1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Ten of Pentacles
From the 2nd of this month, Mercury retrogrades; potentially throwing some obstacles or delays in your path at work. Luckily, the Ten of Pentacles is encouraging you to take this time to go slow and work on expanding your business. Things are still progressing nicely, at an even pace and. The Ten of Pentacles indicates many of your projects are coming to a close or starting to wrap up and you will be in the process of tying up loose ends or setting the foundations for your next projects. The fruits of your labor will start to blossom come the end of the month and you will be in a much stronger position than you were at the start of this month.
The Ten of Pentacles promises a more harmonious environment when it comes to your loved ones or relationships. It seems like everyone is more or less on the same page this month, and disputes or conflicts are more easily resolved. Be cautious from the 2nd of April with Mercury’s retrograde, when it comes to your household or family finances. Avoid making major financial decisions this month, as it can cause trouble in the short term. This is a good time to sit down and plan out the future with your partner or family before you take any action. Take your time and enjoy being with those who love and support you this month.
The Ten of Pentacles promises you overall good health and stable energy levels, however, you must still be aware of your limitations and not push too far past them this month. This can be a bit of a stressful month due to the flurry of activities that are taking up your time. It is encouraged that you find people you can trust and have outlets where you can vent out your stress. Don’t be afraid to confide in those you trust and take on exercises that can help relieve you of tension or anxiety. As long as you prioritize your emotional and mental health as much as you do your physical health, things will be fine.
This is a decent time for your financially. The Ten of Pentacles assures you that you will have a stable flow of income. There is potential for working Aries to grab a promotion or raise closer to the end of the month. There may also be several financial bonuses you can look forward to throughout this period. At the same time though, don’t be too frivolous when spending as this can be a time where many regretful or bad purchases are made if you’re not careful. Do your research and avoid rushing to open your wallet straight away. Sometimes there are other solutions you can try first.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 18th, 25th
Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is a mindful and intelligent card and many Taurians will have to employ this attitude when it comes to their work this month. Mercury’s retrograde on the 2nd of this month means that there may be new obstacles at work that crop up or complex issues that will need a lot of time and effort to resolve. Now is not the time to chase the spotlight, instead show your hard work by sitting down and tackling these problems as they occur. Be patient with yourself and those around you and put on the face of an intelligent leader who solves things with good judgement and methodical procedure. Things will be slow, but eventually they will work out for you if you keep trying.
Much of your concentration is on your working life as your household and social life are relatively stable this month. The Queen of Swords does encourage you to try renewing any old ties or relationships that you may have come to forget or neglect. As you review your current relationships, you may also bring up older or new issues that will need to be discussed between you and your loved ones. Once more, be patient and work on sorting things out in a practical and methodical manner. Things will slowly put themselves right, so avoid being careless or trying to force anything to happen.
While you are mentally very stimulated this month, your physical health may need a bit more care. Taurians may find that their energy levels are a bit low, and those with chronic aches, allergies or illnesses should watch out for a potential flare up. Safeguard yourself by avoiding areas or activities that can aggravate yourself. It is a good idea to find time to take breaks or consider taking a short holiday this month. Be mindful of your health and make sure you get enough rest and at least 8 hours of sleep at night. Your health will improve in future months.
Taurians won’t need to worry too much about their overall finances this month. Things are looking stable, but there are is not too much in the cards this month. The Queen of Swords ensures you will have what you need to meet your goals and focus your energy on other places, but you might not expect too many windfalls this month. Try to keep your expenses low and ensure your finances are all in order. Things will pick up in future, but for now, you should be grateful that you have a stable platform to stand on.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 17th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Titanium White

