Aquarius – 20 Jan to 18 Feb
Tarot Card - Queen of Cups
Career is now more important than it has been and Aquarians have more freedom to focus on it. They need to remember that attention is energy, and energy brings success. Pluto has been in a stressfully aspected lately, and now it starts to get harmonious aspects. Aquarians need to make the most of this aspect in benefit of their career goals.
Love is active, but highly unstable. This is happening for the past few years, so it is not a new thing for Aquarians. There will be many romantic opportunities and socializing this month. Mars is in Aquarius’ 7th House from the 13th onwards and brings power struggle in a relationship. That will be a test and if the relationship survives it, it will live.
Aquarians should pay attention to their heart, stomach and breasts. The Moon of July the 6th is going to clarify their health and will bring changes into their health regime. Their health is generally good, but rest is needed after July the 23rd. It would great if they take days off for a vacation.
Financial disagreements will cause some problems to the general life of Aquarians. They need to balance it all. There may be some delayed earnings but these representatives should try and avoid over thinking and stressing over it, because everything will be well in the end.
Job-seekers will have good aspects all month.