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Astro Tarot Forecast for November 2023

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Four of Swords


The Four of Swords signals that this can be quite a taxing time for Aries when it comes to their career and work. If possible, it advises you to try and find some time off work in order to relax and wean off the stress that may come with it. Aries with more experience or authority in the workplace may find themselves faced with various obstacles that delay their projects or stop them from moving forward. Finding a solution is not impossible, but it can be tedious. Those who are newer into the workforce may face something similar at their level of work. Keep pushing forward, but remember to take time for yourself. Be cautious about outsourcing work or relying on others too much this month.


The Four of Swords indicates that Aries may face the same stressors in their personal life as they do their working one. Venus, the passionate and dramatic planet, enters your 7th house of relationships and marriage from the 9th of this month, which can lead to conflicts or arguments between loved ones as things are progressing forward and changing. Often times, there is actually no serious issue, only stress that is causing misunderstanding or argument. The Four of Swords advises you to take a deep breath before you engage with anyone and remind yourself that you are still on a good path forward. Time will eventually smooth over any disagreements.


Aries’ health will largely be influenced by their work and personal lives this month. Those who manage to avoid the stressors that both these areas may provide, may find themselves tackling with different health issues instead. Your immune system and physical self is a bit more fragile this month, and you should take care to avoid being careless or reckless with your body. Don’t take anything for granted and go the extra mile to make sure any injuries or illnesses are properly taken care of. Avoid being overly paranoid, but keep track of what your body is going through and learn to recognize the signs of when a doctor’s visit is in order.


Your finances will be another tricky area to manage. The Four of Swords indicates that Aries may have to do a lot of reflection on their budget and overall spending this month. Sometimes, you will have no choice but to throw money at an issue in order to solve it. Luckily, an unexpected benefactor may come to aid you when you need it most. It is important you don’t hide your hardships from your loved ones, as they may be able to help you get through the toughest periods. As always, do not forget the generosity of others and remember to pay all debts you may owe when the tide is in your favor.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 8th, 18th, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Emerald Green

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Five of Pentacles


The Five of Pentacles indicates that this may be a bit of a tough month for Taurians when it comes to their work and career. Projects or negotiations may not be going your work and those in charge of others may find some of their subordinates staging a rebellion against them. The most important thing is that you do not give in or take part in the negativity. Keep an optimistic outlook and avoid getting involved in gossip, plotting or underhanded means. Things will eventually work out if you remain determined and ensure that all your plans are kept in the light of day. Take a breath and go for a break if you need some time to sort out a situation.


Many Taurians may find themselves feeling stuck this month. The Five of Pentacles indicates that you may be missing a certain passion or spark in your relationships, which can lead to arguments or conflicts from even the most harmonious of couples. It is important that you try to avoid provoking any conflicts. Sometimes people may try to goad you to argue, so you must avoid rising to the bait. Take things slow and be patient with those around you. Try to see things from their perspective before you launch into any arguments. Things will start to improve towards the end of the month.


Venus, Taurus’ home planet, moves into their 6th house of health and fitness from the 9th of this month onwards. Its own intense energy combined with the Five of Pentacles, signals that Taurians may feel a mix of sluggishness and restlessness this month. This can be a very emotionally taxing time and you may need to take some breaks for yourself in order to deal with sorting out your feelings and reflecting on yourself. This can be a good time to prioritize your own wellbeing and learn to love both your strengths and flaws. Take it as an opportunity and remember to get plenty of rest and relaxation so you don’t strain your limits too much.


The Five of Pentacles signals that there is not too much in the ways of financial stimulation this month. However, this may be good news, as you are unlikely to see any major disruptions to your overall wealth and financial wellbeing. Your income may be as usual, but your expenses are likely to be low, allowing you to stay afloat even when the economy is more tricky to navigate around. Things will start moving forward more in future months. Until then, continue budgeting accordingly, but do not worry too much about having to micromanage your finances and assets.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 18th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun King of Cups

The King of Cups deals with more than just delays or work place restrictions this month, it is a card mainly concerned with the relationships of people and how your work is perceived by others. There is a high chance of auditing this month, so it is important to double check your work and get the eyes of those with higher authority to give your findings the stamp of approval. Your superiors can also be turned to in times of need, as there is also a likelihood of disharmony in the workplace that can spill over into your professional setting. Try to keep out of any office drama and focus on what will affect your work in the long run.


