1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr I The Magician
The Magician advises you to be resourceful with both your tools and the people around you. This month will throw you many different obstacles that you will have to tactfully navigate around. The Full Moon also enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 10th of this month onwards, its energy providing you clarity on your situation and encouraging you to be more assertive. However, be cautious about being stubborn, as you may have to learn to compromise to a certain degree with those around you. It is important this month to maintain friendly relationships. They will be invaluable, especially during tough times.
Venus makes its way into your 7th house of contracts and relationships late last month and continues to stay there for the first half of this month. It is a passionate planet, but can also be highly subject to jealousy or bossiness. It is important that Aries try to temper these feelings and not control or boss around your loved ones. The Magician suggests that you have many creative outlets available to you to spend your frustrated energies on so focus on them instead. Give your loved ones some space, but also learn when you may be truly needed by them for advice or care. This will help you build a stronger family unit.
While your good health continues from last month, you may find that your energy levels have dropped off from their peak last month. This is just the usual rise and fall of things, so don’t be too alarmed. Just adjust your schedule accordingly so you can take more breaks and avoid overwhelming yourself. The Magician also advises you against giving into temptation such as junk foods, alcoholic or highly caffeinated drinks. You can get easily hooked onto them this month, so it is better to just avoid them all entirely.
The Magician signals that you are pursuing many creative ventures and outlets this month. Unfortunately, you may find that your expenditure has increased as you pursue your creativity and passions. It is important that you adjust your budget accordingly and plan ahead with your expenses. As long as you can expect these expenditures, it should not be too much of an issue for you in the long run. Working Aries can expect to see some small bonuses towards the end of the year.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 16th, 21st, 26th
Lucky Colour: Royal Purple

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Page of Swords
The Page of Swords signals that Taurians may be starting from scratch this month as last month’s loose ends are slowly tied up. Take a step back and take an objective look at what needs to be done next. Often times, taking a breather to analyze and lay out your issues or obstacles will be useful in helping you find a solution. However, the Page of Swords encourages you to do so on your feet as there is no time to waste in the world of business. As always, make sure that you have a supportive team around you so that you do not have to go at it alone.
The Page of Swords throws themselves into the rat race of work, but in their excitement, may forget to pay attention to their personal or social lives. Do not be too alarmed as this is understandably a busy period for many Taurians and it can be hard to split your attention between two areas. Therefore, it is always important to communicate and never promise what you cannot deliver. However, if there are issues ongoing in your personal life, it can be quite hectic to juggle between the two. In such scenarios, it is important to set your priorities and figure out where your attention is warranted most.
Venus enters your 6th house of health and fitness late from last month. Its signals that your life may be quite busy and hectic this month. This is just a naturally stimulating period and it can be hard to focus on your overall wellbeing while you’re trying to solve the issues and obstacles that crop up ahead of you. It is therefore important that you put more significance on your health. Pay attention to your body and visit a medical professional if you feel yourself becoming under the weather. Nothing is more important than your own health and wellbeing.
Breathe a sigh of relief because all your hard work and effort will pay out handsomely this month in terms of your wealth and overall financial wellbeing. As long as you keep up good spending habits, you should be able to add to your savings this month instead of having to take away from then. However, remember that no amount of money is worth risking your health, so be smart about where to spend your energy. Otherwise, enjoy this fruitful month and treat yourself every once in a while.
Lucky Dates: 6th, 12th, 15th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Bright Silver

