1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr King of Cups
The King advises Aries to hold steadfast and keep a cool head during the beginning half of the year. Mercury is still in retrograde until the 16th, promising a bumpy start that will ultimately resolve itself. Approach all matters with patience and a keen eye. The troubles of the Retrograde should teach you to be more careful going forward, in order to ensure that no issues come about in future to bite you. The King promises that your reward is just around the corner, so keep working towards your ambitions. The latter half of the month is a good time to settle negotiations or start expanding your business. Just be proactive in pushing for what you want out of your work.
The passionate and energetic Venus moves into your 4th house of home and family from the 8th of this month onwards. Its harmonious energy combined with the authority of the King of Cups signals that Aries may take more charge at home. This is a good time to focus on your friends and family. Consider taking some time off to spend strengthening bonds with your loved ones or making new friends. Both single and attached Aries may have a chance to renew old relationships, whether they’d be old flames or childhood friends. Don’t be afraid to look back and pick out the people that have made a positive impact on your life.
While this month is very stimulating, it can be also be quite tiring. Even the normally energetic and active Aries can find themselves feeling drained from time to time. Don’t be afraid to step back and take breaks. Now is a good time to consider taking a vacation from work to spend with your family or to pamper yourself. The King of Cups advises you to prioritize both your mental and physical health, and you will find yourself filled with more energy to tackle any obstacles or problems when you return to the daily grind. Take things step by step this month, and look forward to even better health in future.
The King of Cups tells you not to worry when it comes to your overall finances. He will provide for you despite the difficulties or obstacles that you encounter this month. As long as you remain patient with your work, Aries can count on a steady and reliable income. Those who have been putting in effort over a long time may find themselves eligible for a possible future promotion or bonus. As always, remember to set aside any extra fortune as savings for future rainy days. Otherwise, enjoy this prosperous and stable time.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Baby Blue

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May XIII Death
The Death card can be rather scary on first glance, as it brings about disruption and a shakeup to your current environment. Many Taurians may be experiencing this in their workplace, especially in the first half of the month as Mercury’s retrograde wreaks havoc. Stand strong to your ideals though, and take the appropriate precautions to avoid as many potential issues as possible. While this is a tricky month, the Death card ultimately promises that these changes are necessary to your growth and ambition. At the same time, many of your colleagues or business partners may be going through similar changes, so don’t be afraid to reach out to them to form a support network.
Taurus’ home planet of Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and social interests from the 8th of this month onwards. This is a highly stimulating time for your home and personal life. Many Taurians will set about rearranging their current homes or continuing renovation projects. Taurians that have been feeling down may enter this month with a renewed sense of vigor and optimism. There are always better things just around the corner, so don’t let sad thoughts bring you down. Spend some time on self-reflection and don’t be afraid to rely on your loved ones if you need to. This is a wonderfully enriching time, so make the most of it.
The Death card signals that this is a good time for spiritual growth or getting rid of bad habits in order to live a healthier lifestyle. This month, it will be good to focus your energy towards your own health as well, as you may be feeling particularly panicked or worried with all the various activities going on in your life. It is alright to feel overstimulated and want for something simpler to give you a break. Cut yourself some slack by carving out some time in your schedule just to relax and enjoy your hobbies or interests. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself a bit this month or invest in your own personal goals.
The ever thrifty and money managing Taurus will always spare some thought towards their expenses and income. However, you will not have to be too worried this month as things are proceeding smoothly on this front. Despite any hardships you may face at work, you can rely on a steady income. The Death card may also signal a turn in your fortunes, so look forward to some small windfalls, especially in the latter half of the month. In the meanwhile, you should be thrifty with your income and avoid overspending until you have actually secured your wealth. It pays to develop these good financial habits.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Clean White