Many Gemini will rely on the strength and calm of the King of Cups to help them wrap up any loose ends throughout this month. A new chapter is slowly beginning, but for it to start, you will need to deal with various issues, projects or conflicts that need to see their end. Be patient and empathetic this month, but also be determined to find resolution or at least reach a conclusion on a topic between you and your loved ones. Never give up and eventually the universe will help to tide things in your favor. Gemini who are especially family orientated may find this is a good time to focus on your family and act as a nurturing and guiding figure to others.


Your immune system may not be as strong as you’d like it to be this month. The King of Cups advises you avoid putting yourself in risky situations and stay out of any unnecessary arguments or conflicts that may cause you stress in the long run. Remember that your mental and emotional health are strongly tied to your physical health. Take precaution in all these areas and try not to push yourself or go against your limits too much. If you can navigate through till the end of the month without falling under the weather, you can look forward to much better health in the upcoming months.


The King of Cups reassures you that money will flow freely into your wallet this month, despite any setbacks or issues that may arise at work. This is overall a good month for your finances and wealth, as working Geminis can generally rely on a steady and dependable income. Most of your expenses will be related to family, but are likely to be low and easy to predict and budget for this month. As long as you keep track of your spending and avoid being hasty with financial decisions, then this month will sail by smoothly.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 9th, 18th, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Ocean Blue

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is an ambitious and highly driven card, however, it can suggest Cancerians may feel restless or unfocused when it comes to their work this month. This may be due to different issues and obstacles that arise in the various projects that you are part of. Often times, you may find yourself having to circle back to a problem that you thought you already solved. While this can be frustrating, you should still try to approach all things with patience and have a backup plan in mind. As long as you heed the Knight of Sword’s advice and remain both resilient and determined, you will be able to reach your goals in the long run, no matter what the universe throws your way.


The passionate and loving planet of Venus enters your 4th house of family and home from the 9th of this month onwards. Its energy draws many Cancerians’ attention here, and combined with the Knight of Swords, this can prove to be both a very stimulating, but also challenging time. It can be easy for small conflicts or issues to get out of hand this month, so it is important that you learn to resolve them as soon as possible. Try to keep any arguments self-contained and avoid letting something blow out of proportion. Things will get better over time, but you will need to have a lot of focus and ensure that you can continue forward without any unresolved baggage.


The Knight of Swords blesses you with a bounty of energy to pursue your ambitions and goals, however, you may find that this energy drains quickly without proper rest. It will do you no good to be reckless in using up your strength, rather you should try to plan out your schedule so that you have enough time to rest and recover when needed. It can be tempting to be hasty, but strive not to devote too much of yourself into one area of your life. The key to good health is ensuring that there is a healthy balance between your career and your own personal and social life. As long as you can maintain this, you will have little issue this month.


Financially, this can be a bit of a difficult period. The Knight of Swords is still young and learning to manage its resources even as it works towards its ambitions. Cancerians may find themselves with increased expenditures, before they have a steady income that they can rely on. This may also be a period where you will need to repay back any loans or debts that you owe to others. If possible, try to set up a payment plan or delay things at least until next month where the situation will start to improve overall. As always, try to plan and budget ahead with the foresight that you have been given now.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 8th, 18th, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Light Beige

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug XVII The Star

The Star is a healing card that encourages Leos to consider stepping back from work or getting things ready in preparation for you to take a break this month. Those who insist on keeping up the grind, may find that there are different obstacles delaying or blocking their path to success. Often times, this may come in the form of legal issues that you will have to sit down to properly clear. Avoid this by ensuring your double check all your work and making sure that it is all up to proper code. If you need help, consider asking for a second pair of eyes to look through what you have done so far. You can still reach some milestones this month, but be vigilant and patient as you move forward.


The romantic and passionate planet, Venus, enters your 3rd house of communication and sociability from the 9th of this month onwards. Its energy combined with the healing and reflective nature of The Star card, draws many Leos towards their personal and social lives this month. You are likely to be a dedicated family person, and spend time nurturing your relationships if they are already positive. Those who may be having conflicts though, may find their issues intensified by Venus’ energy and it is important that you either address an issue or focus on what’s important and put aside any differences for the time being. This is a good time for a family vacation or couples trip.


Leos may find themselves feeling a bit fatigued this month. The Star card is one that encourages you to reflect and relax on yourself. Try to avoid getting caught up in any unnecessary issues that could drain more of your energy without much benefit. This is a good time to take a step back from your work and go on a vacation with your loved ones in order to recharge and recover from the whirlwind of last month. Regardless of if you can take time off, remember to schedule your breaks accordingly and get enough rest at night. Avoid being tempted by energy drinks or junk food to supplement your energy levels.