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun King of Swords
The King of Swords continues to dominate your overall work and life into this month, and there is a lot that will require your mental attention and calculation. To the point that it can be quite tedious, but ultimately it will be necessary in order for you to see what is the right path to pursue. The King of Swords also advises against getting lost in lofty ideals and instead stick with more practical or proven methods or projects in order to see results. The King of Swords also encourages that you find a supportive network of teammates to help you achieve your goals. Remember, every good king needs loyal advisers to aid him.
Gemini will reap what they seek this month. Those looking for reconciliation or to strengthen their relationships will find your loved ones reciprocating your efforts. However, those who remain stubborn or unwilling to compromise and nurture their budding relationships will continue to stew in their current situations. Your relationships will play a significant role in your life this month, either directly or in how they affect your mental state and wellbeing so handle it accordingly. Otherwise, enjoy this month of harmony and learn to reach out to people when you need it. You will look back and see how much of an impact this period really had on you.
For the most part Gemini are healthy and happy this month. This is very attractive to people and you may find yourself the center of attention which can also bolster your emotional health. However, you must note a few things this month. Though physically you are healthy, you should still avoid risky situations and take caution when operating machinery or on the move. There is also a New Moon solar eclipse from the 26th of this month which may drag your energies down so be cautious on that day.
Both financial support and your increased expenditure may come from the same place. Your loved ones and family will need your financial support at this time, which while you are happy to provide, can put a bit of a drain on your wallet. Luckily you can count on support from your relatives or friends if you run into any trouble. Things will get better towards the end of the month, but for the meanwhile, you may have to cope with organizing your budget better and trying to spend less on frivolous things.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 6th, 20th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul Two of Wands
A Full Moon enters your 10th house of career and long-term goals, the clarity its energy provides along with the forward-looking attitude of the Two of Wands suggests that Cancerians can see all the pathways laid out before them. Not only in career, but in other areas of their life as well that they will have to weigh and balance against your work life. The consequences and benefits of your actions are laid out quiet neatly in front of you and it will be up to you to weight the pros and cons of each decision in order to choose which path is best for you. Just ensure that you walk that path instead of keeping yourself stuck deciding. Stagnancy is not the best option for you if you are not making meaning choices at the same time.
Venus enters your 4th house of home and family late last month, its powerful passionate energies will draw many Cancerian’s attention towards their homelife this month. The Two of Pentacles signals that you will be focusing on the long-term plan of action for your home; this can be in the form of renovations or redecoration. Learn to involve your loved ones in your home projects, it will be a great way for all of you to grow closer together while improving your living space. Things are very hectic and stimulating this month, but keep optimistic and you will find thoroughly enjoying the busyness of this period. Communicate openly with your family and cherish these moments with them.
While your mind and soul are highly stimulated and active this month, the same may not be said about your physical health. This is naturally a busy month with decisions that can be overwhelming to undertake at time, so don’t be afraid to take things as your own pace. At the same time, look to improve your physical health by establishing a regular schedule for yourself or forming new routine habits to get you into the groove of things. While you can take things slow, avoid stopping any action altogether as it can be easy to fall into the rut of laziness and not pursue anything at all for your health or work.
The Two of Wands is a card that strives ahead, but in order to do so, Cancerians will first need to tie up any loose ends that may be holding their finances back or damming up any potential progress. This can be a bit taxing as you work towards wiping the slate clean of any debts or loans, but it will aid you in future. Once you have accomplished this goal, you will find yourself with much more room to breathe and pursue your next financial projects. The universe will also provide you with a bit of fortune towards the end of the month, in the form of small bonuses that you can look forward to.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 13th, 15th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Ruby Red

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands sits confidently upon her throne as she takes the reigns of her kingdom and starts to tackle any immediate issue that warrants her attention. Leos are much like her this month, you have inherited a valuable asset in your position, but it comes with having to clear up any old issues that plague it. Not all these issues can be solved by brute force or pure effort. In many cases, Leos will need to turn to their network of friends or learn when to bow and take a loss in the short run, in order to gain victory in the long term. The workplace is a battlefield this month where you must put your strategic mind to good use in order to gain the most advantage.
Venus enters your 3rd house of socialness and communication late last month and continues to occupy it well into this month. The passionate planet of love combined with the fiery heart of the Queen of Wands promises this is a very loving and warm month for Leos with families. You really cherish the memories and time spent with your friends and family this month. Even those that may be at odds with their loved ones will still remember the good times that they shared, which will allow them to approach situations more peacefully. This is a great period for compromise and harmony, so prioritize that as you progress forward. Otherwise, enjoy this time.
The noble Queen of Wands blesses you with a fiery strength and positive attitude that will lead you far this month. There is very little that can stand in your way and most Leos can look forward to good health this month. However, avoid being reckless all the same, as all the universe’s blessings cannot save you from taking risky and careless decisions. This is a good time to travel though, so you might want to start planning trips this month. Otherwise, enjoy this period of good health and do not take it for granted.
Finances will take a bit of a backseat to other areas of your life this month. The Queen of Wands will confidently ensure that you have enough to stay afloat, but majority of your time will be spent on shoring up your reputation and ensuring you have a stable foundation before you move forward. This is a good time to start steadily paying off any debts or loans. Even if you cannot pay them all off at once, it’s a good idea to start up a payment plan so that you can begin making a dent in them. Your finances will continue to improve in the following months.
Lucky Dates: 6th, 15th, 20th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Light Orange