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun XIV Temperance
Mercury’s retrograde is especially harsh on Gemini, being their ruling planet. Its journey will last until the 16th of this month, and it can be a bit of a frustrating time for Geminis, especially at work. Temperance encourages you to try a find a balance with the different dynamics and events happening at work. While you should not engage in workplace gossip, it can be useful if you are at least aware of the different social politics that is at play in your career. Take these into account when you are planning your future moves. On a more technical note, make sure to employ extra caution in documents or in following procedures, as careless mistakes or open loopholes may cause you a headache in future.
Many Geminis may turn their attention towards their home life this month in order to get away from the battlefield of work. Temperance advises you to take a step back to look at the bigger picture of things. Make a list of what is not in harmony or aligned with your current vision and draw out plans on how to fix it. Sometimes it may involve making tough decisions, which you will have to carefully weigh and consider. However, whatever you may choose to do, it may be best to wait till after the 16th, when Mercury has completed its retrograde. In the meantime, continue to reflect and plan things out for the foreseeable path ahead.
This is an understandably draining month for most Geminis. Mercury’s retrograde does you no favors, and you may feel yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to energy levels. Your health may be particularly fragile and it is important you pay attention to both your body and your limitations. The Temperance card advises you not to throw yourself too deeply into any one thing, as you need to find a proper work life balance. Take care of yourself this month, especially your mental health. While there are exciting things up ahead, you must ensure that you are fit enough to experience them all.
Your finances and overall wealth will take a bit of a backseat this month. Busy Geminis can take a breath of relief as they do not have to be so hands on with their money or financial projects this month. Despite the changes and shakeups going on in your work, you can count on a relatively stable income in a relatively predictable market. While you will have your usual share of expenses this month, nothing will be too surprising or a shock to you. Things will start to pick up again in latter months, so be patient in this area while you focus on adjusting the other areas of your life.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul 0 The Fool
Mercury’s retrograde introduces the usual share of problems in your career until it ends its journey on the 16th of this month. You may have to watch out for audits or other legal procedures that could tie up your work or delay your projects. Miscommunications may also be quite common, so follow the advice of the Fool and be more upfront about your doubts. Don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions. It is better to double check your work than second guess your choices. At the same time, strive to put your best foot forward and show off your skills and talents. Remember that someone is always watching you, so try your best.
The Fool card is young and naïve, and often inexperienced when it comes to the different matters in a relationship or persona life. As such, this month is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to your romances and friendships. Sometimes, you will have to simplify complex issues by prioritizing your own health and happiness. Often times, you will need to do what is right for yourself. There may be some unresolved tension present in the air, but things will get better over time. This is a tricky time, but remember to love yourself and do things that make you happy. You can look forward to future personal growth and stronger relationships.
The Fool blesses you with the energy and motivation to achieve your goals and ambitions this month. You are on one of your peaks of good health, so take advantage of this time to the fullest. At the same time, make sure to exercise and foster good habits to ensure your good health continues in the future. You have little to worry about when it comes to falling ill or becoming under the weather. All the same, don’t be too reckless with your health and overall wellbeing.
Just like your personal life, this month is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to your overall financial wellbeing. That doesn’t mean that this isn’t a productive month though. Now is a good time to consider clearing the slate by settling any loans or debts. This includes those that are owed to your friends and family. At the same time, you may be contending with a slight increase in expenses, often related to your household or family. This is to be expected and you will need to budget accordingly in order to tackle everything. Still, by the end of this month, you may feel much freer when it comes to your finances and will have many more opportunities to grow your wealth.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 15th, 20th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Sunrise Yellow

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords signals that Leos may be going through a rough patch at work. Things do not seem to be going your way and it can be easy to get disheartened or paranoid about the future of your career. The Nine of Swords reminds you that these fears are only fears, and often there’s no real basis to them. Don’t let your worries or insecurities hold you back when it comes to demonstrating your skills or talents at work. However, remember not to be impulsive. Keep your usual Leo coolness and take things in stride. Also try to be aware of what is going on with those above you or in upper management. It pays to have a line of communication there. Just keep optimistic, things will turn around for you soon.
Mercury’s retrograde has a habit of throwing lines of communication into chaos. Especially with the Nine of Swords, Leos may be feeling the brunt of its fever before it ends on the 16th of this month. It may feel like there is wall between you and your loved ones and it can be frustrating to not get your points across. However, sometimes it’s not the firm hammer that breaks through that wall, but words of support and encouragement. While there will always be obstacles to overcome and issues to address, it is good to consider the feelings of others and yourself first and foremost. Take a moment to breathe, before you work on any issues or miscommunications together.
The Nine of Swords is a card that mostly concerns your mental and emotional health. While you may have to take more caution in prioritizing these two areas, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that your physical health is relatively untouched. The universe gives you some small blessings by ensuring that you have enough energy and motivation to tackle all the obstacles that may be in your way this month. There is little you have to worry about physically, but remember to take adequate breaks for your mental health. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others, good karma will come your way soon.
This month continues to improve upon the last month, though the spotlight isn’t yet on your finances. Things are going about as expected, and you can expect to remain close to where you were in the prior month. There may be some slight increase expenses, but they will be overall positively tied to your family needs or repaying back old financial liabilities. Strive to focus on the other areas of your life. Your finances will eventually catch up to you.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Pale Pink