Your finances will start to improve this month. The Star card promises that you will be able to look forward to a steady income and several bonuses or windfalls throughout this month. There may be some increased expenses, mostly related to your family and personal life, but they will be expenses that you are happy to accrue. Overall, this is a more joyful month when it comes to your finances and overall wealth, so enjoy it to its fullest. As always, if you find yourself with leftover profit, make sure to save them for future months.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 8th, 18th, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Star Yellow

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept I The Magician

The Magician card opens up many possibilities and opportunities for you this month, but not everything may be so straight forward. Whatever path you choose to pursue, you may find yourself faced with different twists and turns that try to slow down your progression. This can come in the form of legal matters or strained relationships with your colleagues. Try to resolve these issues through compromise and always focus on trying to find a harmonious conclusion to any issues. This is a very stimulating month, but all the experiences that you will go through will ultimately help make you a better person in the long run for your career path.


This month is a mixed bag of ups and downs as you navigate through the different conflicts you may have with relatives or close family members. However, remember that The Magician card has given you all the tools that you need to solve any issues. Approach things patiently and always work to reach a harmonious compromise rather than escalate an issue. All things can be resolved as long as you take a deep breath and work through them slowly over time. Virgos in relationships may have to reflect on if they are putting enough effort into maintaining said relationship. Consider going out of your way to do something nice for your loved ones.


Last month’s energy continues onto this month, however, you may feel a bit bogged down by the different stimulating activities that are going on in different areas of your life. The Magician is an energetic card that often has their thumb in many pies, but this can be exhausting in the long run. Make sure that you find plenty of time to relax or take a rest when needed. If you feel tired, then heed your body’s needs and avoid overtaxing it even more. As long as you can maintain a good balance, then you will be able to get through this month without having to worry about much.


Your finances start to come into the spotlight this month, but things will be slow to pick up. By the middle of the month, you will start seeing the tide of your finances turn. The Magician promises that there will be different avenues to which you can profit from. In your work, you may be able to look forward to several windfalls or bonuses throughout this month as well. Your overall expenses are also likely to be low and expected, so you can easily budget around them. Enjoy this month and all that it has to offer.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 18th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Royal Purple

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct IV The Emperor

The Emperor stands firmly by your side as it follow you into this month. Like last month, it warns you about being too complacent about your subordinates or colleagues. Even the best empires may breed rebellion and you will need to keep a close eye on those under you to ensure that their work is up to standard and that they are not trying to purposefully go behind your back. Libras may also face a major obstacle or delay when it comes to their projects this month, but this will be the only issue that you will have to work through in order to see things through. Be patient, and possess a keen judgement and discerning eye. If you can do so, then this month will help lead you to success in the long run.


The romantic and passionate planet, Venus, enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 9th of this month onwards. Combined with the authoritative nature of the Emperor card, Libras should learn to be patient and avoid engaging in conflict this month. Arguments or disagreements are bound to be more intense when fueled by such strong energies, but often they may be over petty issues that are not actually worth fighting over. Approach this month with patience and try to channel your energy into positive productions; such as renovating or redecorating your home.


This month, your energy is beginning to wane as the Emperor takes up most of your time and focus on both your work and personal life. While your physical health and immunity isn’t too badly affected, you may still feel mentally tired and emotionally drained. This can lead to careless or reckless decision making, which can be harmful in the wrong situations. Always ensure you are well rested and take regular breaks when you feel yourself reaching a limit. Remember to prioritize your health and not take it for granted during this current period.


The saying that you have to spend money to make money rings true this month, as you may find yourself saddled with increased expenditures related to both your personal life and your career or business. The Emperor encourages you to take control of your spending habits and try to cut out anything that isn’t strictly necessary. You may also experience some losses towards the end of the month, so prepare yourself by budgeting accordingly and organizing your finances so you can better keep track of them. The following months will see the situation slowly start to improve.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 8th, 18th, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Ruby Red

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct IV The Emperor

The Emperor stands firmly by your side as it follow you into this month. Like last month, it warns you about being too complacent about your subordinates or colleagues. Even the best empires may breed rebellion and you will need to keep a close eye on those under you to ensure that their work is up to standard and that they are not trying to purposefully go behind your back. Libras may also face a major obstacle or delay when it comes to their projects this month, but this will be the only issue that you will have to work through in order to see things through. Be patient, and possess a keen judgement and discerning eye. If you can do so, then this month will help lead you to success in the long run.