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept 0 The Fool
The Fool looks ahead with fresh optimism and an unmatchable energy that fuels them to fulfil their goals. Virgos should strive to embody the Fool’s confidence and enthusiasm. You are equipped with all the skills and knowledge to pursue your career goals and ambitions, so don’t be afraid to take the steps towards them now. Trust your instinct and make the first decision. This is a good month to make new changes to your work environment or work structure. These changes will help to improve your productivity in the long run. Enjoy this period of productiveness and embrace the changes that come your way.
The Fool card strives to start things on a fresh foot; therefore, the universe also encourages you to try and clear the slate when it comes to any loose ends or personal issues that may still be plaguing you. Unless you are very convicted about something, it may be better to take a bow and compromise or let go of your ego in order to close a chapter of your life and move forward without having any lingering worries or doubts. This is also a good month to resolve minor issues and grow bonds between you and your loved ones. Strive to spend more time with them in order to create more happy memories and cherished moments.
The Fool advises that all work and no play will be bad for both your mental and physical health this month. You should learn to take regular breaks this month, the work won’t be going anywhere and your health comes first before all else. Learn to relax and monitor your health for signs of potential exhaustion or burn out. Those who have chronic aches or ailments such as asthma or allergies should pay extra attention to any symptoms of a flare up. Keep your medication on you and most importantly, rest whenever you feel yourself starting to get stressed or worn out. As long as you follow these rules, this month should pass by peacefully.
The Full Moon entered your 2nd house of wealth and finances late last month and will continue to stay in that house for at least the first half of this month. It provides a much clearer perspective on your finances. Paired with the Fool card’s confidence and enthusiasm, Virgos will be able to reap much reward from various projects, both work or hobby related. This is a good time to make investments, though they will not be the bulk of your income. This is also a good time to wipe the slate by paying off any old debts or loans so that you have less to worry about moving forwards.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 10th, 15th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Pale Yellow

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct King of Pentacles
Last month was quite challenging for many Libras when it came to their career and work life. While things do calm down this month, there is still a lot to do in order to get everything back in working order. The King of Pentacles is a card that primarily concerns management and how you manage the people around you. It advises you to take on a practical and thorough attitude in order to progress this month. Do not trust verbal contracts, get things in writing and always make sure to double check every deal before you sign it. There is nothing wrong with taking some extra precautions this month to ensure that everything foes as smoothly as you want it to.
The Full Moon enters your 1st house of self and attitude late last month and its energy continues to linger there well into this month. Libras may be looking for a bit of affection now, but the King of Pentacles signals that you will have to be the one giving attention to various social aspects instead. Friends and family will need your advice and guidance, while partners may not be fulfilling your expectations. In most cases, you will have to take responsibility over others in order to help them. However, it is important that you still communicate your expectations and speak honestly with others in order to reach a harmonious compromise.
The King of Pentacles will grant you some sturdiness and resilience against illness. Those who do fall ill are likely to recover quickly or not feel the full brunt of being sick with their strong constitution. You are also blessed with some extra energy this month to help you achieve your goals. Take advantage of the kindness from the universe and ensure you don’t waste your efforts on any area that won’t pay out. Otherwise, enjoy this month and ensure that you keep up proper good habits, especially when it comes to your diet and sleep schedule.
There is a mix of both positive and negative this month, luckily the positive will tend to outweigh the negatives. Libras may find that they have increased expenditure, especially when it comes to their home or personal life. This may have to deal with household expenses or personal projects so you will find them a necessity in the long run. Luckily, you can also look forward to some bonuses and extra financial gain from areas like your work or income. Take care of what you need to and save whatever is remaining for future rainy days. This can be an exhausting, but rewarding month in terms of your finances.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 15th, 18th
Lucky Colour: Vine Green