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles signals that Virgos may be busy handling the smaller issues and administration details in their career this month. Mercury’s retrograde, that lasts until the 16th of this month, promises that this will be an exceptionally busy time. The ever-meticulous Virgo must be on their toes at all time, and ready to deal with whatever problem or obstacle that comes up this month. This can be rather exhausting, but rest assured that your efforts are not wasted. Your careful handling of any workplace issues will save others and yourself a lot of headache in future. Just ensure that all your dedication is properly documented and credited to yourself.
Virgos need to be careful about neglecting their home and personal lives this month. The Four of Pentacles signals that you may come off as a bit withdrawn towards your loved ones. It is not a good idea to leave issues to fester or gaps to grow between you and your friends or family. It is better to be open and honest, and address any issues head on. Don’t let misunderstandings pile on top of each other and eventually snowball. Try to be supportive of your loved ones and they will return the favor to you. Most importantly, be honest about your work or anything else that might be taking away your attention. A bit of self -reflection would be good as well.
Virgos may need to take things a bit slower this month. The Four of Pentacles signals that your health may be a on a bit of a delicate tightrope. Things are very busy this month, and you may find that your energy levels are not quite what they used to be. Thus, it is important that you pay attention to your body and listen to any signs that you may need to step back and take a break. Prioritize your health and try to hold onto any healthy habits or keep a proper routine to help adjust yourself and ensure that you are not overtaxing your body or energy levels. Keep all of this in mind, and you will be able to get through this month.
Virgos may have to pinch some pennies this month. The Four of Pentacles primarily advises you to be cautious with your money, and budget accordingly to avoid falling into any financial pits. While your overall wealth isn’t bad this month, you may come across some increased expenditure that makes it so you have to live on a bit of a shoestring budget this month. Keep your chin up, you can get through this just by being careful with your money and keeping an optimistic outlook.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Emerald Green

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Ten of Swords
Libras may feel like they’re running into a wall this month. Mercury’s retrograde continues to cause some chaos in the workplace until the 16th. The Ten of Swords advises you not to give up so easily though. While this period may be difficult, it will soon come to an end and you will be able to start a new chapter in your work. Focus on resolving the issues that are plaguing you now and wrapping up any loose ends. This is also a good time to start growing your network of contacts or resources. Look forward to the future, but in the meantime, keep your head down and do your best to work through this time. Eventually all these challenges will be important for your self-growth.
Libras creative restlessness spurs them to make some new changes or adjustments to their current households or living situations. The Ten of Swords signals that you are attempting to start a new leaf or get off on a better foot with those around you. While these changes may not be immediate, their gradual effect will leave a positive impact on your life and relationships around you. However, remember to pay attention to your family and friends, as they may be going through some hardships at this point and could really use your support and guidance. Cherish these relationships, they will stick with you for a long time.
The Ten of Swords signals that you are reaching the end of your energy levels and it is time to step back and take a break. You have been working hard for the early half of the year and it is important that you take time to replenish and remotivate yourself to keep moving forward. Foster good health habits and over straining yourself to the point of burnout. Ensure you have a healthy diet and get enough sleep and rest. Most importantly, exercise your mind by not focusing too much on one single project if you feel you are losing passion for it.
Money comes in from various outlets this month, often through your connections or loved ones. Those around you are happy to support you on their endeavors and you should not forget their kindness. While it may not necessarily be through financial means, make sure to repay their generosity in future somehow. Otherwise, this is a favorable month for you, as long as you don’t hold your wallet too loosely. Even with good fortune, you should budget accordingly and avoid getting into bad shopping habits. Remember, the best things in life are often free.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Scarlet Red

