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Astro Tarot Forecast for June 2022

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Ten of Wands


The Ten of Wands signals that Aries may face a good deal of stress this month, however, this isn’t a completely bad thing. This stress likely comes from your added responsibilities and given authority in the workplace. While you may face more pressure at work, you have also been given more ability to control your situation and produce a good result. Jupiter also has been lingering in your sign since the middle of last month and you should take advantage of the boost it gives you to build your network. Old connections or figures of authority can be a great source of help and advice, however, you must be proactive in reaching out to them.


This month is a wonderful time for relationships. Both single and attached Aries can look forward to harmony in the household. While attached Aries can focus on fostering closer relationships with your distant relations or old connections, single Aries can look forward to making new and exciting connections to new flames this month. The Ten of Wands signals that, due to how well things are going, you may feel pressured to rush a relationship or reach for milestones before you or your partner are ready. Slow down and take a deep breath. You have come across a beautiful thing this month and you should savor it instead of trying to make things move faster.


Despite the stress you may face this month, carrying the pressure of The Ten of Wands, you are in good spirits and in relatively good health. In fact, you are glowing with good health this month. There is little that can stand in your way and you should take advantage of all your energy to the fullest of your ability this month. Just remember not to develop any bad habits this month. Try to stick to a proper diet and get a full night’s rest. Try to schedule in more activities for yourself so that you can burn off any extra energy you may have.


Venus entered your 2nd house of money and income late last month and continues to stay there. Its presence signals that while you may continue to incur some extra expenses, they will generally come from your hobbies or your own interests. While there is nothing wrong with pampering yourself or furthering your interests, try to be aware of how much you are spending. Regardless of that, your income is relatively stable and the market is progressing at a predictable rate for you. You should have no trouble in building a healthy financial foundation for future investment or financial projects.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 13th, 23rd, 28th

Lucky Colour: Fiery Red

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Six of Swords


This month is a breath of fresh air to many Taurians. The Six of Swords signals that you may be moving forward to start new projects and leaving or wrapping up one chapter of your work life. There is still a lot of work to be done in order for you to make a new start, but this month is all about laying down that groundwork for yourself. At the same time, don’t be afraid to step back and take a break after all the hard work you have done. There is a lot of legwork to be done, so you need to make sure that you’re in proper shape to accomplish all that you have set out to do.


The ever-romantic Venus made its move into your 1st house of self and attitude late last month and continues to linger with you for this month. You are going to be quite busy this month, but it is because you feel motivated and energized to set out and achieve your goals. Attached Taurians will be busy making plans for the future for you both, your family and your household. Single Taurians will be preoccupied with self-improvement of yourself or your home. Familial relationships are also important and you strive to create a more cohesive family unit this month.

Overall, this is a fun and exciting month for you, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.


While you are mentally and emotionally very stimulated and motivated this month, the Six of Swords signals that you may need to take some care with your health, especially Taurians who have chronic illnesses or allergies. Your physical health is a bit more fragile and warrants you employing more caution, especially if you plan to travel overseas or locally. Keep any medicine you may need on you and don’t let any aches bog you down too much. While you may have to move a little slower due to your health, you can still accomplish great things this month.


Many other areas of your life are being stimulated this month, so you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you can step back a bit when it comes to your financial life. Things are relatively stable and there is not too much you can do to shake it up now. While you can make some minor tweaks in order to ensure you stay on the right path, it is better to take a step back and employ a more hands off approach. Things will start to get more exciting towards the end of the month, though it will happen slowly and you will have to be patient. You can also look forward to some more small bonuses towards the end of the month as well.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 17th, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Silvery Blue

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Seven of Wands

Mercury, your ruling planet, directs at the beginning of this month, combined with the proactive and feisty energy of the Seven of Wands, you are a blazing fireball at work this month. This is a good month to build your network and also focus on reconnecting with old colleagues or friends in the same industry. This month is not only about climbing the corporate ladder, but also about reinforcing and strengthening your current position. The Seven of Wands encourages you to continue being proactive, a passive attitude will not get you far this month so you need to step out of your shell and work on bringing your ideas into real life.


While you blaze away at work, your home and personal life is much more relaxed and harmonious. The Seven of Wands signals that Gemini have learned to set their own boundaries and settle comfortably into their relationships without sacrificing too much of themselves. Home is filled with fun little activities to continuously shape and improve it. Gemini may set out some small tasks for themselves such as repairs, renovations or decorating to really make your household feel like yours. Your loved ones are supporting in your decisions this month. Single Gemini have a chance to meet a new flame this month, though it will likely be a more relaxed and easy going relationship.