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun VI The Lovers
Gemini’s home planet, Mercury, retrogrades from the 2nd of this month onwards, which can introduce delays or new obstacles in your career and working life. While there is nothing that will seriously hamper your progress, you will have to be patient to achieve the results that you want to achieve. The Lovers encourage you to trust in those around you, especially when there is new leadership or a change in hierarchy. Do not be quick to judge. Instead wait and see how things will play out before you form your plans to progress ahead. Do not underestimate the amount of influence that you have on others as well. Things will work out in your favor come closer to the end of the month.
The Lovers promises that this will be a very socially active month, where there will be a lot of old and new relationships formed or rekindled. However, Mercury’s retrograde encourages you to be wary of people who appear too good to be real or those who come to you seeking something. It may be better to rely on those who already have a solid place in your life and have properly earned your trust. Geminis will need to listen to their heads a bit more than their hearts this month, but don’t be afraid to be open to your loved ones and not neglect their emotional needs. As long as you safeguard yourself, all will be well this month.
The Lovers fills you with new energy and motivation to pursue your goals this month. Your overall health and immunity are strong, but the Lovers card also encourages you to prioritize self-care. Remember to take enough breaks for yourself and don’t be afraid to spend some time to pamper and take care of your mental and emotional health. Try to spend time with your loved ones and shut off from the internet every now and then to recharge and reconnect with your spiritual self. Don’t be afraid to incorporate some more new age methods into your health routine, but always do your research to ensure they are safe and supported by proper fact and studies.
The Lovers promise that you will not have to worry when it comes to your finances. The universe is doing its best to provide you enough for what you need, especially in the form of financial or monetary support from your loved ones and even relatives. However, you will have to be a bit cautious when it comes to spending as your expenses might increase this month. Though it is unlikely that you will have too much to worry about, it is still a good idea to keep an eye on your budget and ensure you are staying organized in your spending. Otherwise enjoy this month and all it has to offer you.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 20th, 25th
Lucky Colour: Scarlet Red

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul XVIII The Moon
The mystery and enigma of The Moon card combined with Mercury’s retrograde on the 2nd of this month signals that Cancerians may have a lot on their plate this month. This can draw out feelings of worry or anxiety that you must learn to deal with throughout the month. A lot of time may be spent combing through different projects to find any loose ends for you to tie up. Luckily, you are able to conclude many different chapters of the business so that you can move forward onto more new and exciting things next month. Now is also a good time to take a look at your current role and responsibilities and see if you are being treated for what you’re worth in your workplace.
The Moon can sometimes keep certain things hidden from your view and this month, you must be careful about neglecting your family and personal relationships. Just because they’re not in your immediate view, doesn’t mean that they don’t require your attention and care this month. Keep your lines of communication open and honest so that you don’t overpromise on anything. Your partner is likely to be understanding as long as you are diplomatic, but also honest about your busy schedule. Where you can, try to spend time with them to reward them for their support and patience as well. This is a good time to rekindle old relationships as well that you may have missed.
The Moon card blesses Cancerians with the strength and energy they need to tackle all the issues and obstacles that may be in their way this month. Your health actually does not take center stage this much as you are relatively healthy and do not have to worry about falling ill or under the weather. Even if you do catch something, it is likely to pass quickly as long as you take care of yourself and schedule a doctor’s visit accordingly. So enjoy this month of good health and use this time wisely to accomplish and meet your goals.
It can be hard to know when you will meet your financial goals this month, but there will be some windfalls that help bolster you throughout April. Your income is reliable and your hard work is paying off. The important thing is to try and keep your overall expenses reasonable and manageable. Strive to be a bit thriftier this month and organize your finances accordingly. Make sure to set aside any extra for future rainy days and invest your earnings wisely.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 20th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Light Purple

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Ten of Wands
Leos are coming upon the last hurdle in their projects this month. The Ten of Wands signals that this final obstacle may be the toughest for you to overcome, but your hard work and dedication will ultimately pay off. This may be a good time to get out of your usual comfort zone to build up ties outside of your network. However, be careful when travelling out for work, as anything may potentially happen. Be cautious of those who are overly generous or who you think may have some other motivation that they are keeping hidden. Keep on your toes, but also always keep optimistic in order to make the most of this month.
This is both a stressful, but relieving time for many Leos. For those who have been through difficult relationships or stressful situations will find that now is the time to close up that chapter. The Ten of Wands signals that there can be a lot of frustration, but also a lot of resolution that comes during this period. You are getting through all the difficult matters and conversations that you need to have now so that you can have peace of mind later on. This can be a good time for even harmonious families to discuss any old baggage or issues that they need to get out of the way. One thing is certain, you will feel much less burdened after this month has passed.
This is a paradoxical month. You will have a lot of energy, but sometimes will still feel completely drained due to the number of issues and conflicts you have to resolve. The Ten of Wands also indicates that this can be a very mentally taxing time. It is important that you prioritize your wellbeing and understand where your limits lie. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and avoid giving into the temptation of sugary foods to give you an energy boost. Play it safe and exercise regularly and you will be able to get through this month without any major health scares.
The Ten of Wands indicates this may be a more chaotic month when it comes to your finances. Especially with Mercury’s retrograde on the 2nd of this month. Its path can send new obstacles or unexpected issues that hamper or delay your financial plans. Often you will find yourself having to negotiate with other people and juggle with striking a balance between your personal life and career life. Luckily, the stars promise that most financial issues will be able to be resolved this month with a bit of effort and dedication. Things look more promising in future months, so keep an eye out for potential opportunities.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 12th, 20th, 25th
Lucky Colour: Pale Red

