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Scorpio - July 2017 Astro Tarot Forecast

Scorpio – 23 Oct to 22 Nov

Tarot Card - The Strength


Scorpio’s 10th House is very strong this month (half of the planets will reside in this house or are moving through it) and Scorpios will enter their yearly career peak. This is the time for great progress. Career seems to be the centre of Scorpio’s focus. Even their love life is involved in their career. With Saturn moving into Scorpio’s Career House, many representatives of the sign will be promoted.


Singles will be looking for partners who can help them with their business ambitions. Some of them will be enjoy partying with older friends or family members and on these social gatherings they may find a possible love interest. Some Scorpios may find their bosses attractive, or even start a romantic relationship with them.


July brings time for vigorous physical exercise that will help Scorpios enhance their help. Scalp massages will be beneficial. Their neck will need more attention just as well their throat. Neck massages should also be practiced – yoga has some amazing easy workouts for these particular parts of the body.


Finances are good and will be better after July the 22nd. Scorpio’s Financial Planet, Jupiter, is going forward all month, just as many financial deals do. Financial intuition is the most important thing now and needs not to be looked upon. Scorpios are advised to be smart and thoughtful when comes to money, investment and spending.

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