Mercury, your ruling planet, directs from the beginning of this month. Its straight-lined energy charges ahead this month, leaving Geminis in relatively good health. There is little to say this month regarding your wellbeing as you are at a peak. The universe has blessed you with all the energy you need to accomplish your goals and projects, and the Seven of Wands signals that you will be able to hold your ground in the face of obstacles or hurdles. Enjoy this period of good health and try to build new healthy habits along the way. They will serve you well in the long run.


You have many goals you have set up to accomplish this month. Some of those goals will require you to spend money in order to reach them. Your happy and prosperous family life may also need some money to help fund it. While you are more than happy to make these expenses and they will ultimately pay off in future, your budget may still end up on the tight side this month. You will have to be a bit thriftier in order to keep up with your expenditure. Keep a close eye on your financial statements and draft up new budgets this month and you will be able to make it out on the other side without too much issue.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 7th, 17th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Maple Red

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles sits comfortably on his throne, overlooking the fruits of his labor and the kingdom he has so carefully prepared for prosperity. You are in a powerful position and you know you are on the turn of something great for your career. This month is about wrapping up the loose ends of your work before you fully push your ideas into reality or unveil them to the public or your bosses. Keep working hard to the very end and don’t let yourself grow too complacent until you have made the finishing touches. Stand by your ideas and also try to wipe the slate clean for when you move onto new projects in future so you do not have any unexpected hang ups to deal with.


Venus entered your 11th house of friends and social groups late last month. With the confidently nurturing energy of the King of Pentacles on your side, Cancerians are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and put themselves out there more often. You know what you are looking for so shouldn’t be afraid to seek it out. The King of Pentacles also signals that you should pursue easier going and comfortable relationships. Passion is good and all, but Cancerians really desire more stability and a strong foundation that they can build off on with their partners. Attached Cancerians will be living comfortably with their loved ones and focusing on strengthening their relationships this month.


Cancerians are at risk of feeling a bit moody this month. The King of Pentacles predicts there will be periods of good health and cheer, however, they may be followed by periods where you need to stop and recover your energy or have a good rest. Learn to be adaptable and step back whenever you feel your body signaling that you need to recharge your batteries. It is important to have regular breaks and a good sleeping schedule in order to ensure that you do not fall ill from burn out or over exhaustion this month. Just be mindful of your energy levels and things should pass by smoothly.


The King of Pentacles is an excellent overseer when it comes to their wealth and finances. You are highly aware of the different factors that play into your wealth and are conscious on how to control and shape them to your benefit. Your work will likely be your main source of income and you can look forward to some bonuses throughout the month. This is a good time to work on saving for your future investments or financial project. Start laying out your plans now and you will have less issue putting them into action in future.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 15th, 24th

Lucky Colour: Emerald Green

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug King of Swords

Venus moves into your 10th house of career and reputations late last month and continues to stay along with you for a while into this month. Its passionate and motivated energy combined with the King of Sword’s focus and maturity promises a very exciting and progressive month ahead for you. There are many new opportunities for you and issues you may have had before are starting to untangle themselves. Things are moving along smoothly and your wit and intellect will be key in helping you negotiate deals and strengthen your position in your business. Enjoy this month and don’t waste any time in fostering your success.


The King of Swords is firmly focused on their career and work life this month. You may find it difficult to concentrate on your relationships as your career life starts getting more productive and busier throughout the month. However, the King of Swords, while not the best at emotion and feeling, is highly intelligent and very logical in solving conflicts or negotiating compromises between you and your loved ones. This makes it an excellent time to negotiate through difficult family issues or start reconnecting with old relationships. It is an excellent month to resolve old baggage and gain closure with people from your past. While things may go slowly, eventually it will lead to a lighter burden on yourself.


With Venus in your 10th house of career and reputation, your good health makes you glow this month. The passionate and sensual energy of this planet ensure that you feel as good as you look and people will be attracted to this natural aura that you exude this month. So don’t be afraid to pamper yourself this month or flaunt your good health. Create a positive cycle for yourself, the better you feel, the better you will look and that will feed back into you feeling even better. Put your health as a top priority and strive for peak fitness. Take care of yourself, and most importantly, feel comfortable with how you are, even while you are striving to improve yourself. This is a pleasant and positive month for your wellbeing.