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands lends you strength this month, as you navigate through the tricky path that Mercury’s retrograde has laid out for many signs until the 16th. You are filled with a new energy and motivation to tackle any issues that come your way this month. The Ace of Wands also encourages you to work on your negotiating abilities and your reputation with others. This is a good time to build relations and establish a good name for yourself. Just remember that your skill and talent are valued over any false promises. At the same time, exercise a bit of the usual Scorpio charisma to open the door to these relations in the first place.
The Sun enters your 7th house of relationships and sharing late last month. Its lingering energy, combined with the powerful motivational energy of the Ace of Wands, promises a prosperous and joyous month ahead for your personal and social life. Single Scorpios have a chance to meet someone new or turn a casual relationship into something more committed. While attached Scorpios will focus on nurturing their family and loved ones through impactful periods of their life. This is also a good time to strengthen your social circle and check in on your friends. Embrace the happiness that this month brings to you.
The Ace of Wands is a card that burns bright, but is still young and prone to burnout if not careful. This is a very stimulating month and even with all your energy, you can still hit a wall if you’re not weary of your limitations. Listen to your body when it needs rest. Schedule in proper breaks and make sure you’re not pushing yourself too far out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to rely on others if you need it, and ensure to foster good habits to help you recover your energy in quick and healthy ways. Most importantly, ensure you get enough sleep at nights.
Your finances take a bit of a backseat this month. The Ace of Wands shines and stimulates other areas of your life more, so you should focus on those first. Overall, there is little for you to worry about when it comes to your wealth as well. There is little in the cards this month and you can expect things to continue as they always have been. If you do find yourself on a budget though, don’t be afraid to rely on your loved ones as they are more willing and happier to support you this month. Just remember to repay back their generosity when the time is right.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 15th, 20th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Auburn Orange

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles signals that Sagittarians are trying their hardest to reach the end goal of all their projects. You have been dedicating a lot of your time and effort, and as you reach the end of your projects, you may also be reaching a time of self-reflection and introspection. You may look back at yourself, wondering if your talents and skills were properly appreciated. After that, it will be a time to take action and decide where you should go next. This can be a major decision, so you should take all the time you need to consider the potential costs and benefits to your choices. Embrace whatever you choose to do next, and never give up on your final ambitions.
Your family and home will be a safe respite from the busy rat race that is your work. The Eight of Pentacles suggests that both you and your loved ones are very devoted and dedicated to providing and nurturing those around you. Both single and attached Sagittarians can look forward to a harmonious and loving month. Those looking for relationships have the chance to meet someone new, while those with families will be focused on strengthening already existing bonds. While there is no guarantee that no conflicts will come up this month, they are much easier to address and smooth over as long as you are proactive in it.
You have been putting all the excess energy from last month into good use. The Eight of Pentacles signals just how hard you have been working. However, it has become easy to fall into bad habits in order to relieve your stress or vent from your work. Waning energy levels may also push you to give into some temptations like junk foods, energy drinks or sweets to keep you awake and energized. This is only a short-term solution and is not good for you moving forward. Remember that nothing can replace getting enough rest and having a good clean diet.
The Eight of Pentacles advises you not to worry about the state of your finances too much this month. All the hard work and dedication you have been putting into your line of work is starting to pay off. While it wasn’t easy, rest assured that you will see the fruits of your labors soon enough. However, don’t be too much of a spendthrift, as you can expect to see some increased expenditures related to your friends and family. For the most part, you will be happy to spend on them and their needs, but remember to still budget accordingly to ensure you aren’t overspending.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Grassy Green

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Five of Swords
Mercury’s retrograde will keep many Capricorns on their toes until the 16th of this month. The clashing energy of the Five of Swords only adds to the fire, as you may encounter new and different obstacles that try to slow you down. It may be better to take a break from the chaotic workplace this month, to focus on other areas of your life. If you do choose to continue working, then just keep your head down and focus on building up your connections to ensure you have a better network to rely on in future. Things will turn around eventually, but remember to learn from your mistakes and strive to do even better as you achieve your goals.
The hustle and bustle of the Five of Swords in your working life drives many Capricorns into the comforting warmth of their home and family. You may find a lot of support and encouragement in your home life this month. Step out of your usual stoic nature and try to repay that kindness and love that others are giving to you. It is alright to be a bit more open and vulnerable towards those you trust. Single Capricorns may renew an old flame this month, while attached Capricorns have a chance to reignite the passionate flame in your relationships. This is a joyous and harmonious month, so embrace and enjoy it to its fullest.
Though things at work may be tedious, the Five of Swords gives you the energy and drive to conquer all that stand in your way. You are at an all time high when it comes to your health and energy levels. Those around you are also working to provide a supportive network, giving you some relief from the stress and excitement from your career. Despite your high energy, you may want to step back from work in order to focus on your personal life. It is the area that will bring you the most joy and emotional fulfilment this month, so make sure to consider it carefully. Otherwise, enjoy this healthy and happy period.
Your finances are the only area where you may need to pay some special attention to this month. The Five of Swords signals that Capricorns may have to contend with increased expenditures from different areas of your life. Often times, they will be related back to your family and household. It is important that you budget accordingly and make sure that your loved ones are aware of their overall finances. It is good to instill some money savvy skills in those around you, but make sure that you ultimately hold the reins on your wealth this month. Things will look up in future months, so just try to remain afloat for the time being.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 15th, 19th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Silver

