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Capricorn - July 2017 Astro Tarot Forecast

Renaye Chan

Capricorn – 21 Dec to 19 Jan

Tarot Card - King of Swords


Finally, Capricorns can put away their family and domestic issues and focus on their career. For a Capricorn it is joy to focus and work on their career so this is generally a good period for them. It is not their yearly career peek, but it start going towards that.


Love is happy and active. Singles will have good opportunities for a quality person after their own hearts. Problems in love come from having too much of attention, arguments, free time and what not. This is an issue just as Capricorn’s social life– they will have too many invitations, too many friends and too many parties to go and in the end it will drive them crazy. Their partners might not be so happy with all their activities. Slow down!


Health and vitality are better after July the 13rd, and in meantime Capricorns should rest and relax more. Health problems have roots in social disharmony and all problems in this area should be cleared. After the 21st, health will be improved from detox regimes. Weight-loss should be considered this July.


Finances are reasonable and will be good till the 24th; afterwards they won’t be bad, but won’t be better like before that date. Debt or re-payment of debt may stress Capricorns out. After July the 25th, they need work to reduce financial wastes.

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