The King of Swords takes over in overseeing your finances and wealth this month. Your good luck from last month continues, with your main source of income continuing to come from your work. For the most part, you will have enough money to accomplish what you have set out to do this month. If you have any extra leftover, you should invest it into your savings or set it aside for future financial projects. You may also look forward to some small bonuses coming your way this month. Overall, this is a prosperous and financially successful time.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 17th, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Cloud White

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept XII The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man brings a fresh and new perspective to work this month. Your creativity is sparked this month and you may feel some new ideas or plans springing forth. It is important to note them down now, and remember that the Hanged Man also concerns patience and you may have to wait for the right time to spring your plans into action. In the meanwhile, this is a good time to try and work yourself into a better position. Prioritize working through the most difficult tasks now, so that you can have a cleaner slate for when you start presenting your ideas. The universe will try to give you an easier time for your efforts and perseverance.


Virgos also have a new perspective when it comes to their personal and social lives. The Hanged Man encourages Virgos to let go of any old-world views and embrace new ideas or new decisions. This new attitude may push some Virgos to consider reaching new milestones in their relationships or start planning new steps for them and their loved ones. This is a good time to do your research and drawing out these plans for your future. Discuss them with your loved ones and make sure you are booth on the same page before you move the relationship even further. This is also a fruitful time for Virgos to consider expanding their families.


While you may have some residual energy from last month, you will still have to be healthy when it comes to your health. The Hanged Man signals that you should try and take things slow and be hyper attentive to your body and wellbeing. Be aware of your physical and mental limits and try to avoid pushing yourself too far over them. Rest and sleep are still very important this month and you should not neglect them. Step back when you need to and focus on yourself when your own body calls for your attention. Those with chronic illness, allergies or constant aches should keep their medicine on them or avoid damp or musty places that may aggravate your condition this month.


Things are starting to turn to your favor this month when it comes to your finances and wealth. You hard work and perseverance in your career will start paying off and you can reinvest your income back into your financial projects or investments. You will also receive a lot of financial support from either your business partners or your loved ones this month, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need it. Overall, this is a stable month for your finances and you can relax when it comes to handling your money or income. Remember to set aside some savings for rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 17th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Light Orange

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct V The Hierophant

The Hierophant cards signals that this will be a time of learning from your peers and colleagues when it comes to your career. Libras may have to come to rely on the experience and talents of those around you in order to move forward this month. While having a strong network can be an invaluable asset to you this month, it can feel stifling to be dependent on someone else in order to make progress. Remember that they are also relying on you for both guidance and hard work, so ensure that you are also playing your own part when it comes to the team as a whole. Make sure that you are proactive in finding where you can be of help to others, but remember not to let people take advantage of your generous nature.


Venus moves from your 7th house to your 8th house of intimacy and mergers late last month, and continues to spend its energy in that house through the first half of this month. Its sensual and loving energy combined with the steadfastness and traditional maturity of the Hierophant promise Libra a month full of positive steps forward when it comes to their love and social life. You are seeking out something more permanent and serious this month in terms of relationships. Attached Libras may find it with their spouses and work on continuously improving their home life, while single Libras may spark a flame when they look to start settling down with someone. Just take things slow this month.


The Hierophant is doing a good job of governing your health this month. Its steadfast energy ensures that you are maintaining your average energy levels with little trouble. Health may actually take a bit of a backseat this month, giving you more time to focus on other areas of your life. This is still a good time to build up a routine and start working on healthy habits or exercises into your daily life. Try not to push your limits too quickly, instead, go slowly and start making small changes each and everyday until you are at a point where you are happy with your health schedule. Otherwise, enjoy this favorable month.


Just like your work, most of your income may come through partnerships or deal with other people. The Hierophant also encourages you to rely on your loved ones or family members, traditionally, they will be the ones to help you out when you are in financial need. Just ensure that you repay their kindness and generosity, even if they are your loved ones. Support them as much as they support you and your good deeds will be repaid in future. It is important to set aside some savings this month, as you start planning your next move in the financial market. You may have to be patient for now, but your success will come in future.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 16th, 19th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Light Grey

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov 0 The Fool


The Fool enters this month with a carefree, optimistic and confident attitude. Those feelings aren’t misplaced either, as Scorpios can look forward to success and new opportunities. Be proactive and embrace this confidence, it will help open all sorts of new doors for you. However, you must guard against being too impulsive, reckless or naïve with your decisions. While generally, those around you will want to help you grow and meet your full potential, you may still encounter the odd person who tries to take advantage of you this month. Apply a bit of judgement when it comes to negotiations, business partnerships and deals, and you should be able to make the most out of this brilliant month.


