emotional wellbeing, The Ten of Wands indicates that there may be some frustrating obstacles or emotional hurdles that you will need to overcome or face this month. While the ever-perseverant Virgo may be tempted to work through any difficulty, you will need to learn to take a step back and make time for your hobbies or favorite activities. Work will not run anywhere, so you should strive to strike a healthy balance between your personal life and career. Most importantly, listen to the needs of your body and pay attention to anything that might warrant a doctor’s visit. Be vigilant and be loving towards yourself.




Virgos should be equally vigilant when it comes to their finances this month. Set a good start to the new year by ensuring you have cleaned up your finances and organized them accordingly. The Ten of Wands advises that you will have to adopt a stricter and long-term focused attitude, to avoid spending recklessly or without proper budgeting. While this month is not the worst in terms of your finances, you should be careful and prepare for future months where the stars may not be so favorable. This will help ease any worries you may have in future about your finances.


Lucky Dates: 3rd, 10th, 17th. 27th         

Lucky Colour: Pale Blue  

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct         Ace of Wands




The Ace of Wands seeks to start of Libra’s new year on a bright and positive note. Libra can rely on their charming wit and magnetic personality to help win over people onto their bright and innovative ideas this month. The spotlight is on you and you should take advantage of the moment to push your own ideas or creative projects. It is important to find like minded people to help build your network this month, however, be careful of being too caught up in a goal that you lose your better sense of judgement. The Ace of Wands reminds you that your feet must stay on the ground even while your head is in the clouds.




The intelligent Mercury enters your 4th house of home and family from the 14th of this month onwards. This planet’s powerful energy encourages you to take on more responsibilities in your personal and social life, whether it’d be responsibility for others or for different parts of our own life. You cannot avoid these responsibilities; you can only stand tall and get ready to accept them as they come your way. Often times, they will come with good news, so enjoy the blessings that this month gives upon you and your family. Take your role seriously and do what you believe is best for yourself and your loved ones. This is a great way for you to experience personal growth.



The Ace of Wands encourages you to prioritize your physical wellbeing this month. It is important that you start off with a good and balanced routine that allows you to be active and exercise both your mind and body. At the same time though, do not be too overly ambitious and overtax your body. Remember your limitations and to warm up and cool down before and after any of your exercising. Listen to what your body is telling you and don’t be afraid to explore exercises or workouts that rouse your interest. Enjoying your routine will be the key to ensuring that you have a fit, active and overall positive period of health this month.




Your finances will fade a little to the background, however, the Ace of Wands cautions you not to be too overly content with them. You have to take some caution to avoid spending recklessly or being too overconfident when it comes to risky or uncertain investment. The stars warn that there may be some people trying to take advantage of any naivety or generosity that you may have.  Safeguard yourself by doing your research and using careful judgement. If you have a bad feeling in your gut when it comes to someone, then it may also be better to trust it and err on the side of caution rather than take the risk.


Lucky Dates: 8th, 15th, 19th, 31st     

Lucky Colour: Lucky Red


8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov         Six of Swords




The Six of Swords signals that many Scorpios may be looking outside of their usual zones of work and browsing around for new opportunities. A few of you may feel the itch to start moving onto new industries or from your current positions. It is important that you think long and hard about your current career goals and reflect on if they’re achievable in your current position. This is a decision that only you can make. Either way, it is a good idea to build up a strong network of people that you can rely on for resources or advice should you ever need it. Things will turn out in your favor this month, but only if you learn to think outside the box and employ your creativity.




Mercury enters your 3rd house of communication and socialness from the 14th of this month. Its mature energy combined with the Six of Swords, encourage Scorpios to look deeper within themselves and address any emotional baggage or uncertainty that may have been affecting them or their relationships. Often times, you will need to travel outside of your comfort zone or be comfortable with being vulnerable to others in order to help heal any emotional wounds or pains that you might have. This is a tough, but necessary time so keep your attitude optimistic as you navigate through it. Don’t be afraid to rely on others as well to help see you through this period.




The Six of Swords suggests that this is a period of growth and personal care for Scorpions this month. You will be making different adjustments to your personal life and you will need to get used to the changes and differences that you are making for yourself. Embrace optimism and lean towards practices that help you lead a healthy and optimistic life. Your emotional and mental health will take priority this month, but do not neglect things like a healthy routine and physical exercise. Often times, this will help contribute to your state of mind and help you get to a better and brighter place. Learn to stay flexible with the changes that come your way and this month will be easy for you to get through.