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Nine of Pentacles
The Nine of Pentacles signals that many Scorpions may be tying up some loose ends while also tackling some new issues that are rearing their heads. This month is all about setting in for the long haul. Even minor issues may take some time to resolve and you will have to accept that there is no easy shortcut to success. Don’t be too disheartened though, as these issues would have naturally cropped up in the long run anyway, and it is better that you start working on them now than later. If you ever feel down, just remember that you’ve made a lot of progress just to get to where you are now.
The homely and familial nature of the Nine of Pentacles draws Scorpions more towards their home and family life this month. Home is your sanctuary this month and it is important that you strive to keep things harmonious here. Luckily the universe is blessing you by encouraging positive relationships. If there has been any turbulence or conflict in your personal life, now is the time to start resolving them and working towards a compromise or peaceful conclusion. At the same time, don’t neglect your own wellbeing. This is also a good time to step away from work to focus on your home life.
A Full Moon enters your 6th house of health and fitness from the 10th of this month onwards. Its presence may stir up the waters of your emotions a bit this month, combined with the early nature of the Nine of Pentacles, Scorpios may end up feeling rather lethargic or tired. Even small activities may wear you out, even though you feel mentally ready for them. While having a proper sleep schedule can solve many of these issues, the universe is truly encouraging you to take a small break this month. Step back and smell the roses, you deserve to rest, relax and pamper yourself.
Your finances will improve from last month, but they will improve enough so that they can take a backseat to other areas of your life. You will not have to worry about them as they will be relatively stable and predictable, giving you the space and time to focus on other more pressing areas. Do not be too disappointed if you do not see any immediate returns when you start a project or negotiate a deal or contract. Your wealth will take some time to flow in and you will be able to more clearly see your financial gains in future months.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 15th, 19th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec XVI The Tower
The Tower signals that you may eventually come across a sudden revelation at work or experience some instability along the way. However, Sagittarians are blessed with good fortune and their own wit and boldness to carry them through this month. There is a New Moon in your 11th house of friends and groups from the 9th of this month. Its energy brings a clarity to your relationships and allows you to take steps to both improve or mend any less than ideal business relationships with your partners or associates. However, you should still avoid being careless and use your judgement wisely when it comes to trusting people.
Venus enters your 5th house of romance and relationships late last month and lingers into the first half of this month. This passionate planet of love brings harmony and affection into your homelife and current relationships. This is a good time to grow your network of friends or strengthen bonds with family members. Single Sagittarians should also put themselves out there this month, as there is a high chance you could meet someone who matches your tastes and preferences. Those in uneasy relationships may also reach some sort of compromise this month, though the heart of the conflict will need more time to be solved. Either way enjoy this period of peace and love.
The good health from last month will continue on into this month. There is little for Sagittarians to fear as you are feeling energetic and optimistic for the most part. However, The Tower card suggests you may still be hit by the odd low period ever now and then, and that you may be prone to careless decisions or risk taking that can have adverse effects on your health in the long term. So, ensure that you avoid taking any risks or putting yourself in shaky or unstable situations. As long as you act with some precaution and take care of yourself when you are feeling low, this month will pass by smoothly.
Finances look to improve this month. Your perseverance and dedication at work leads you towards success. The Tower suggests you may stumble across some unexpected boons or bonuses from older projects or investments that you have left running in the background. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself a little bit this month, but remember to set aside any savings for future rainy days. Otherwise, enjoy the good fortune that this month brings.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 15th, 19th
Lucky Colour: Cool Grey

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Queen of Cups
The passionate and energetic Venus enters your 10th planet of work and career late last month and continues to linger within it for the early half of this month. Its vigor combined with the understanding and regality of the Queen of Cups promises Capricorns much progress and productivity at work this month. You rule the workplace this month with a natural charisma that entices and attracts people towards you. The difficult part comes in maintaining your relationships as both time and distance can be major factors that affect how well you can manage them. As long as you pay attention and avoid letting your control over the situation slip, you should be able to sail by smoothly.
The tension from last month has not yet fully dissipated, and may grow more complicated depending on how the situation progresses this month. While the Queen of Cups has imbued you with a deeper empathy and understanding of others, much of that energy is spent towards your career where majority of energy is driving you. However, couples or familiar that work together can take advantage of this to mend their relationships or grow stronger as a family. For those who do not work with loved ones, you will have to communicate frequently and honestly in order to maintain harmony. This is also a good time to draw some boundaries in your home life.
The Queen of Cups glows with health this month. Your body, mind and soul are all in harmony with each other, leading to a powerful combination that entices others. People notice that you are feeling good and are naturally attracted to your good health overall. Capricorns may even be considered a role model to others in this area. Keep up good habits and enjoy this prosperous and healthy time. Ensure you keep up a strong routine and avoid forming bad habits or falling prey to temptation. Do not take this period for granted.
The Queen of Cups also ensures that money flows freely into your hands this month. As mentioned before, your career is one of the highlights of this month and the progress and productivity that happens there translates naturally into financial gain and wealth. You can expect some bonus good fortunes or promotions towards the middle and end of the month. Remember to put aside some of your good tidings for rainy days. Your expenditure may also increase slightly this month, but you can handle it by ensuring you budget and not spend on frivolous things. Exercise your judgement and authority in this area wisely, but overall enjoy this fruitful month.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 15th, 19th, 21st
Lucky Colour: Pale Blue