Venus made its way into 7th house of relationships and contracts from late last month, this passionate planet of love combined with the optimistic and joyous nature of The Fool card promises a flourishing and bright month for you. It is important, however, that you find time to focus on your social and personal life in between the growing activity at work. Once you do, however, you will find that there is a renewed sense of passion for attached Scorpios, while single Scorpios are more likely to meet someone new this month that can spark a flame. Love can come from unexpected places, so make sure to keep your eyes open and pay attention to those who may become interested in you.


While The Fool is a relatively young and healthy card brimming with energy and all sorts of ideas, the universe still recommends that you don’t overdo it. The Fool card is always at risk of pushing themselves too far or falling into an unexpected low period because they don’t know their own limits or are too reckless or impulsive with their behavior. It is important you maintain a steady diet and get plenty of rest. Try to maintain this schedule, even if you feel that you do not need to rest. Most importantly, try to find what works for you this month.


Though you may have a ton of new opportunities at work and may be making leaps and bounds in progress, you will have to be patient to see all of that reflected in your paycheck. You are only just starting out, so don’t expect any major bonuses right off the bat. Things will move a bit slower than expected and while you may be restless, understand that your perseverance will eventually be noticed. In the meanwhile, your finances are not too bad this month so there is not too much to worry about. Live modestly and set aside any savings for potential future rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 14th, 21st, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Sunny Yellow

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Knight of Swords

While last month you played an excellent role as the leader and role model of the flock, this month, the Knight of Swords encourages you to take on a more hands on role as you embark on new projects or opportunities. The Knight of Swords also signals that you may be making a lot of changes at your workplace this month, they will be positive changes that help lead you in a new and exciting direction. Embrace your ideas, but also make sure you do not become disconnect from the core of your goals or those around you as you pursue your lofty ideals. Always keep one foot on the ground. Try to keep communication lines with your colleagues and partners open as well, so you can take their opinions into consideration as you move forward.


The Knight of Swords continues to cheer you on in your romantic and personal life. Things are going great this month for you as you and your loved ones all seem to be on the same page. There are also many opportunities to gather and celebrate your successes this month, allowing for a greater deal of cheer and socialization. Single Sagittarius might experience some world wind romances as well, so they should keep their eyes open on potential partners. Attached Sagittarius should strive to avoid these temptations though and focus on nurturing and guiding your families. Your decisions this month may have a significant long-term impact on your future so do not rush ahead.


Venus makes its way into your 6th house of health and fitness late last month. This sensual and passionate planet gives Sagittarius a much-needed boost this month. Along side the adrenaline filled and motivated energy of the Knight of Swords, you are feeling on top of your game and it shows through your sharp wit and magnetic charm. You feel as good as you look and you’re ready to take on any obstacle in your path. However, be careful about pushing your limits too far as you may still be at risk of burning out. Make sure you get enough rest and that you keep an eye on your diet and sleep schedules.


The Knight of Swords performs its final act of good fortune by continuing to bolster your finances and bless you with good luck when it comes to your financial wellbeing overall this month. Your main source of income is likely from your work and you may look forward to several small bonuses this month. It is a good idea to consider investing, though you should be cautious of which financial projects you choose to back. It is also a good idea to try and wrap up any projects that you have been focusing on during this period in order to reap the most benefit from them.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 8th, 17th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Royal Purple

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan IX The Hermit


The Hermit signals that many a Capricorn may need to retreat into their own minds quite a lot this month to mull over decisions and start the planning process on many new projects. There are many moving parts this month in your work place and Capricorns may be caught up having to make big decisions or laying down the groundwork for future successes. While you may find yourself incredibly busy, this is exactly the environment that the work savvy Capricorn thrives in and you are ready to throw yourself fully into the fray and see what you can make happen. Don’t be afraid to pursue any new ideas you may have this month to their full potential.


Venus is now in your 5th house of relationships and romance, it moved their late last month and continues to affect you early into this month. This sensual planet’s energy combined with the forward-thinking nature of The Hermit promises that this will be another active and stimulating month that you will spend time catching up with. Everything seems to be happening at once, but luckily, at a reasonable pace where you can deal with them properly. Single Capricorns may see new relationships starting to progress, while attached Capricorns may be more concerned about planning for the future of their family. Either way, proceed forward with an optimistic outlook next to all your usual sensibilities.


While The Hermit card is a wise thinker, who’s mind has never grown old, his body is much more frail and in need of much more care. The same can be said for Capricorns this month, regardless of age. It can be a good idea for you to have an exercise routine or a daily schedule you can follow to avoid surprising your body. It is better to avoid strenuous activity, but if you must do so, remember to properly warm up and not to push past your limits too much. This may also be a good time to schedule a doctor’s visit, especially if you start noticing yourself falling under the weather.