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb King of Wands
The King of Wands suggests that Aquarians in position of power or authority will be quite busy this month. There may be a lot of details at work that require your attention and decision making skills. As such, it can be hard to find time to relax, and just like the King of Wands you can be brash or reckless with your decision making in order to try and solve a problem as soon as possible. It is better to take things carefully and try to sort things out such that they don’t unravel again in future. Those who are not in managerial positions might consider taking some time off to focus on their families instead this month.
As the old saying goes, an Aquarian’s home is their palace. The King of Wands signals that you are very much in charge of your household this month, though that doesn’t mean that you should make decisions all on your own. It is a good idea to seek advise from those who are more experienced or even from your loved ones when it comes to managing your personal and home life this month. This is a good time for any impactful decision such as renovations or moving to a new space. Consider all your choices carefully and involve those who should have a say in your final decision. Otherwise, enjoy the changes you make this month.
The King of Wands can be reckless and easy to tempt at times. Especially for those concerned with the rat race of work, it can be easy to fall to the temptation of junk foods or sugary foods in order to vent your stress. While there is nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then, too much of this becomes an unhealthy habit that could negatively impact you in the long run. It is important that you hold strong to your health goals and strive to resist temptations. Look for healthier ways to vent your stress or turn to fruit in order to fulfil your cravings for sugar. Your discipline will pay off in the long run.
Your finances continue to take a backseat this month. The King of Wands is focused on other areas of your life and blesses your finances by allowing you to take a more hands off approach. There isn’t too much in the cards for your overall wealth this month, so you can continue managing it as you always have. For the most part, your finances are relatively predictable and your income is as expected. Work on shoring up other areas of your life and your finances will eventually follow positively.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Fiery Red

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles signals that Pisceans may be feeling a bit bogged down at work. Things are either being delayed or are just taking a long time in general to reach their final stages. Mercury’s retrograde may also add onto the delays until it finally ends around the 16th of this month, in the form of communication issues or mishandling of work. Just keep your head down and continue working as you always have. This may be a tough period, but things will get easier in time. Towards the end of the month, the universe will give you a much-needed period of relief. Those who are going overseas for business may find fortune in their travels.
Pisceans may have to be on their toes when it comes to their family or home life. The Five of Pentacles signals that Pisceans feel restless when they’re not working. It is encouraged that you find a new project to occupy yourself with or consider travelling abroad to relieve your boredom. If your home life is too tense or dull, it can help to seek out old relationships and renew them or simply get away to give yourself some breathing room. This can be a genuinely self-reflective time if you take the proper actions to take care of yourself and prioritize your emotional and mental needs and desires.
Your emotional and mental health is most important this month. The Five of Pentacles signals that you may be more mentally drained this month, as there is a lack of proper stimulation in your current life. At the same time, your physical health may also be more delicate due to the situation this month. It is important to prioritize your overall wellbeing. You need to learn when to step away from a situation in order to get some breathing room for yourself. As long as you are aware of your limits and take actions to safeguard yourself, you should be able to get through this month more easily.
Your finances continue to improve this month. You can count on a steady and relatively stable income to help bolster your usual finances. There may even be some small windfalls or bonuses in the cards, so keep an eye out. There may be some increased expenditure over travel or your personal expenses, but they will be relatively predictable and you shouldn’t have too much trouble handling them. Next month you may be able to take on a more hands-on approach so look forward to that.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 20th 24th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Magenta Pink