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands signals a change in the winds this month. Things are starting to look up for Aquarians as productivity and progress at work start to pick up again. While this month will still have its fair share of issues and challenges, you are blessed with much more clarity and better perspective that allows you to find solutions to your problems much more easily. So, take advantage of this month and try to push new projects, cut new deals or enter negotiations at this prosperous time. The Ace of Wands will also favor journeying outside of your local area to accomplish business deals or other projects.
Your personal and social life take a backseat to your work and career this month with the Ace of Wands motivating you there. However, this is still a good time to spend some of your down time with your loved ones and family members. Focus on nurturing your relationships and open the door to resolving any arguments or issues that may have been plaguing you. However, do not expect to see immediate results. The Ace of Wands is only the beginning of things, you will have to be patient and keep moving forward before you can fully resolve anything. This is still a great start though, so make sure to take full advantage of this time.
The Ace of Wands breathes new life into you this month. Aquarians are imbued with a new sense of energy and motivation to pursue your goals. There is little that you have to worry about this month in terms of physical or mental health, though you should be careful not to risk your emotional wellbeing. Also avoid starting any bad habits, no matter how tempting it may be with your good health. Pampering yourself every now and then is fine, but remember everything in moderation. Otherwise, enjoy this month and your period of good health.
The Ace of Wands bolsters your wealth and finances this month, however, while things may improve from last month, they will at most return to their usual stability. You may have slightly more expenses this month related to your household or family members, but they will be predictable and won’t have too much of an impact on your finances in the long run. Just ensure that you do not let them accumulate if you are capable of paying them when they crop up. Things will more noticeably improve towards the end of the month so look forward to that.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 15th, 21st, 31st
Lucky Colour: Firecracker Red

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar II The High Priestess
The High Priestess is a mysterious individual who works behind the scenes with a higher knowledge and attuned intuition to help guide them. Pisceans will have to take on a role similar to this, this month. You may find yourself having to take a step back from the spotlight in order to pull the strings behind the curtain and ensure that all the gears are up and running. While this doesn’t mean resorting to anything underhanded, it does mean that you may have to deal with a lot of administrative or legal work. It may be tedious, but someone needs to ensure all the paperwork gets done in order to get any project off the ground.
Pisces may be busy dealing with some household renovations or changes this month, but you will still have plenty of time to deal with relationships and personal ties. However, the High Priestess warns you not to be too trusting this month. This is a time where secrets or new rumors may come to light that may cause new revelations or fractures amongst your social group. If you don’t want any personal details or issues to be dragged into the spotlight this month, play your cards close to your chest and avoid adding to or getting involved with gossip. Focus on your household and things will pass by smoothly.
The High Priestess calls for you to relax a little this month. While your energy levels aren’t that low, they are still not as high as they can be. You need to learn to take things at a steady pace and avoid getting too stressed or tense. Your mental health can greatly affect your physical health this month, so ensure that you take a break every so often to keep yourself cool and collected. Ensure you get enough sleep and avoid going on long trips or operating heavy machinery, especially when you are tired. It can help to have someone around looking out for you, but be cautious of who you entrust with your wellbeing.
A Full Moon enters your 2nd house of money and income from the 10th of this month onwards. Its presence suggests that you will need to find a way to balance out your personal expenses and business expense this month. Your finances may take a bit of a dip due to the occurrence of these expenses, however, you can still find some financial support from your loved ones or relatives. It is a good idea if you have some savings to rely on though, to help keep you afloat until the financial situation around you begins to improve.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 15th, 18th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Clear White