Things might start to slow down from last month, however, your expenses may still be as prolific as ever. Capricorns might want to reevaluate their budgets this month as also take note of any new expenses that you have to take on as a result of your career or personal life. The Hermit signals you are in the planning process of a lot of things, and these expenses will be inevitable in order to help build the future you want for you and your family. While you have to live a bit modestly, for the most part your finances are relatively stable and if you keep a budget, you should not need to worry about keeping afloat this month.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 10th, 15th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Pale Grey

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan IX The Hermit


The Hermit signals that many a Capricorn may need to retreat into their own minds quite a lot this month to mull over decisions and start the planning process on many new projects. There are many moving parts this month in your work place and Capricorns may be caught up having to make big decisions or laying down the groundwork for future successes. While you may find yourself incredibly busy, this is exactly the environment that the work savvy Capricorn thrives in and you are ready to throw yourself fully into the fray and see what you can make happen. Don’t be afraid to pursue any new ideas you may have this month to their full potential.


Venus is now in your 5th house of relationships and romance, it moved their late last month and continues to affect you early into this month. This sensual planet’s energy combined with the forward-thinking nature of The Hermit promises that this will be another active and stimulating month that you will spend time catching up with. Everything seems to be happening at once, but luckily, at a reasonable pace where you can deal with them properly. Single Capricorns may see new relationships starting to progress, while attached Capricorns may be more concerned about planning for the future of their family. Either way, proceed forward with an optimistic outlook next to all your usual sensibilities.


While The Hermit card is a wise thinker, who’s mind has never grown old, his body is much more frail and in need of much more care. The same can be said for Capricorns this month, regardless of age. It can be a good idea for you to have an exercise routine or a daily schedule you can follow to avoid surprising your body. It is better to avoid strenuous activity, but if you must do so, remember to properly warm up and not to push past your limits too much. This may also be a good time to schedule a doctor’s visit, especially if you start noticing yourself falling under the weather.


Things might start to slow down from last month, however, your expenses may still be as prolific as ever. Capricorns might want to reevaluate their budgets this month as also take note of any new expenses that you have to take on as a result of your career or personal life. The Hermit signals you are in the planning process of a lot of things, and these expenses will be inevitable in order to help build the future you want for you and your family. While you have to live a bit modestly, for the most part your finances are relatively stable and if you keep a budget, you should not need to worry about keeping afloat this month.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 10th, 15th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Pale Grey

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar VII Strength

Pisces know that they have a lot to accomplish this month with their great ambitions and goals. However, the Strength card warns you that it won’t be easy, but it is possible. You will have to be very proactive at work, especially when it comes to spotting opportunities for you to grow and expand your reach. Pisces should also try to keep their wits about them, if you feel your talents or accomplishments are not being properly appreciated, or that you have hit the limit of how much you can grow in your current position, it might be ideal to look for a change of environment or seek out new projects outside of your current workplace in order to reach the fullest of your potential. This is a perfect time to do so.


Venus makes its way into your 3rd house of socialness of friendship late from last month, its presence revitalizes Pisces everywhere. The Strength card also gives Pisces a new found sense of confidence and ambition to step out of their comfort zones and form new relationships. You are not afraid to stand your ground and tend to take the lead in both your relationships and families. You are calling the shots and for the most part, people are ready to follow in your footsteps. You know what you want and you are ready to take it as well as deal with any hardships that come your way. Just remember not to be too harsh when it comes to communicating to your loved ones.


While the Strength card has granted you the wit, motivation and energy to tackle your goals, you may find that you are stretched thin all the same. This is not your fault; this is a naturally busy and exciting month and it can be easy for you to fall victim to burn out if you are not careful. You may be tempted to turn to junk food or energy drinks in order to get more energy or release some of your stress, however, they may be detrimental to you in future. The simplest solution is to just take a step back every now and then and get some rest. Avoid temptations and focus on healthy and proven remedies to help you manage your health such as proper diet and sleep.


Money is a main motivator for Pisces this month. You understand how important it is in order for you to accomplish your goals, so naturally it is one of your driving factors. The Strength card indicates you are doing all you can to bolster your finances, including trying to properly budget and manage your expenses this month. You will see your wealth and income gradually start to improve as you take on new projects in other areas of your life. Remember to set aside some savings for rainy days, but otherwise enjoy this period of increased wealth and financial stability.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 8th, 22nd, 28th

Lucky Colour:Magma Red

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