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Two of Pentacles
Virgo’s home planet, Mercury, is in retrograde from the 2nd of this month onwards. Combined with the juggling nature of the Two of Pentacles, Virgos may find themselves dealing with different delays or obstacles across their various workplace projects. Be cautious and set aside any more major deals that you are working on now, in order to deal with the smaller ones and their various issues. It is a good idea to be more careful about your work; having someone double check your working or giving some things a second glance through can save you a lot of headaches in the long run. That being said, you will enjoy the stimulation this month has to offer you.
Mercury’s retrograde continues to affect your household and social life. The Two of Pentacles also indicates you will be juggling between the emotional and practical sides of your family. Those going through a difficult period may be starting to sort out through the tough issues that are necessary for you to. There may be some relief this month from being able to reach a conclusion or wrap up an old chapter of your life. Those who are at a crossroads need to learn to be patient and see where the flow of things go. You cannot control everything and sometimes it is better to let it go and let someone else make the crucial decisions for you to react properly to.
There is a lot going on this month and the Two of Pentacles indicates that you might be dealing with various activities or conflicts this month. This is naturally a very busy month and it is normal to feel stressed out or low on energy. Those with chronic illnesses or who are prone to falling under the weather should be careful. Avoid places that might trigger your symptoms and safeguard your health by not doing anything reckless or careless. Remember prevention is the best cure. The Two of Pentacles also warns you against doing anything when you don’t have your full concentration with you. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
The Two of Pentacles indicates that your finances are in the spotlight, but not for the reason that you may want. While your expenses won’t be too serious, you may find you only just about have enough to cover what you need. There may be various projects of yours that require you to spend more on them, or several financial negotiations you will have to be a part of. There is a high chance some Virgos will have to take out a loan to help cover them this month. It is normal, just ensure that you have the foundation to pay it back in future.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 20th, 25th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Pine Green

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that Libras will be faced with many different decisions this month when it comes to their career and work. This is a stimulating time where a lot of things are underway or in progress. Don’t take on all work by yourself. If you are a team leader, make sure to assign work accordingly and place trust in those around you. There may still be some hiccups throughout the month as you forge your way forward, but they are unlikely to be anything major as long as you nip them off at the bud. Try to get to the heart of the issue before anything else and all will be well.
Many Libras may clash with their partners this month, especially over household matters or decisions. The Seven of Pentacles encourages you not to be too hasty and to reflect on yourself to objectively judge a situation. Have you been moving forward without including your partner in plans that should be made together? There is a chance you will need to learn to listen to the needs of others this month, even as you continue to standby your decisions. Libra will need to learn how to trust their loved ones with some responsibility and not push them away by taking their agency. Learn to strike a good balance.
The Seven of Pentacles is a slow moving and steady card, that takes its time to come to different decisions. Likewise, this month, you should move slowly and not overtax yourself. It is important you recognize your limitations and learn to abide by the where you can. Try to prioritize your health and overall wellbeing this month as your energy levels may be quite low. Ensure that you are getting plenty of rest and schedule up your medical check ups soon to make sure that everything is in the clear.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you need to start building a good foundation for your finances. It is likely you will have to deal with some major projects in the future, likely towards the end of the month. So, it is important that you spend the time now looking over your options and preparing yourself beforehand. Look through your network to see where you can gain potential financial support from or make sure that your loans are repaid so you are in good standing if you need to take out future loans. This is the run up to a very positive financial period, so do all you can to make sure all your bases are covered.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 20th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Ivy Green