Things are starting to calm down a little when it comes to your finances, but this only means that it is time for you to start taking more active control. Make sure that you have a proper budget in place and know your expenditures and income inside and out. It is important that you keep an ear to the ground and an eye on your overall financial organization. Make sure that you are doing your part to keep up with your books and that you are not spending more than you need to. This will be an important time for Scorpios as your decisions may affect your future investments or long-term wealth.


Lucky Dates: 5th, 6th, 14th, 29th,

Lucky Colour: Blueish White

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec         Four of Pentacles




The Four of Pentacles predicts that there will be prospective new opportunities for Sagittarians as they start their career this year. However, while there is a lot of potential for your career, it will require a lot of concentration and effort to move forward. Luckily, Sagittarians have never been one to back down from a challenge. That doesn’t mean you should charge ahead recklessly though, as the Four of Pentacles cautions you to be more strategic with your choices. Work with facts and what you know, instead of chasing after goals without laying down a proper foundation for yourself. Keep this in mind and you will see a lot of progress made this month. 




The Four of Pentacles tends to prioritize their own needs over that of others. While there is nothing wrong with looking out for yourself and learning more about your own person, you must be careful not to end up being selfish in neglecting the needs or feelings of others. Striking a good balance will be the key to any healthy and loving relationship this month. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings or worries with others, but remember to extend the same offer to them when they are in need. Learn to harmonize and form strong and loving bonds with those around you. Set healthy boundaries and love yourself.




Sagittarians will need to be a bit more cautious when it comes to their health this month. The Four of Pentacles advises that you learn to reign in any loose temptations or bad habits. This can be a very stimulating month, and Sagittarians may easily find themselves overindulging in unhealthy habits or practices in order to relieve stress. While self-care is always important, it should be done properly in a way that enhances and improves on your overall health, instead of subtracting from it. As long as you can control yourself and keep to good habits, this month will pass by smoothly.




The Four of Pentacles, once more, advises Sagittarians to try and curb their more impulsive or reckless habits this month. It is tempting to throw money at a problem or use it as a crutch to help you get rid of stress, but these bad habits will only come back and bite you in the long run. Learn to cultivate good financial habits and organize your finances so you are aware of both your expenditure and income. You will have to employ a lot of discipline this month, especially when it comes to managing your investments or doing the research to make new ones. You will gain a lot as long as you can keep this in mind.


Lucky Dates: 7th, 9th, 16th, 28th  

Lucky Colour: Money Green


10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan        Queen of Cups




The intelligent and mature Mercury enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 14th of this month onwards. Its energy combined with the emotional maturity and caring nature of the Queen of Cups ensures that Capricorns will have a clear mind when it comes to work related matters. Your ability to think practically while preserving relationships and building harmonious connections will come in handy this month. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance from those around you and expand your network of useful resources or potential partnerships. This is a blessed time and you should take smartly take every opportunity you can to achieve your ambitions or climb the career ladder.




Love brings with it different challenges this month. The Queen of Cups advises you to give as much attention to your personal and social life as you do your work and career. Often times, you will find yourself have to make the effort to meet others halfway, while also making sure your own needs and wants are addressed. Strive to foster healthy and open lines of communication so that all the cards are on the table, and you and your partner can work towards strengthening your relationship. The Queen of Cups also suggests that this is a good time for you to reflect on yourself and gain a deeper understanding into your own inner being.




This is a stimulating and exciting month, full of activities and different roles and responsibilities that you will have to take on. However, it is also a month where you are at greater risk of burn out or exhaustion if you do not take care of yourself. Listen to your body when it needs to rest and remember to schedule in proper breaks and rests into your schedule. The Queen of Cups encourages you to nurture both your soul and body in order to achieve the best balance. Remember not to treat any signs of illness or aches too lightly, sometimes they may require a professional visit or advice to help solve your problems. Keep that in mind this month.