The romantic and passionate planet, Venus, enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 9th of this month onwards. Combined with the authoritative nature of the Emperor card, Libras should learn to be patient and avoid engaging in conflict this month. Arguments or disagreements are bound to be more intense when fueled by such strong energies, but often they may be over petty issues that are not actually worth fighting over. Approach this month with patience and try to channel your energy into positive productions; such as renovating or redecorating your home.


This month, your energy is beginning to wane as the Emperor takes up most of your time and focus on both your work and personal life. While your physical health and immunity isn’t too badly affected, you may still feel mentally tired and emotionally drained. This can lead to careless or reckless decision making, which can be harmful in the wrong situations. Always ensure you are well rested and take regular breaks when you feel yourself reaching a limit. Remember to prioritize your health and not take it for granted during this current period.


The saying that you have to spend money to make money rings true this month, as you may find yourself saddled with increased expenditures related to both your personal life and your career or business. The Emperor encourages you to take control of your spending habits and try to cut out anything that isn’t strictly necessary. You may also experience some losses towards the end of the month, so prepare yourself by budgeting accordingly and organizing your finances so you can better keep track of them. The following months will see the situation slowly start to improve.

Lucky Dates: 5th, 8th, 18th, 22nd

Lucky Colour: Ruby Red

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Knight of Pentacles

The intelligent and witty Mercury enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the middle of this month onwards. Combined with the slower and more grounded energy of the Knight of Pentacles, many Sagittarians may find themselves dealing with more administrative or behind the scene matters. This may feel a bit boring to the energetic and broad planning Sagittarian, but understand that this is an important part of the business project. You must take extra care and avoid making careless mistakes in this area. How you handle this current period could very well determine your future success.


Mercury, which enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 12th of this month onwards, advises you to approach all situations with logic and careful judgement. The Knight of Pentacles seconds this, adding on that you should try to be patient and work towards solutions rather than letting your emotions get the better of you this month. Guard your temper and use your words to express yourself in a calm manner, rather than trying to be aggressive or pushing to get your way. This is a valuable time where many Sagittarians will learn about solving issues diplomatically and learning to use their energy to more practical means.


Sagittarians may be feeling a bit burnt out from last month’s slow energy drain. The Knight of Pentacles moves ahead on a slow and steady steed, and advises Sagittarians to do the same this month. Take your limits into account and listen to your body when it tells you that it needs to rest or needs more time to recover from any strenuous activities. Continue to prioritize your health and avoid making reckless or hasty decisions. Sagittarians may also be more prone to illnesses this month, so it is important you avoid damp or dusty areas and ensure that you avoid being stressed or put under too much pressure.


The Knight of Pentacles promises that you will not have to worry too much about your finances this month. Like the Knight, your finances continue on a slow, but steady path. You can count on a dependable income, with some potential windfalls dotted throughout this month. Most importantly, many Sagittarians can look forward to lower or more predictable expenses that they can budget around. While you may not have time to enjoy your good fortune to the fullest extent this month, remember to set aside your savings for future rainy days. You will be able to be more hands on with your finances in future months.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 8th, 18th, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Sprout Green

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Five of Cups


Things are starting to improve this month for Carpricorns when it comes to their work or overall careers. The Five of Cups warns that there may be some minor delays or obstacles that crop up, but there is always a positive you can focus on. All things will also be solved with patience and time. The relationships that you have forged last month continue to strengthen and grow as you pursue new projects or continue old ones. There is a lot going on at work this month, making it a very stimulating and exciting time for Capricorns. Keep persevering and putting in effort, your labor will pay off in future months and you can make great progress towards meeting your goals or personal milestones.


Many Capricorns may find themselves at a crossroads in their life when it comes to their relationships and personal business. Those in new relationships may be given an ultimatum this month to decide how the relationship should move forward. However, the Five of Cups warns that this is not a decision that should be made hastily. It may be better to let things cool off and try to wait until next month before you do any further reflection on the road ahead. Take all things in stride and try to be sympathetic to those around you. You will find your footing in future months, so look forward to that and try to maintain harmony now.


Despite the obstacles that this month may throw at you, Capricorns are feeling blessed with a new bounty of energy and motivation. There is nothing that you can’t eventually solve or take care of. However, the Five of Cups warns you that you should not take this energy for granted. It can fade if you do not take proper breaks or ensure you have a good sleeping schedule. When you are feeling tired, it is important to step back instead of trying to push too far ahead. Your energy will soon recharge itself, so be patient and listen to the good ground rules that you should have set up for yourself beforehand.


Capricorns when relax when it comes to their finances this month. You can focus on other areas of your life while your overall income and wealth remain both dependable and relatively stable. There are some windfalls or bonuses that you can look forward to throughout this month as well. Towards the middle of the month, you may see some increased expenditure, often related to your family’s education or loved one’s needs, but they will not affect you too much in the long run. You will be happy to spend on those around you as well, so do not worry. Your finances will allow you to be more hands on in future months.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 21st, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Light Grey

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Page of Wands

The passionate and intense Venus, enters your 10th house of career and work from the 9th of this month onwards. Its strong energy merged with the tenacity and motivation of the Page of Wands promises Aquarians an exciting time at work, that is both challenging, but also fulfilling. You may face some push back from those in higher positions or from the competition around you, but be patient and find ways to work around the limitations that you are given. Remember not to resort to anything underhanded though. Instead rely on your tenacity and creativity to help you find a path forward.


The Page of Wand is excited to give it their all and devote all their energy to achieving their goals and ambitions this month. All this drive will be spent towards your work and career, which may lead your personal life and relationships feeling a little cold. This may cause problems if your loved ones are feeling left out of your life or that you are pushing them away on purpose. Remember to keep lines of communication constantly open between you and your loved ones, in order to avoid such misunderstandings. Consider spending some time with them as well, to help reassure them if they need it. Balance is the key to healthy relationships after all.


The Page of Wands is young, vibrant and full of energy. Likewise, Aquarians are blessed with both the motivation and drive to take on any obstacle that may crop up in their path. Make sure you have proper outlets to burn off this energy accordingly. However, also remember not to be too careless or reckless even while you are riding this high this month. As always, ensure you have a good schedule to follow and try to form healthy habits while you are at the peak of your health. Otherwise, enjoy this month to the fullest and make the most of it.


Financially this is a very strong month for Aquarians. Despite his youth, the Page of Wands has brought you fortune and blessings for all the hard work and dedication that you have put into your work and financial projects. You may finally be seeing some pay out this month, as well as some extra bonuses or windfalls that could be coming your way. However, try to balance that out by budgeting accordingly and making sure that your expenses are low so that you can maximize your profit. Remember to still live within your means and avoid forming unhealthy financial habits.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 5th, 21st, 23rd

Lucky Colour: Horizon Orange

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Five of Swords

This is a busy and active month for Pisceans in the workplace, but the Five of Swords cautions that you should ready yourself for some potential trouble towards the middle and end of the month. The Five of Swords signals that there may be some infighting amongst fellow colleagues, which may result in behind the scenes issue or even sabotage in more extreme cases. Rather than be paranoid, it is important you develop a strong network of individuals you can trust, that will always support you and help you in improving your work ethic or skills and talents. It is important to have that safety net of people who can vouch for you when times get tough.


Venus moves on from your 7th house to your 8th house of intimacy and mergers from the 9th of this month onwards. Combined with the more chaotic energy of the Five of Swords, Pisceans are encouraged to seek refuge in their households and avoid moving too far out of their comfort zones this month to avoid any strain on themselves or their relationships. For the daring few who decide to push their limits, remember to have backup plans and foresee any potential problems you might have before they occur. You can learn a valuable lesson in overcoming these types of difficulties and your relationship may come out all the stronger for it.


The Five of Pentacles is a card fueled with energy and motivations; however, it can be prone to either recklessness or carelessness. It is important that you take account of your health and prioritize your safety and wellbeing over anything else. Those that suffer from chronic illnesses, allergies or old aches should take precaution to avoid them flaring up again. Always carry your medication on you and avoid activities that may aggravate your symptoms. Find safer ways for you to burn of all that access energy and don’t take any of it for granted this month.


The Five of Pentacles promises that there may be some unexpected twists and turns this month when it comes to your finances. Though the stars are a bit vague on whether they will be harmful or helpful in the long run. Ultimately, you will have to keep on your toes and be ready for whatever life throws your way. Luckily, most of the time, you will not have to worry too much about your finances and can count on a steady and reliable income to help see you through any worries of this month.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 5th, 9th, 18th

Lucky Colour: Pastel Blue

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