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Ace of Cups
Mercury’s retrograde from the 2nd onwards will affect many Scorpios, especially when it comes to their career. The Ace of Cups signals that this can be a stressful time as you are trying to embark on something new, but find yourself being constantly pulled back to older projects due to delays or sudden issues. The Ace of Cups suggests that things will eventually work themselves out, but only if you don’t let yourself get swept up with your frustrations. It is a good time to be more meticulous and double check both your work and that of your subordinates. Catching issues before they become actual problems can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.
The Ace of Cups is pulling your emotions and time towards your career for the first half of the month, but there are issues and matters in your household and family life that will take up your attention in the second half of April. This is not necessarily a bad thing though, as most of the issues will be par for the course of raising and caring for a family. There will be new milestones for you to hit and people for you to guide along. Single Scorpios may start a new relationship this month, though the Ace of Cups signals it may come from the nostalgia of an old flame. Enjoy this month and try to take things easier when you are off work.
The Ace of Cups stirs some restlessness in Scorpios this month. Those who feel like they’re idling their time away or being too lethargic might want to consider adopting a new health routine or making changes to improve their current ones. Those with chronic illnesses or who are prone to falling under the weather might want to take more precaution. Avoid damp or dirty places and ensure that you get enough rest. Most importantly, do not hold onto any stress that might weigh you down and decrease your productivity and overall wellbeing.
Money continues to take a backseat to other areas of your life this month, but the Ace of Cups assures you that you will not be left wanting. Your overall income from your career or financial projects will be enough to sustain you as long as you keep your expenses normal. There is the chance for some windfall closer to the end of the month, so look forward to it. If you have any extra earnings this month, it is a good idea to add it to your savings for future rainy days.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 9th, 15th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Baby Blue

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Five of Cups
Mercury retrogrades from the 2nd of this month. Combined with the more subdued energy of the Five of Cups, Sagittarians may find themselves facing many obstacles this month as they try to expand or make progress in their careers and business. The normally energetic Sagittarians may find themselves bogged down by the slower pace of work, but you will need to learn to be patient and not rush ahead. Going fast can also mean making more careless mistakes so ensure that you are not rushing your work and are doing research into how you can move forward. Be flexible and balance your time wisely. If you feel you need to step away a while, then make sure you schedule in time for you to care for yourself.
A lot of your attention will be focused on your home and household life this month. The Five of Cups state that there could be a lot of matters that are not going according to plan, or that there are sudden changes that may stress you out during this period. The stars encourage you to take a breath and give yourself some time to process your feelings before you help others process theirs. Not everything is willing to be honest, but it may not be out of malice, so pay attention to those around you and offer a listening ear or helping hand when you think they might need it. The smallest gesture can go the longest way.
Despite the many issues that call for your attention this month, the stars have blessed you with the energy and wit to tackle all obstacles in your way. However, the Five of Cups still cautions you to be careful with your mental and emotional health as it can be easy to let your emotions get the better of you this month. Avoid getting involved in any gossip trains or rumor mills so that you have more ease of mind. Sometimes a little ignorance is bliss. However, still remember to put your best foot forward and keep a positive and friendly attitude to those around you. A little confidence will go a long way for your overall wellbeing.
The Five of Cups cautions you to be ready for some higher expenses this month. Some of your financial projects may not pan out the way you want and you will find yourself spending money to learn valuable lessons. It can be difficult to predict your overall finances this month, but the Five of Cups assures you that you will always have some savings to keep you afloat, even if the situation looks bad at first glance. Be thrifty and tackle issues with good judgement, but also don’t beat yourself up too badly if things don’t go as planned. The tide will turn in your favor come future months.
Lucky Dates: 5th, 11th, 20th, 25th
Lucky Colour: Professional Black

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Page of Wands
Mercury’s retrograde from the 2nd of this month can throw a wrench and some added delays into Capricorn’s well thought out career plans. However, the Page of Wands promises that there are still opportunities to make progress or move forward. Many Capricorns may be in the midst of negotiations or working on projects and deals with their networking partners. However, you may also find yourself busy with more personal issues. Avoid trying to split yourself in two and instead, assign your time accordingly. Take what time you need to settle issues in your personal life before you come back to work with all your energy and wit intact. Things will move a bit slowly this month, but be patient, you are on the right path.
The fiery Page of Pentacles promises that there will be plenty in your personal and social life that will keep you busy and occupied thorough out this month. There are any different household matters that you have to attend to or plans you have to make if you’re going on any trips this month. Those with families may be busy having to guide those around them as well, which will be both a source of joy and sometimes frustration. This is normal for the course of things. Whatever conflicts you run into, try to keep your cool and work through issues systematically. Keeping open lines of communication will help stop misunderstandings from happening this month.
Your health will take a bit of a dip this month. The Page of Wands burns bright, but it can be short lived bursts of energy that see you through this month. Don’t feel bad as this is a busier month than usual and it is normal to feel burnt out after handling the different situations and conflicts that crop up this month. Don’t be afraid to take some time off and prioritize your own health and mental wellbeing. Don’t be afraid to delegate your tasks to others and share the responsibility so that you are not too stressed this month.
Compared to the other areas of your life this month, your finances are relatively relaxed. There is not much in the cards for your finances overall, but this will be a good thing as there are more important issues that you need to focus on. Both your income and expenses are expected to be predictable, so make sure you plan ahead using the knowledge that you have. Much of your finances will likely be geared towards helping your family grow and pursue new heights. Enjoy this period of financial stability while you sort through your career and personal life.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 18th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Saffron Blue

