Taurus – 21 Apr to 20 May
Tarot Card - Ace of Wands
Most of the planets are below the Horizon and Taurus’ 4th House of Home and Family is much stronger than their 10th House of Career. Both of their Career Planets are still retrograde, causing Taruians to stay at home more and focus on their family life. Stars advise building strong goals, and methods for the future success, rather than fighting a war against the world (or in this case with the co-workers, bosses and authorities). Be calm, career is on hold, but this too shall pass.
Communication is the key to every good relationship. Stars advise Taurians to talk to their partners even if it means opening closed cases. July 5th and 6th are great days for romance and then Taurians will see how things actually worked out between them and their partners and again thanks to talking to them. Taurians need to be open with their feelings; it can work for the intimacy of the relationship.
Saturn is in a stressful aspect so health needs attention. Don’t waste physical energy; listen to your body and let it rest. With Mars in Taurus, it would seem impossible for Taurians to sit and relax, but they must if they want to keep their energy levels high. Their heart, stomach and breasts will require attention, even a doctor’s check. Healthy diet may turn out to be a problem for some Taurians, they need to make sure to eat the right food.
Mars has an incredibly dynamic transit from 15-21st of July: it opposes Uranus and squares Pluto. Taurians need to stay clear of confrontations or risky pursuits. They are not advised to spend too much and this is high time for them to start saving money.