The market may not be favorable to many signs this month. The Queen of Cups recommends that Capricorns think carefully about their future financial plans, and find the best way to make use of their current wealth. The situation is ever changing, so you must learn to be flexible and adapt accordingly to fit the current financial environment. Now might be a good time to put more emphasis on saving and budgeting, instead of taking on debt or pursuing any risky investments. Be wary of people with projects that sound too good to be true, and build a trusted network of advisors that you can rely on to safeguard your financial interests.


Lucky Dates: 9th, 17th, 19th, 27th

Lucky Colour: Sea Blue

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb         Two of Wands




The Two of Wands suggests that many Aquarians are coming to a fork in the road when it comes to their career and work life. There are many different opportunities, each with their own challenges and difficulties, that are in front of you now. You will have to consider all of them carefully as you move forward. It can be frustrating to deal with these different delays or obstacles, however, the Two of Wands encourages you to keep moving forward down the paths that you can see. The tide of work is slowly turning in your favor and you should take advantage of this by pushing your own projects or expressing your ideas and ambitions to those who can help you make them happen.  




Mercury enters your 12th house of spirituality and closure from the 14th of this month onwards. Its mature energy combined with the Two of Wands draws your relationships and personal life forward into the spotlight this month. This is a time where many Aquarians are looking to clear up any emotional baggage or cut away any issues or struggles that may have been weighing you down. While this isn’t an easy path, it is one that will ultimately benefit you in the long run. Focus on bettering yourself and working through the issues that may be bothering you in your relationships. Go forward slowly and do your best to work towards harmony and a peaceful resolution.




The energy high of last month is slowly coming to an end this month. Aquarians may feel low on energy or more easily burnt out as they tackle the different activities and obstacles of this month. The Two of Wands advises you to take things slow, watch how they play out and adapt accordingly. You may have some regular increases in energy, but shouldn’t be too reckless with this fortune. Instead, put that energy towards developing good habits that will help you stay on a good track even during times where you feel more tired.




Aquarians are in a bit of a vulnerable spot when it comes to their finances. It is not that they are struggling to save or pay back debts, but rather the Two of Wands signals they are at a point where any decision they make can affect their long-term wealth. Be wary of people coming from nowhere, promising investments that sound too good to be true. Avoid being naïve by doing your research before you jump into any project. Also be wary of your own spending habits and financial organization. Now might be a good time to do some spring cleaning and refocus your financial goals. Be proactive in safeguarding your wealth and ensuring you are making smart changes this month.


Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th. 18th, 28th     

Lucky Colour: Sunrise Orange

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar         King of Swords




The King of Swords is an ambitious planner, who sees the path ahead clearly and the steps that he should follow in order to reach his ultimate destination. However, he is not distracted by promises that may be too good to be true or risks that have no factual basis to back them up. This is the attitude that Pisces should try to adopt this month. Step forward into your careers with a confident outlook, but do not be arrogant or let yourself be swayed by false promises. Always do your research and make sure that you are properly credited for your effort. Fight for your recognition and most of all, make sure that it is well deserved.




Pisces should be cautious about accidentally neglecting their loved ones or their own needs this month. It can be easy to overlook things related to more emotional matters, if only because you would rather bury yourself in your work and avoid addressing these greater issues. The King of Swords cautions you against doing this. Strive to find a balance between your personal life and your career. Use all your good judgement and clarity this month, to help solve arguments through communication and cooperation with one another. Seek out peace instead of conflict this month, and you will be able to enjoy your relationships.




The King of Swords might be too focused on their goal, that they neglect their own well-being; both physical and emotional. It can be tempting to get caught up in the rush of your career or your personal goals, but the needs of your body are important as well. This is a good time to start paying attention to any long-term health issues or aches that may have been bothering you. At the same time, take some time off for yourself to destress and relax. Pursue your hobbies and seek to explore your own spirituality and emotional being.




Your finances need a bit of a shakeup this month. The King of Swords advises you to proceed carefully into the changing market and to reorganize your finances in a way that is easy for you to track and change in the long run. Having a carefully planned budget is crucial this month, sticking to it is even more important. Try to cut out any unnecessary expenditure, and avoid throwing money at issues to solve them. Rely on your brilliant mind and wit to help you forwards instead, and be cautious of those that might try to take advantage of your and your good fortunes.


Lucky Dates: 3rd, 15th, 21st, 23rd  

Lucky Colour: Baby Blue

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