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles indicates that you may be hitting the first few road bumps of projects that you may have started last month. Many Aquarians may feel like they’re up against a brick wall and not making any progress, but slow and steady wins the race before all else. Be patient and remember to be meticulous when it comes to your work. A careless mistake can set you back and cause more frustration in the long run, so ensure you double check all your work and get a second opinion if necessary. As long as you keep this in mind, you will see some good progress throughout this month.
Your home and personal life is relatively stable and positive this month, though there may be administrative issues that you and your family might have to deal with. This can be tied to either your household or different milestones that your loved ones are reaching. There will be a lot of discussion with your partner or family, but they will mostly be positive as long as you are patient and steadfast. The Five of Pentacles indicates that Aquarians may spark up some new friendships or relationships this month, but they may not lead to anything meaningful in the end. Approach all things with caution and enjoy it for what it is. Temper your expectations until you can confirm anything.
The stars bless you with plenty of energy to tackle the different problems or issues that you may face this month, however, the Five of Pentacles cautions you about overexerting your strength. Pushing your limits too far can result in fast burn out, so it is better not to bite off more than you can chew. Take your time with things and take breaks where you can. Avoid letting your temper get the better of you and learn to remain flexible and go with the flow of things. It will be much easier on your overall health if you keep this in mind.
Your finances are relatively stable this month, with a predictable income and expenditure level. There may also be some small bonuses that come your way throughout the month, as many of your previous investments may be starting to come to fruition. Keep your expenses low this month to make the most of it and remember to put aside any extra for future rainy days. Don’t be afraid though, to pamper yourself or your loved ones a little this month. Enjoy this fruitful and successful period.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 9th, 20th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Honey Yellow

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Two of Swords
The less stable energy of the Two of Swords combined with Mercury’s retrograde on the 2nd of this month means that Pisceans will have to take more caution when it comes to their work and career. This may mean being firmer or being stricter when it comes to following the guidelines or rules that have been set in place. Things will still move forward, but you must apply this caution to avoid running into any hiccups or unexpected delays. New opportunities may open up this month, but they may not always lead you down the expected path. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you must think carefully before making any decisions.
The Two of Swords indicates that you have managed to achieve a delicate, but stable balance in your household. The stars recommend you deal with any issues or conflicts in the family quickly to preserve this peace, but remember to fully hear out the concerns that anyone may have. Do not be too quick to dismiss an issue for sake of dismissing it. Many Pisceans may be planning something major for themselves, but it is a good idea to discuss plans with your family before you follow through. Research through your options carefully and only consider acting after this month, once Mercury’s retrograde is over on the 25th.
This month, Pisceans are healthy overall, but the Two of Swords indicates that even the slightest thing might tip the scales so be careful. Burnout will be the biggest thing that you have to worry about this month, so ensure that you are not overextending your energy. Make sure that you’re taking regular breaks and prioritizing your health by getting enough rest. This is a good time to reflect on your health routines and make sure that you are following them. While you’re still healthy and in good spirits now, remember to never take your own good health for granted.
Your income will likely be higher this month, however, your expenses may also increase. This will mostly be related to your personal life, but you must also be cautious of careless financial decisions. Mercury retrogrades from the 2nd of this month onwards, and can put quite a bit of pressure on your finances if you are not careful with your investments or business dealings. Avoid getting into contracts that sound too good to be true, without doing proper research on them first. Those in the financial sector might want an extra pair of eyes to help them while they’re dealing with other people’s finance as well. Be careful this month, and nothing too serious will befall you.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 10th, 20th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue